It’s Episode 2, and I’m making Irish Oat Cookies at, still not an Air B&B, but at least it is not my own kitchen. We’re quarantining with the parents.
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It’s like a cooking demo, but without the luxury of being a chef, or familiarity with the kitchen, and many of the necessary ingredients or cooking utensils. It is an adventure in cooking and it is cooking while on an adventure. Generally I know how to cook, but that doesn’t mean that the process goes smoothly.
Music by: Jeff Halpin Jr.
Here is what I made! Definitely follow these instructions instead:
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I got this long stage right this isagain not my Airbnb this is just myparents house they’re everywhere andstressing me out dad you know that’sfine I’ll just have some backgroundmusics chaos everybody’s home we’re alldoing our best boyyeah I did cuz I’m making a video cutthe music going really loud it’s fineit’s fine I’ve got my sound here yes I’mdoing it’s called cooking in my Airbnbyeah sure that’s fine all right we’regoing to make Irish oat cookies at therequest of my mom as usual I’ve nevermade it before I don’t know where wekeep the flour or anything prep time 15minutes total time 30 minutes breeze theoven to 350 place butter and brown sugarin large mixing bowl two sticks in herethen we need brown sugar 3/4 cup drinkcoffee like I’m on the Great BritishBake Off best part about 3/4[Music][Music][Music][Music]but ERmix the egg yolks inegg yolks oh you know that’s okay oneegg yo so loud in here oh no I did thatI did that on purpose cuz i with eggyolks in there and then i need youokay combined scrape bottom of sideswith bowl with silicon spatula one and ahalf cups then add flour baking soda andsalt[Music]yes right rightyes 1/2 teaspoon baking soda teaspoonteaspoon 1/2 1/2 generous sure 1/2teaspoon oh it is kosher is that ituntil just barely combined could youprepare the bakingI think that’s it so we’re not gonna usethe egg yolksparchment paper on these baking sheetsunprepared baking sheets what does thatmeanyou know I think it means put parchmenton there it’s too big[Music][Music]this is probably not good cookieetiquette 14 to 16 minutes[Music]20 seconds left YUM it’s very short it’scookies[Music]here are the cookies they’ve come out ofthe oven they’re beautiful I’m not gonnaeat one for you because they’re reallyhot I’ll do another video probablytomorrow girl has no game and I’ll tellyou how they are at the beginning ofthat when we do that we’ll do that andthat’ll be thatoh my god tiptoeing away alright that’sthe end signing offcuz I gotta get my free of the kitchenso that my dad can make some burgersokay I think we got itI think we got that[Music][Music]