hey y’all!!!! today i take on the mental anguish of running out of bread, followed by the empowering realization that i can make my own!!! hope y’all get a kick outta me scootin around my kitchen acting like i know what im doing
thank u so much for watchin *heart* *heart* *heart*
*bread recipe* – https://gatherforbread.com/easy-perfect-yeast-bread/
my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neonblinds_/?hl=en
my music: https://neonblinds.bandcamp.com/
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
that leg look at these legs[Music]hello everybody and welcome back toanother videothe topic of today’s video ismathematics and the important role thatit plays in our society today and beforewe get into that I’m feeling a littlebit hungry I think I might go makemyself a quick sandwich if you want tojoin me that would be just divine justlovely just divine and lovely so whydon’t you follow me into the kitchen wecan make a sandwich together before weget into mathematics the topic oftoday’s videomathematics why don’t we all go into thekitchen together all of us together comeon let’s go help me make a sandwichit’ll be so e it’ll be deliciousit’ll curb my hunger and I’ll be able totalk about mathematics and the role thatit plays in today’s society for hoursand hours and hours it’s too quitstalling let’s go kitchen now come onhere we goscooting into the kitchen you know whatyou love it and on a second here I’m outof bread I said why are you acting likethis is okay why are you acting likeeverything’s fine[Music]huh what was thatwho said thatyou guys heard that too right that waslike a sounded like a solution for myproblemwhoa whoa that’s enough sulking I haveto be strong and with your help I canmake myself bread make a sandwich[Music]so what you’ve doing me won’t you joinme on this journey you’ve seen me at myworst never see me at my best see methriving when I come back when I makebread when I complete a sandwich you sawme just now I was laying on the ground Iwas crying I was broken I was go tobread I was literally eating crumbstrying anything just to just to quenchmy insatiable lust for bread but itdoesn’t have to be that way we can makeour own bread let’s crush it baby therecipe for today is bread is brought toyou by the internet I can’t rememberwhat website it had hundreds of reviewsso they’re doing fine without my show Iimagine the shout out for me wouldn’teven be a blip on their radar this breadis gonna be better than any breadgetting tricky in the kitchen skaterdied they said come skate with me andlet’s make some bread together let’smake a delicious loaf you and me we’reshifting away from mathematics intoday’s society and now we’re going tomake a delicious loaflet’s get crackin easy yeast bread easybreezy yeast bread so I have all myingredients on the table as you can seeI have lots of flour there’s a tear inthe bag so if flour is pouring out upyou lating my entire living spacethere’s flour on every surface flour onmy feet flour on the counter flour inthe shower flour in the shower I’m goingto combine 1 tablespoon of yeast whenthem thank you ma’am tablespoon of salta heaping tablespoonsome sugar king cups of waterso what I’m learning with the yeast isthey can be a little bit temperamentalyou want to like put it in warm waterbut not too warm where else it won’twork I know you’re supposed to likemeasure the temperature of the water butI usually just kind of like guess what’sbest for you I know it’s best for youyeast you don’t know what but I know Ithink I might have actually like chosenthe correct temperature of water becausethe yeast is like pretty much fullydissolved in there I spoke too soonthere were some secret east to thebottom of the bowl yeast activate a goodchef samples his creation at every stagemmm yeast in salty what matters is thatit’s gonna make good bread done with youdone with you moving on the main eventthe all-purpose flour flour with so manypurposes tree what we got right now wehave a bowl of brown yeast water I’mgonna slowly albeit surely start addingin cups of flour 1 cup grab a whisk thewhisk of blends it better so we’redealing with herethat’s after 1 cup that’s after just onecup pretty cool right two cups I’mworking for the weekend weekend weekendweekend right now I’m working for theweekend right now to get crazy all rightWes cube overstayed your welcome get Benget bant whisk I don’t know why Iexpected a graceful goodbye from a whiskpretty soon I’m just gonna have to getin here with my hands I think thewebsite to say it was beacon ordifficulty that is enough out of you getin the bowl that’s what we’re dealingwith up number 4 of 6 it hands you withit I have no idea how this is gonna turnoh no it’s pretty goopy right now oh nomy camera’s dying what a time for mycamera to die right when Iat my goofiest we go get another camerabanner you sit tight sit tight rightthere I’ll be back before you know whatlast thing I want is you worrying aboutwhen I’ll be backwell it was changing the battery my momjust like casually texted me and told methat they got a new dog like casuallylike it’s NBD she’s just like look atour new dog no cute that little fella iswe’re mom I’m busy I’m making breadright now you keep up with all yourguys’s dogs like every 10 years you guysget a new dog I believe that was ohshoot I lost track here’s what we gotright now I’m gonna add a half a cup andyou see kind of where that puts us canalways add more flour to the bread butyou can’t take away flour that’s beenadded already ladies and gentleman RoadRory it’s time to eatI’m gonna add a little bit of olive oildidn’t say to I’m just going to cuz I’mjust crazy because I’m wild and free doit up it said to need it for like fiveminutes so might turn off the camera andjust need away it is need I need help Ineeded this for like eight minuteshonestly like looks pretty dang good sonow what we’re gonna do is we’re gonnalet this baby rise rise up to the skyrise right into the Sun cook it cook itin the Sun and send it back down toearth back down to me my alien bread I’mgonna shut up now let’s get greasy withit yeah oh yeah that’s grease are yougood bad what more do you need what moredo you needit looks like remember in runescape whenyou’d make dough that’s always what I’mstriving for like the little bowl ofdough that you get in runescape I’mgonna grab the wet towel and then we’regonna put it over there I’m gonna coverfor an hour gonna be an hour for me foryou guys it’s probably gonna be three tofour seconds then we’re gonna check inand see where it’s at good night littledough good night little dough what Ihope you sleep well know what they growup so fast one day is just a bowl offlour the next day it’s a rise in doughI’m so hungryI’ve been wanting a sandwich I want toeat a sandwich so that we can get totalking about math and its role intoday’s society that was the originalpoint of this video how did we get howdid we get here how did we get here andit clean in my kitchen and I want you toclean up your act when I’m done cleaningmy kitchen you better have your actcleaned up that’s right I’m calling youup see you later see you chumps in anhourit’s been an hour and a half it’s beenan hour and thirty minutes I’m actuallyreally hungry now so alright ladies andgentlemen remember what our dough lookedlike before take a look at this whoalook at that air bubble dude that roseso much so now what I’m supposed to dopunch it a bit like get all the airbubbles out of there now that the airbubbles are popping it sure is it’sstill pretty magnificent I don’t wanna Idon’t want to undersell it Wow now onceagain we need I have the oven preheatingfor destined for great things herehere’s how we’re gonna do this okay I’mgonna cut this beast in half the feelingof cutting into a fresh loaf you knowwhat I mean I’m purposefully drawingthis out long by the way I just likethink about like the feeling I’m doingthat it’s just so nice oh my god I’mexcited yes yes yes it’s like a littlehamster okay okay calm down tape calmdowneasy chill now we have two very veryhealthy and reasonable sized loaves I’mgonna grease a baking sheet I’m gonnaput these bad boys on there bad littleloads I don’t own parchment paper couldhave bought some but I did wish I ownedsome but I don’t am i making excuses yespretty much all my life I’m gonna dothis is an aesthetic thing I’m likepanicking I’m so excited look at thislook at these little lobes my God my Godmy God come on come over here there’sthe loaves we’ve been waiting beforethey look just like the loaves inrunescape that’s kind of what I’mcomparing everything to ready thenthat’s my only control that I have onbread making I’m definitely gonnadeliver one of these loaves to a friendof mine it’s time to get an action shotlook at these beautiful little guy mygoodness gracious all right what I’vegone and done is I’ve put a pan[Music]it was almost disastrous so we got a panunderneath with water in it and then wegot our loaves chillin right there 35minutes on the clock let’s see whatwe’re left with 35 minutes later let’shave a look let’s see the fruits of ourlabors here we go folksBAM Wow look at those beautiesthey look cooked but you never knowuntil you cut into it I’m gonna checkjust a second what can you say rightjeez crispy on the outside I’m reallyinterested in cutting into this to seeif it’s cooked on the inside becausehonestly I have my doubts but we aregonna find out right now actually owneda bread knife which is kind ofsurprising this is a bright knife rightwhat’s cool about my knives is theirrainbow that’s what makes my knifes coolfeel free to let me know what makes youa knife school like I test oh my gosh itmight actually be cooked on the insideit’s actually cooked on the inside Ipulled this offI made bread you’re supposed to waituntil these things cool but I was tooexcited you know that’s good bread oh mygoshthere’s some high quality low for mebecause see my mind is blown becausethey never do anything like this whenyou can just like make bread out of likesuch simple ingredients and it turns outand it’s so tasty I guess it’s time tomake that sandwich I’ve been teasing forso longwell the breads made my sandwich iscomplete and I guess now that that’s alldone we can head back to my room and getback to the original video of the roleof mathematics in today’s society so yesthe original topic the role ofmathematics in today’s society mmm mybattery is dying againwell I don’t have a replacementwell I guess we’ll just never find outthe role of mathematics in today’ssociety no video this week you all sorryabout that later is now the evening andI don’t think I can finish both theseloaves to myself before they go bad soI’m going to head over to a friend’splace to give him a special deliverysome special eye we made just for him Itold them to expect us around like 7:00and it’s now 8 o’clock so that friendwhat are you looking for a bad friendwhy you curious why I’m here it’s mewhat do you think of your love it’sexpertly packaged thank you it’s a denseloaf I’m just warning you ahead of timewith that I’m a dance your guns man in adental Oh looks good right it’s stillyou