I will show you an easy way to make bread/muffin/cake from ripe banana and chocolate chips.
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everybody today I will tell youhow to make banana bread / banana breadmuffins in my kitchen so here are theingredients here are the ingredients soyou need all-purpose baking flour andyou need some chocolate chips only ifyou want some you need some salt vanillaextract you need baking powder you needsome bananas three bananas minimum youneed two large eggs one fork you needmelted butter one bowl of sugar and somebaking soda you also need a so firstlywe have to mash these bananas so I’vejust mastered their bananas as you cansee so now you have to add one cup ofsugar some melted butter and some largeeggs so I’m adding the sugar and II andI added the melted butter now we justgot the eggs in and I’m gonna mix itwould be electric beaterso I’ve already added the baking sodanow I putting in baking powder andbaking start salt so okay now I’m goingto put some vanilla extractnow I’m going to add two cups ofall-purpose flouroh okay now I’m going to mix itnow I’m hiding some chocolate chips nowI’m going to mix the chocolate chips soI am now going to spray this can withthis spray i greased this very well fromall of the sides and also if you do notwant to make bread you could make somemuffins I am just put half in this trayand I am going to put this in the ovenfor 30 minutes on 350 degrees so it’sbeen 25 minutes so now it’s time tocheck if it’s done so it’s been 30minutes and now let’s see if it’s fullycooked but as you can see is the colordark brown so that means oh that waschocolate but I’ll check againthere as you can see there is no liquidon here that means it is fully cookedokay so now I the cake is fully donebaking and now I’m just waiting for itto cool down and then I’ll have a sliceso now I am going to cut the cake andthen I’m gonna have a slice if you haveany questions leave them down in thecomments down belowI have cutted okay here goes nothing[Music]I’m good so hope you enjoyed this videoand please like and subscribe and I’llsee you in the next video