Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys back to my channel if they’regonna be I’m gonna be so darling youhaven’t your own little world pleasebitch you Tuesday Thursday Friday andSunday and yeah so without further adolet’s get straight on into the video heyguys so today’s video we’re gonna bemaking some sugar cookies yes yes we arewe’re gonna make some sugar cookiebecause we have nothing else to do whenwe’re bored and I’m poorborn in the house and there haha and shealso needs a video for today so yeah[Music]today so we say why notcookies that’s right so stay tuned ifyou want to see a can update and yeahthe can update will be at the end of thevideo so from now on okay and updatesare gonna be at the end of the video notbefore the video so yeah so we’re goingto be making some cookie stay alrightguys so we have all our ingredientsright here so first we will need ourbatter first so let’s add into the bowlwe’re gonna do all of it yeah it smellsreally goodOh everywhere all right so now we needbutter lamp things making know atablespoon to a tablespoon okay alrightso we put our um eight tablespoons ofbutter and now we need one egg yes weare following the directions so why doesthis have a leaf on it oh that’s ashrubbery leaf we’re gonna get a spoonand we’re just gonna mix seed a mixiemakes me so will be nothing we’re donemixing alright guys so we have made thelittle um batter and now we’re going toput some butter on the pan because wedon’t want we don’t have and we don’twant the cookie system yes I know we’regonna check this and just spread as muchas you can so I can preheatoh hey you like my diamonds man allright so we’re putting some butter onthe pan I just turned on the oven tellthem how much it has to be in there sowe mean we says bake 10 to 12 minutes oruntil cookies are light golden brown letcool on baking sheet for one minutebefore transferring to cooling rackmakes 36 cookies or 18 serving servingsdo not eat raw butter oh so we ate ityeah but it was good I don’t think youdo any harm I know you like my diamondsin my pearls oh no I’m gonna getcopyrighted stop what it’s girl alwaysbe wiping stuff on me like I’m like I’mgonna start doing that to youI’m gonna wipe stuff on you see how youlike itall righty so now we have our littlebatter on here bad good hi butter butterbutter butterplease all right well we got this butterwe’re going to have this much oh shootthis milk batter throw one tricky oneand two cups or looks about right yeahthat’s about right yeah okay stomach soit looks tempting so no girl that’sabout don’t we girl no back off we needto move it this way so it will not go tothe others makes you poop bags all rightwe’re gonna see how much is this likemakes how much should be like enough forus so like if it like it can be likefour I mean I’m not gonna eat fourcookies I’m gonna eat a few what does itfeel to you one that’sinteresting a few is like two or morebut I’m gonna eat like oneyou’re gonna eat like four no yeah youare no yes I’m probably gonna like three- yeah my dog always gets in my videosgetting yellow she’s hungrywe keep singing that song and it’s gonnaget us all right guys now that our ovenis ready and we have our cookies downthe dough so now we’re going to head inand put these cookies inside the ovenand we’re gonna let them cook for about10 to 12 minutes we’re gonna set theline we call the cookies are I can’t seethem open itlooking good they all squished togetherwhoa it was somebody’s idea to make areally big omelet it was 24 per serviceright no it was not you don’t know itwas 34 it was exactly right and 18servings 3/4 you could have just madethem like little 80 hey guys so thecookies are done we just got the littlealarm so now we’re gonna take them outall right guys so now something happenedthey all stuck together kindness so nowI’m just letting them up they are softI’ll tell you guys that they are soft sothese are still eatable it’s just shemade them kind of big like when sheplaced them on there she made them kindof big so yeah so another like stucktogether but it’s fine I mean it’s okaythey’re still eatable course I’m gonnaeat them cause now we’re gonna let themcool down and we’ll catch you guys guysnow we have put them in the freezer andnow they’re gonna cool down before tenminutes probably and then we’ll catchyou guys so we can chase test themalright guys so it is sick somethingabout 6:57 umm right here 6:57 it’sbackwards but so we let these cool downfor a while so we’re going to see thesemight crumble Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoewe’re trying to grab these but I’m gonnago get something so we can scrape it offbecause we needed it with parchmentpaper yeah Zoe’s alright guys so we gotsome crumbs off I was right you knowlet me try it see if it’s good couldhave more taste ones like that it’s notthat bad thoughstop she’s being retarded she’s movingeverything the bus the bowl okay anywaythe cookies are pretty good could usemore flavor but I mean nothing wrongthere’s still good yeah so I’ll see youguys in this video bye alright guys soum you have reach to the end of thisvideo if you have please make sure tolike this video so I can know andprobably shout you out and becauseyou’re a real one if you stayed tillthis long this product video but yeahnow what’s the kitten update sobasically if you didn’t know in my lastvideo I showed you guys this little babykitten that I rescued from inside a carshe is the sweetest little cute babyever she is drinking milk she’s aboutthree weeks old she is really cute I’mkeeping I might keep her and um theblack one I’m not sure yet so this isthe black and white one this is howshe’s doing she’s getting biggereveryday she’s doing really good she’sreally healthy she’s hungry right nowI’m about to feed them so um if you guysdidn’t know you guys don’t know yetI got another kitten I saved this one Iwas trying to get the two last ones thatwere in the litter the two last onesthey would not let me get themwhatsoever so um I was able to save thisone but there’s one last kitten thatI’ve been trying to get for the pastcouple of days and it will not let meget them but this one is doing goodshe’s a little bit hissing at me she shehisses at me but she’s doing really goodshe’s one of the first ones that wasborn because she’s really child beingfat but now this is the black one thefirst one that I took but the first onethat I rescued she’s getting bigger andbigger by the day um and she’s reallycute I’m keeping her definitely and Imight keep one of the black and whiteones or the ginger one I still don’thave any names for the ginger one orthis one so let me know comment downbelow some names and if it doesn’t letyou comment for some reason go on mychick talk and comment some names or onmy Instagram um but yeah now I have fourkittens I’m going to give away this onesoon once it’s open up once it’s twomonths old I will be giving this oneaway I think it would just be better ina different family there’s one stopdoing that she’s she’s moving the cameraon purpose I’m sorryand then there’s one last kitten stillin the litter so this one if you don’tknow this one is not from the samelitter as these three these three arefrom the same litter same mom thesethree are from the same mom there’s onemore that’s from the same exact mom forthem but there’s one still from the samemom but it will not let me get it I’vebeen trying for the past couple of daysthis one was not from the same mom thisis from a different momaround the neighborhood she was stuck inthe car and I saved her well I will keeptrying to guess the other kittensanother kitten um from the the last camefrom the litter their sister but yeahthat’s gonna conclude today’s video Ihope you guys enjoyed your real one ifyou stayed on to the end of this videobut yeah the kids are doing really goodand now I’m about to feed them so I’llsee you guys in the next video