Pancakes Recipes


In this video, we show you how we make Creme Brulee Japanese Soufflé Pancakes. We actually had something like it back in 2018 at a place called AM.PM Cafe in Hong Kong. Hope you enjoy our take on it!

Custard Topping
– 200g Paul’s Custard (vanilla flavoured). Bought this from Woolworths
– 1.5 tsp cornflour
– 1.5 tsp water
– heaping of caster sugar (or superfine sugar) for torching

Note: You can add any topping really.

Japanese Souffle Pancake (Makes 4)
– 2 egg yolks
– 10g vegetable oil
– 20g full cream milk
– 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
– 30g plain flour/all purpose flour
– 3 egg whites
– 1 tsp white vinegar
– 40g white sugar
Tip: The meringue has to be whisked until they’re stiff peaks (this provides a better result)

Appliance used in video: Morphy Richards 3in1 Multifunction Pot

You can use a pan on the stovetop as well. Use a low heat and try to either use a deep pan or have a lid that is slightly raised as the pancakes will rise a bit during the cooking process.

If you have any tips for us to improve on them or want to see more cooking on this channel, let us know in the comments – John and Malie

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Video Transcription

[Applause]hey what’s up guys my name is John onthis channel we do food and travelvideos so if you’re into that considersubscribing now a couple of years ago wehad these awesomecreme brulee souffle pancakes in HongKong and I have to say that has got tobe one of the most memorable dessertswe’ve had on our travels so far so todayI’m going to try to recreate them in ourkitchen alright let’s go first off we’regoing to warm up some custard on a lowheat this is just buttered custard butyou can make your own if you reallywanna now it’s looking kind of runny sowe’re gonna thicken that up by addingsome cornflour dissolved in water thenwhisk it up because we don’t want to seeany lumps then we’re going to transferthat beautiful luscious custard into ajug using a sieve just in case there areany lumps it’s got to be nice and smooththen pop it in the fridge in a bowl wewant two egg yolks 20 grams of milk and10 grams of vegetable oil give it a goodwhisk until it’s nice and uniform thisrecipe calls for vanilla essence we’regonna add about 1/4 teaspoon of itcontinue whisking until it has a niceand foamy appearance kinda like thisusing a sieve add 30 grams of plainflour and continue to mix until fullycombined at this point your forearms areprobably aching you got to keep goingyou got this once the mixture looks kindof gooey and gluggy but smooth you canstop put 3 egg whites in a separate bowland add a teaspoon of white vinegar thenwe’re gonna beat these eggs upand add 40 grams of white sugar in threeparts while still beating the eggs youwant all that sugar to be dissolved dothis until you get stiff peaks I repeatit’s gotta be stiff yeah that’s lookingpretty stiff in my opinion now we wantto add that glassy meringue to the firstmixture in three equal parts and whiskit in we need to be gentle here guysgotta be delicate none of that roughaction please so we’re looking for apale yellow color that is streak freewhich lets you know it’s mixed properlyand for the final part of the meringue Ifound it works best if you fold it inusing a spatula go gentle and try not toover mix it we want it to be as airy andfluffy as possible time to transfer someof that fluffy batter into a piping bagyou can use a big spoon or ladle as wellbut I found it easier with the pipingbag I’m going to be extra and use thismultifunction pot but you can use a panas well make sure it’s preheated andgive it some oil and finally it’s Pipertime we want to make a couple of decentsized pancakes which would depend on howtape your pan is because these babiesare gonna rise now we’re gonna pour abit of water into the pan and cover tolet it steam for one minute once you ridthe lid it should look a bit bigger nowadd a little bit more batter on topwhich will give it a bit more heightreplace the lid again for another twominutes two minutes up it’s time to flipyou can see they’re pretty swollen I’llbe as gentle as possible as they can bequite delicate then we’re gonna coverfor another two minutesand there you have it Japanese soufflepancakes nice and thick and still got abit of jiggle take the custard out ofthe fridge and pour some onto themgorgeous pancakes put a heaping ofcastor sugar on top and torch the sugaruntil it’s nice and caramelized[Music]and we’re done creme brulee soufflepancakes[Music]and that’s it guys my take on the cremebrulee souffle pancakes not too bad huhall right taste time hmmI’m actually pretty happy with thatpancakesnice and light airy fluffy not too sweetbut that’s where the custard comes intoplay that there is a little bit sweetbut overall pretty decent pancakes rightthereand with these pancakes you can put anykind of toppings I’ve gone the lazyroute and just poured some ready-madecustard and of course with that bruleegives it that extra crunch it’s prettygood give it a go guys and that’s itguysyou sound easy that was I thought thatturned out pretty decent now if you guysenjoyed this video and you want to seemore cooking on this channel please letus know by leaving a comment and athumbs up that’s it from me I’ll see inthe next video[Music]

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