Chappy and his team of volunteers regularly organise brekky for school communities especially at Rasmussen State School and Thuringowa State High School.
This would include up to 400 pancakes cooked in the morning.
This video strips it right back to how to cook 12 pancakes to feed your family real cheap with the yummiest best pancakes
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey hello everybodyi am going to share with you my secretrecipe but it’s not really a secretand show you how to make chaffeepancakes so if you have a look at whatwe’ve goteverything here on the table today iseverything that we neednow when i um make pancakes for you guysat school whether it’s the tharengalhigh school whether it’s at rasmussenprimary schoolwhether it’s another school usually itake all the stuff that’s heretimes by 12 um to make up enough for aschool but today we’re going to makeenoughfor your family so if you’re looking innow we’re going to give you the recipethat will help you to cook some pancakesfor your family now what we need we needsome flourand i’m going to put the recipe up onthescreen for you so that you can see howmuch we go we’ve got flour we’ve gotsugar we’ve got milkwe’ve got eggs um talking about eggs wewent and got some eggs earlier from ourown chickenswhich was really cool and those chickenslaid us some eggs just for today whichis reallyawesome all right so we’ve got some eggshere to go withand we are ready to roll i’m going totell you the recipe as we goand we are going to be awesomeall right so what we’re going to startwith is we’re going to start withthree eggs we want to make up usuallyone kilogram of flour would make upabout30 pancakes but today we’re going tomake about12 to 15 for your family so everyonegets about two to three pancakes eachso what we’re gonna do is a roughestimate sofor one kilo flour the recipe is forsix eggs so today we’re gonna halfeverythingeverything’s gonna be harved on what wewould normally do for the recipe whichisone kilogram so today we’ve got have alook at this one we’ve gotthree eggs one and because we’re outsidewe can just chuck the eggshells away andthen buddy the dog there goes buddy andhe’ll go and eat them say hello buddycrazy dog all right back on in herehello everybody alright so there’s oneegg count with me two eggsoh there we go buddy andthree eggs now you might have eggsin side or you might have to go buy thembut usually you’ll have some eggs athomenow if you’ve got a whisk which is oneof thesethen use that or if you have a spoon ora wooden spoon you can use that too sowhatever you taketo mix it up what we’re going to do iswe are going tomix the eggs up i’m going to whisk themup i want to make them a little bitlight and fluffyso they’re going to mix well into ourpancakesand then what we’re going to do is weare going to addsome sugar okay it doesn’t matter whatsugar you usei’ve just got some white sugar here andi’ve got a three-quarter cup measurementjust because that’s what i hadand usually we would put a quarter of acup of sugar into one kilogram of flourso a half of a quarteris an eighth so i’m just going to guessand i’m going to put a little bit ofsugar in therelook at this there we go some big chunksof sugar thereput that back in there and then we’regoing to whisk that up againyou just want to mix that sugar inif you look nice and closely it’s allmixedtogether now forone half a kilogram so one half of thebag of flourwe need about 600 mlof milk 600 ml of milk so i’ve gotany old milk that you’ve got you mighthave it in carton you might have itfreshthere might be a little bit left so weneed 600 ml of milk and i’m gonna putthat in nextand so this jug two cups is500 millimeters so i’m going to put 500millimeters inand then i need to do anothermillimeters so let’s see how we go seehow chappy goesand that’s about 100 more millimetersmaking600 millimeters all rightso we are going to mix that up again andso the milk is going to get all yellowbeautiful and here is whatsome people think is the secret recipeokayso the secret recipe some people thinkisand don’t realize is vanilla makes itsmell beautiful and justamazing all right are you ready for thisand this is a chappie measurementoh that might be too much who knowscan you smell that smell that oh itsmells amazingand now what we’re going to dois we are going to mix one half akilogram i’m not going to measure iti’m going to show you what you want itto look like so i’m going to ask mygirls hello kira and hello natalie whoare recording for me so hellohello girls to record what’s going oni’m going to try and puthalf of this in if we have a nice lookand i want to get all the lumps out sodon’t pour it all in at the same timeand what you want it to be is a littlebitsmoother than toothpasteactually a lot smoother than toothpasteit’s very runny so we need some more flmore flourand i’m making a mess look at my benchit’s all messyall right oh it’s going everywherebut he’s licking his lips oh my goodnesshe is so excited about pancakesnow look at this can you see thatmaybe you can hear it if you get niceand closely look at it it’s a little bitstickyand it’s a little bit beautiful and ifyou look nice and close miss kira on thecameralook how shiny that looks so it’s it’s alittle bit wobbly it’s not wateryit’s got nice and thick and we’re justgonna leave that there just for a littlebitso what do you think does that look goodis it looking amazingis it ready for the pancakes it feels alittle bit sticky it feels a little bitheavywhich is awesome and that’s what youwant um to make a nice fluffy pancakeokay that’s beautiful now what do weneedhave a look over here now if you at homehave gota stove you can use afrying pan get mom or dad or somebody athome to give you a hand to do that i’mgoing to use a barbecue because this iswhat we usefor school when we make lots and lots ofpancakes so i want to show you on thebarbecuewhich is going to be really cool butit’s not cool it’s hotall right so make sure you’re verycareful and get help from homeespecially if you’re a little one ifyou’re at high school watchingi don’t know are you good or are you notgoodgive it a go have a go you can see thisis hoti like to use spray oil um when i’mdoing lots of pancakes but you probablydon’t have spray oil sowhat i’m going to use is a little bit ofbutter all right so just a little bit ofbutterbecause we don’t want it to stick okaywe don’t want it to stickand a little bit of butter lots ofbutter i like butter all right sohere we go let’s just get that you seehow hot that[Music]barbecue is i’ve got the temperatureturned down nice and low okay so thetemperature’s got to be nice and lowpretty much as low as you can get it ifyou’re in a barbecueand if you’ve got it on a frying pan youwant it to get it fairly low as wellbecause otherwise it’s going to burnand it’s going to be all dodgy all rightwe don’t want dodgy pancakes we wantreally good pancakesin the first few pancakes what we wantto try and dois we’re going to experiment so we wantto see if our temperature’s right and wewant to see if it’s going to go allright okayoh my goodness what a mess let’s putthisin with the eggs okay all right nowwe can reuse things so this is themeasurement one i had from beforei’m gonna use that to try and see howbig my pancakes are so how big do youwant your pancakes do you want pikeletslittle tiny ones like thisor do you want big pancakes like thebowl let’s give it a goabout half a cup of pancake mixand let’s have a look and see what itdoeswe’re just going to try remember this isjust an experiment just to see how bigthey are to see how hot it isand then if you’ve got an egg flip athome or something to turn things overyou can use that but i like to useone of these it’s a paint scraper butit’s not for scraping paint this one iuse on the barbecuenow come in nice and close and have alook see how there’s bubbles starting toform thereand see as it’s starting to dry out assoon as those bubbles they start to popthen we’re pretty close to being readyto have a goall right so let’s have a look and seeoh my goodness it looks like an awesomepancakeyeah all right so having a look at thatit’s going to go awayand we’re going to see if you have anice close look up at therehave a nice close in get nice and closeand have a look you’ll see this startsto dry out and maybe with your fingeryou can press the topand if it bounces back then it is readyto cook and this one is not it’s still alittle bit sloppyin the middle so let’s just keep goingwhat’s so hot out here it’s crazyall right now when we think it’s niceand close when we think it’s gettingclose and it’s almost ready to goand this was still a little bit mushy inthe middlenow we’ll turn it over again and justdouble check double check that it’s niceand brown on the other sidewe don’t want to burn him okay no burntpancakes allowed chappie throws out theburnt pancakes at schooland make sure that they are only reallygood pancakes okay so let’s check againstill a little bit sloppy we might justturn it over and checkoh that looks good all right so this wasour test pancakeand look that looks very nice and lovelysupposed to touch itnow i just want to eat itand now my lovely ladies who arerecording this we’re going to put thisona plate and that is our first pancake iam happy with that we’re not going tothrow that one awaywhat we’re going to do is i am if youhave a look at the plateand watch what we’re going gonna dolet’s get all of these pancakes on theplate you might only be able to doone at a time on your um on your plateat home or maybe two depends on how bigthey arebut if you use a barbecue you can do asmany as you want so remember we’ve gotto go about halfa cup one count with metwo threefour fivesix seveneight how many did i say we’re gonna doi think we said we’re gonna do12 nine oh i’m getting closescraping it outand maybe look in here there’s a littlebit left to scrape him out a little bitwe might make a little baby pancakebefore everything burns oh oh oh quickquick choppy quick choppyall right see how all the bubbles arebursting let’s turn this one over whoopsand let’s turn this one over and let’sturn this one overoh my goodness this smells amazingsmells like a really awesome choppypancakeso far so good i haven’t broken anyoh and let’s have a look over herebecause this one over here see howif you have a nice close look you seeit’s still like sloppy on one side andit’s cooked a little bit on one sideif i try to turn that one over it’s allgoing to get sloppy and yucky so thisone looks ready because thebubbles are popping oh yesand this one’s got some bubbles poppinghe’s gonna be carefuland then i think if you have a look atthis one i think it might be readyoh yeah that’s good all right so have alook at thathave a look at that what do you thinklooks like amazing pancakes enough for awhole familyand if you wanted to make more than thatyou could just make up some morefrom the recipe that i’ve given youremember what do we do we check and seeif it’s nice andfirm and not sloppyand there’s so look how much they risegirls if you come in and have a nicelook look howthick they are beautiful you can’t getthatanywhere else let’s give them one moreturnoh that one’s getting a bit dark butit’s okaycan you smell the pancakes they smellamazingand these ones over here and now what wedowe get the plate because i like to stackthe pancakesone two threefour remember we had one already fivesix seveneight nineten oh it’s getting wobblyeleven plus the one at the bottom mix 1212 pancakes all right have a look atthisall right let’s move this over herewhoopssay hello buddy hi buddy i think hewants some pancakes all rightso excuse me the fingers squishy thefingersremember to wash your hands before youstart all right make sure they’re niceand cleanwe’ve got clean fingers and i’m justgonna eat it so i’m gonna take onepancakei like to eat my pancakes stackedstacked pancakes two pancakesthree pancakes hmmfour pancakes i love the pancakesi like the butter so we don’t do thebutter at school but look how good andamazing this lookslook at that butter that’s yum all righta bit of maple syrup or jam or honey orwhatever you like oh there goes thebutteroh my goodness a little bit or a lotyeah i think a lot look at this oh yumit’s like a whole meal awesomeand now let’s have a look at this allright let’s have a looksome butter there we go oh yep let’s cutthis one openoh it’s like a pancake cakea pancake cake there is such a thinglet’s have a look can i get this out ohlook at the pancake look inside thepancake there oh yumis it good enough let me try you readyoh i love the pancakes from the chappiethat’s me chubby dan love the pancakesawesome guys make sure you watch thisagainif you want to work out what to do andhave lots of fun with it have a goit doesn’t cost much alright so maybeask mum or dad or someone at home ifyou’ve got things that you aren’t inyour cupboardyou can go and grab some stuff from theshop and make pancakes for themi think they’d love to join you in doingthat and just watch over and over againthis videoso you can work out how to do it andthen you can eatso many pancakes yum[Music]pancakes pancake yummy