On Sunday I try to cook Naan bread and first try yeast dough :)…… (It is absolutely delicious even if it doesn’t look exactly like Naan bread should 😇🤓😆)
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys so today it’s Sunday it’s prettycold outside so I decided to make naanbread for my mom because she loves itvery much yesterday we got the recipefrom a friend so I’m gonna try and cookit and we’re gonna it’s gonna be basedon yeast and it’s gonna be the firsttime I’m ever gonna try to cook withyeast dough naan bread is a reallyfamous bread and people all over theworld like it so the ingredients to themovies unsalted butterdry yeast which I talked about beforemilk but we’re gonna warm up play withit laterflour sea salt salt honey and step andrunny honey already won the materials weneed are 2 1 tbsplet’s start cooking the naan bread sofirst you will need will need to warm upthe milk we will need a hundred 25milliliters so I’m gonna take up themilk and pour it really carefully it’snot gonna be easy like I thinkincorrect carefully up oops maybe toohigh but okay so I’m going to put it inthe big the tiny part so I’m gonna pourit now and I won’t forget the milk nowwe have put the milk inside so now let’smove on to the butter we need 45 gramsof butter here on the back it shows 50grand 50 grams Whitaker’s 50 girls whichit runs so we need to cut 45 so I’mgonna cut 45 I’m gonna use this knifeoh not easy yay I got the butter out andmake sure it’s unsalted like I said thebaby being named now here’s a pot let’sopen the package up so it doesn’t getburned with the butter there yesbutter is it so now we have to go to thestove and warm it up so now that we havemy two parts butter and milk we have towarm the milk and melt the butter wellyou have to warm up the milk about theroom of the temperature room temperaturejust a little bit higher which is notemperature on the stove and the butterit has to completely melt completelymouth now you see that it’s not meltedso I’m gonna put it through it and let’ssee I’m gonna put it on the five okaynow we should wait for a couple ofminutesnow that our butters melted and the milkis warmed we can now make the dough thebutter looks like these now moving onnow we’re gonna mix the yeast with themilk that’s warmed up in the big bowl sofirst let’s pour the milkwe’re gonna pull the whole thing in nowwe’ll need to pour half of the yeast butI don’t know exactly how much is half soI’m gonna put it in this bowl pack thewhole thing and then I’ll see how halfwill work back with the scissors I’mgonna cut the top oh this looks likecinnamon sugar I’m gonna pour the packettop out now let’s pour half okay Ipoured half maybe a little bit more okaynow I would have I’ll mix it with thisspoon now we need to add one teaspoon ofhoney so open it up carefully come outhoney please it’s gonna come out oh yes[Music]this is not easyokay I’m gonna close this honeyand add it in but and I’m gonna continuemixing I’ll help with my mixing spoon alittle bit so all the honey comes out Ican smell something very interestingit smells like yeast mixed with honeythat’s interesting now we have to nowput aside for five minutes our yeastmixture it looks like normal like normalmilk so we’re gonna put it aside andwe’re gonna mix the flour with someother ingredients put this on top andnownow we need to move on so we’re going toput 250 grams of flour we’re gonna usethe measuring cup to measure the rightamount yes let’s pour it inokay now we have a tablespoon of saltnow I’m gonna make a hole in the middlenow let’s pour the oil the butter wemelted in the hole this is not gonna beeasy carefully inside yes I just got theright aim now that we have this we’regonna add three tablespoons of yogurt atthe beginning if I did mentioned its butyou need yogurt so I’m gonna open heynow this is our tablespoon we’re gonnaput it insidethis is almost yes this is a tablespoonand this porridge inside whoa when I putit inside one tablespoon of yogurt madeso much rise up I wonder how it’s goingto look after the tables threetablespoons pour inside and now the lasttablespoon the third one I’m going to godeeper in so to get enough like thisextra space and now let’s add it insideand now let’s mix it now here’s thespoon that’s gonna start mixing it whoathis looks incredible and it does looklike dough I just mixed a couple oftimes and this is what it looks like nowI’m gonna continue mixing now we’regoing to start using our hands to mix soI’m gonna screw up the stuff that’s heremmmsticky I just want to get it off myfingers up carefully and then I put thespoon in the bowl and now I’m gonna mixit like this whoa so sticky I feel it’slike it’s played this feels so much likeplay-dohso sticky stuff for now now I’ve beenmaking smashing this dough for aboutfive minutes and you can add the flourto it just to make it less sticky nowthat I have been doing this for fiveminutes you can add some flour to makeit less sticky I’m gonna never cow coverit and put it in a warm place so I’mgonna cover it now now let’s go and putit in the warm place okay now I’vewaited for one hour and let’s see how ithas rised it did double sizeso I’m first going to make it a livingsmoosh it a little bit more more okaynow I’m going to take it out but beforeI do that I’ll just take out onto thetable I’m gonna make it a little bit notsticky with the flour[Music]in halfyou need to make six portions so nowthat I put them in half I’ll make threeon each half but first let’s go to thisone now the other halfand this one three now let’s roll eachone here I’ll need this thing and I’mgoing to also make it a little bitsticky with some flour so let’s startfrom Olli I’m gonna make them aside someof them outside this also okay now thisnext oneyouokay now that they’re all flat make surenot to make them too thin they have tobe said but not too thin so now let’sstart cooking them so first we needed ata very high temperature in order to cookvery well now I’m gonna put the firstthis oneyou know how it’s cooking we wait aboutfor a minute or look at it for about ofit I’m gonna get preparedwaiting is not easy at all took a coupleof seconds on putting the butter itdrilled so much oh my gosh this lookslike a real volcano now looks so coolyeah looks like bread it’s hot but it’snot so good you can’t get more burned solet’s flip it put it on the plate nowyou need some butter like we use andlike this special brush for food on topso I’m gonna cheek dip it inside andspread it over a little bit let’s do thenext one this one oh you said goodbye toa big bubble I wonder how they look likecooked it’s gonna be cooked is it gonnabe flat or is it gonna be like a Matthewbut top is gonna be burned like of acait volcano so looks like a CNN move Ican see the eyes his mouthhis nose okay I’m gonna take it and putit like these okay now that I’ve cookedall of them and it looks really tastyand if I can do it you can do it andhope my mom really likes it enjoy itso now that we’re set and we can nowstart eating the bread delicious[Music]