Decided to do something new and try a bake with me video AND a q&a video in one! A double whammy, if you will. Feeding two birds with one hand, as some may say. I sure do hope that you enjoy, and would appreciate your feedback! If this video is well received I might make this a monthly thing? Maybe do some cooking videos as well since baking is not really my forte ?? Weeee!
Recipe I Used:
S O C I A L M E D I A ! 🌿
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Twitter: @angelinanicolll
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]why hello welcome home welcome to mykitchen I still need to do a home tourso I’m trying not to give too much ofthis away also I’m gonna close my windowbecause it is very loud so I’m superexcited I actually already filmed one ofthese videos like last week and Irealized that for one I was like my backwas turned to the camera like the entiretime because my kitchen is very smalland I didn’t know where to put my cameraand um I also just didn’t talk the wholevideo because I was so focused on what Iwas doing and I had never made what Iwas making before so I decided that forthis video I need to make something thatI love and I’ve made before so it’s notlike me figuring it out figure out whereI put my camera so we are we are good togo I also decided that I’m gonna do aQ&A like answer questions while I bakeso I think that that will be fun toojust because watching me big things Idon’t think will be that interestingmaybe it will I don’t know so I do havesome questions to answer but before Iget into that I have to let you knowwhat we are baking so we are makingmonkey bread and let me just tell youthis stuff is probably the worst thingyou could ever put in your body but it’ssoaked it’s so good like oh my gosh it’sinsane I’m probably gonna eat all of itum literally the ingredients actuallyneed to look up I like know the gist ofthe recipe but just in case I’m gonnalook up so that this doesn’t turn into adisaster like last night so it’s calledmonkey bread it’s basically like abiscuity cinnamony thing you need abundt cake pan and you need two thingsof biscuits so I’m obviously makingvegan monkey bread so I’m using theAnnie’s flaky biscuits which are veganoh I need sugar and brown sugar see theonly problem with this is I couldn’tfind brown sugar because all the bakingthings are gone right now so I’m usingcoconut sugar so I’m hoping that that’sokay you need butter and then it saysthe raisins or walnuts if desired butthat people who put nuts on theirdesserts like why do you want to ruinsomething that’s just so naturallybeautiful and perfect by putting grosscrunchy nuts on itoh and of course you need cinnamon I amgoing to get more sugar because I didn’trealize I needed two types so that flourI hate being short sometime hey should Istand on the countershould I get a stool oh good oh okaythat don’t tell my roommateI just put my feet on the counter so Ihave regular sugar coconut sugar whichis in lieu of the brown sugar and whatare we going to do heat oven to 350 okayso while that’s happening I will answera question okay so the first question doI still talk to any of my old friendsfrom high school what friends no butreally I have two friends from highschool who are my friends in high schoolthat I still talk to you yeah two ofthem and I was friends with them freehigh school I was friends with one ofthem since like elementary school andthen I was friends with one of them inmiddle school and then also high schoolso that’s it and those are pretty muchthe only friends that I had in highschool anywaysso okay so that was a question that Ianswered let’s move on a fluted tube panI’ve never heard someone call a bundtcake pan a flute to pan but apparentlythis is a fluted to pan it says generalgeneral general gender rustley greaseyes I don’t have cooking spray so I’mgoing to do the light butter away thatpeople do with the paper towel just whatI pretty much do every time I bake nowokay this is like the moststraightforward recipe ever so likeanyone can do it so I’m using veganbutter and I’m just going to heavilygreaseI really need to get some cooking spraythere’s just you know when you move outyou’ve realized how many like actuallylittle things that are just like alwayssupposed to be in your kitchen like soysauce salt pepper most other seasoningslike oils for cooking all the littlelike foil cling wrap parchment paperliterally all these things especially ifyou like to cook I mean I feel like alot of people probably wouldn’t needthose things if they like cook or bakebut you just come to realize thatthere’s like you need ketchup andmustard to constantly in your fridge youneed like all those other things and youjust can’t run out you always gotta geta replacement before you’re out or elselike your life is just over okay I hopesidered heavily greasedI really don’t I’m gonna answer anotherquestion okay so someone asked have youever been in a toxic romanticrelationship how did you get out of itI’ve never been in like I guess I’vebeen in like an unhealthy relationshipwhere it was just like the the guy wasdefinitely kind of very clingy andalmost at the point where I wascontrolling but like it wasn’t I don’tknow okay I was in high school it wasjust like probably not the bestrelationship and I got out of it bybreaking up and never talking to himagain so that was fun okay next in onelarge gallon plastic food-storage bagmiss mix granulated sugar and cinnamonoh rightyou also need a baggie so we need thegranulated sugar and the cinnamon thisis what’s going to coat it so we need1/2 cup of granulated sugar also likepopping the tins of biscuits is probablyone of the most terrifying things everjust Danny over here because I’mstarting to spill popping it in and thena teaspoon of salmon so this is Ialready said that wow there’s a littlebit more than a teaspoon but a littlebit extra cinnamon never hurt anyoneexcept for the people that did thecinnamon job and thenthey probably almost died I’m just gonnasmell so good already I used to alwayshave like cinnamon toast when I wasyounger so my mama just like butterpieces of bread I think this is a thingI’m sure a lot of you guys had it andthen like sprinkle cinnamon and sugarover the top so good such a classic okayseparate dough into 16 biscuits so thisis my least favorite part I hate it sovery muchokay I’m gonna answer another questionagain this is kind of like hard I’m notvery good at multitaskingit’s why I hate sixty-nining okay so ifsomeone asks do you leave turtle out allday turtle is my rabbit in case youdidn’t know and he lives in my room Ijust got him neutered two days ago whichhelps with okay someone said doesn’t hepoop on the floor that was basically whyI got him neutered he pees in his litterbox so he’s very good about only payingin his litter boxum but he would just kind of like poopeverywhere and the thing about rabbit isit’s just like they’re not like wet it’snot like dog poop it doesn’t really likesmell unless there’s a lot of it I don’tknow like deer or you know like thelittle round pellets I can literallyjust like pick them up and put in aminute’s litter box um but that’s why Igot neutered and like it’s been two daysand so far he hasn’t really pooped onthe floor at all he had like one or twolittle poops here and there but that’sjust like kind of normal I think oh Ithink that’s just normal because like Idon’t know if they can fully likecontrol when they come out they justkind of like pop out so there’s thatokay so someone said thoughts on hermodal conception oh I need a platethoughts on hormonal conception so ohwait they meant contraception no theywrote contraceptionI said conception my bad okay I had tostop because my roommate came home but Ijust went ahead and did this thing ofbiscuits so I basically cut them intofourths I’m gonna do it with other onesso you can actually see and I’m going toput them in the baggie with the cinnamonand sugar okay so anyways about hormonalcontraception I don’t know why I wastaking me too long to thought about itso I have been like on and off the birthcontrol pillsince I was 16 when I had like my firstreal relationship and like actuallystarted becoming sexually active I wenton the pill and I’ve done research onlike other methods but I think justbecause that’s what I’ve always[Music]that’s what I’ve always used I’m kind ofafraid to like do something else with mybody and like I’m not a doctor and Iknow that there’s like you know pros andcons of birth control about the end ofthe day I don’t want to get pregnant orhave a child any time soon one day yesbut not right nowand condom is really suck sorry but Iread them and so does everyone elseinvolved so yeah and also I’ve talkedabout this before my channel but I gethormonal acne and I used to have itreally bad when I went off the pill andjust changing up going on and off allthe time hasn’t really done my skin anyfavors and my skin is finally clearthanks to the pill and also a veryamazing skincare routine that I willshare with you in a video coming up soonso there is like definitely a fear thatif I do go off with it my skin will gobad we’ll go back to being a badhormonal acne is definitely reallyannoying and hard to manage and preventso there’s that but honestly I thinkthat it’s fine like I don’t really haveany other bad side effects from the pillthat I’ve noticed my periods aren’treally anything crazy or anything soyeah I don’t really have an opinion I’mnot a doctorokay so someone said starting to date inmy early 20s any advice about dating andconfidence man I I’ve been in quite afew relationships and they always kindof happen when I least expect them orwhen I just don’t want like I’m neverlooking for a relationship I’m alwayslike I’m gonna be single forever andthen suddenly I meet somebody and I wantto be with them so I would say withconfidence in terms of confidence that’sobviously a very good trait to have andI’ve you know I have a lot of friendswho are on dating apps and kind of likestruggle with meeting guys that don’tsuck um and it can definitely be hardI’ve definitely been lucky and most guysI’ve ever like dated have been reallygreat upstanding menit’s really loud yeah I would just saylike no your standards and worth andwhat you were looking for like basicallylay out what you want in a relationshipand like try to visualize what you lookfor in a partner how you want therelationship to be and kind of like howyou are and how you deal with conflictsand like what you would want like youwant your partner to be reallyunderstanding or do you want yourpartner to kind of like challenge yourpoint of view in a way or like do youyou know what I mean just like all ofthe different things are definitelythings that you want to look for I thinkand yeah like have fun with it too Ithink dating can be really fun and it’sa good experience it’s definitely a goodlearning experience like even therelationships that I’ve been in that Ihaven’t enjoyed as much they stilltaught me a lot so there’s always thatoh okayso we are going to put them in here Imean I guess I’m just like and then itstarts to pour the remaining sugar overbecause we don’t have enough okaysomeone said asked for my Sun Moon andrising sign so I am a Sagittarius Sun aVirgo moon and a Gemini rising sosomeone asked how did you heal yourrelationship with food you seemed to eatso balanced now and all around you’reglowingthank you so much I’m really glad thatsomeone noticed that because sometimes Iget people who are like you’re noteating enough and I mean obviously onthe internet everyone always thinks thattheir nutritionist and wants to tell youwhat to do and I came from a past of Imean I I did I was calorie restrictinglike a long time ago but once I foundveganism I was like almost just stuffingmyself and eating to the point whereit’s like I felt like I had to eat allthis food I had to eat like 4,000calories a day which is obviously aneating disorder in itself but it’s notlike your typical one where you’restarving yourself it was like carbloading and just like eating until Ifelt like I was gonna throw up and Icame from that and I had to remindmyself that like it’s okay to not finisheverything on your plate and it’s okayto eat and not be in pain after like tojust eat and be satisfied and be likeokay I’m I’m not hungry anymore I ateand I’m full and I am NOT like gorgingmyself on food I feel good I’m notwaking up with a stomach ache or beingall bloated and I feel like it’s hardfor people when they hear that becausetheythat’s calorie restricting but it’s notI’m eating enough not too much not toolittle I’m eating enough for me I’m also5/3 and I’m like a pretty small personso you know like I don’t know if fast todo with it but I’ve just realized thatlike I don’t eat as much food that Iused to think that I did but not in abad way I’m not eating like I’m makingmonkey bread for goodness sakes oh andthe way that I came out of that was itjust it wasn’t sustainable what I wasdoing before the way that I was dietingyeah it just it wasn’t sustainable theway that I was eating because I didn’tfeel good and I was so concerned abouteating all the time and it wasn’thealthy so I just I I live a verybalanced life now in terms of diet andfitness I don’t I don’t beat myself upabout really anything anymore I’m makingmonkey bread I’m probably gonna havelike a big dinner tonight I don’t eatvery well yesterday hey I drinksometimes but then I also like runthroughout the week and I do workoutsand sometimes I’ll have so many bowlsand I’ll have salads and I just eatwhatever I want and I feel really goodabout it and it’s definitely a journeydepending on like where you come fromand your mindset and everything but Ithink that the less you worry about whatyou’re eatinghonestly obviously be like conscious ofwhat you’re eating but just the lessthat you worry about it and the less youlet it control your life for better so Ineed to mix the brown sugar coconutsugar and butter so how much of that doI need 3/4 of a cup of butter so that’sa lot of butter I really should buy thelike baking butter with little bars andthe measuring things but I just never dothat I don’t think I bake enough to dothatalas here we are also I don’t know whybut I have like involuntarily I guess orlike more like subconsciously beenwearing green and like buying thingsthat are greenwe just strange he’s like my favoritecolor is beige now all of a sudden I’mlike wearing I’m literally wearing anall green outfit right now do you seethis someone said what’s the biggestlesson you learned in this quarantine Ihonestly think it’s just to like reallyenjoy the little things cuz I justremember like what am I trying to do Ijust remember going for this drive andyou know just like going for a walk inyour neighborhood now it’s like thehighlight of your day andnormally wouldn’t and I think it’s likereminding us all to slow down and Iremember like going for this drive bythe beach and I had the window down andI was like everything’s so beautiful andI just never noticed before because Iwas just too busy with life and it justmade me appreciate like nature so muchespecially when they like closed downall the hikes and camping I was likelosing my mind so it made me realizelike how much I just really appreciatethe little things and also I think for alot of couples and made them realizemaybe they’re not meant to be togetherbut for me I think it’s like reallysolidified my relationship with Jameswe’ve been spending so much more timetogether and we honestly get alongreally well and I feel like we’ve beenreally good at just like communicatingand like giving each other our own spaceI think it’s been a good thing in a lotof waysI’m also 100% done with it and want tobe over though I melted at the butterand I have the cup of coconut sugar soI’m just gonna mix those together nothappy about desserts are not meant to behealthy and I honestly hate healthydesserts I hate like a no sugargluten-free like nut raw whatever I’mjust like if I wanna eat a dessert Iwant a real dessert I don’t want thislike you know what I meanokay I think maybe I’m gonna heat thisup again just in case okay so someoneasked how do you stay determined andfocused while also staying healthyduring quarantine and my answer to thatis that I am literally just likeeveryone else I feel like maybe whateverit looks like on the internet like I’mbeing like productive and super busy allthe time it’s like no I’m definitely notthere are days where I’m productive butthere are other days where I amliterally just laying in bed and I feelreally bad about it but it’s okay tojust chill it’s nice to just relax andnot put all this pressure on yourselfand yeah i’m i have been trying to youknow like remind myself that this timelike the best way to use this time rightnow is she like maybe learn some of thethings that i’ve always wanted to andlike I could take this time like use itto my advantage because when are elseelse are we going to like you know havethisbasically time again to just kind oflike do nothing but also you can learnnew things I think that made sense I’mjust like speaking out of my buttholeyeah I just want you guys to know that Iam NOT just like crazy productive andfocus in fact I am really behind on somany things because I haven’t been verygood at being focused at all so just areminder I’m a human beingfinally I am done with the monkey breadbut it needs to on the oven now it justsmells like a heart attack I will seeyou guys in 30 to 40 minutes okayso um we have some smoke going I had tolike open the window and turn on the fanbecause it’s oh it’s like the pants toosmall so it’s all overflowing Iliterally had to take one of the piecesout so um I think it’ll be fine so thatwas a little disastrous because this panwas way too small which I kind ofthought when I got it that it would be alittle bit small but some of themstarted to fly out and it was leaking inthe oven and the oven was like smokingso next time I will use bigger pan butI’m very excited it smells and looksamazing I’m so glad the fire alarms andoh okay we have a crispy piece righthere just look at the OE gooey crispyflaky sugary is not the best way tostart the day butyou guys you don’t understmy mom you really just don’t understandhow he that says ten out of ten hundredout of a hundred would recommend therecipe that I use down below but it’snot a vegan recipe I just made it mediumI mean like the butter they used veganbutter and that’s pretty much itwhen zoomies so hard not eat that entirething show you the final product itexploded but it’s fine it’s still trueno I would say other than my oven almostexploding in my house almost runningdown I did a great job thank you guys somuch for watching let me know if youliked the kind of Q&A bake with me typething I would be really curious becauseI feel like I’ve never really done avideo like this before yes thank you somuch for watching and let me know if youtry this recipe or if you’ve made monkeybread before and how amazing it is Iwill see you guys in the next one bye[Music]