Pies Recipes

My Pie Pizza’s New Take & Bake Kits

People are stuck at home, and My Pie wants to give them something that is fun and good to eat! It’s like entertainment and dinner all rolled into one! For more information visit www.pizzayourway.com.

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welcome back to the Arizona daily mix Idon’t know who wrote this pleasebut this how it goes my pie can be yourpie with their new take and bake kitscheck this outRyan I’ve been wanting to make pizza athome especially in my pie pizza you guysdo such a good job now I can’t writeabsolutely exactly my pint a can make solet’s talk about this how does this workdo I just come in grab it and go withthe you know dough sauce cheese and yourfavorite toppings we’ve got a coupledifferent jello options we havegluten-free cauliflower we also do ourhouse-made white dough so don’t want towalk into it here we give you a littlebit of flour give yourself a little bitof a little flour here so you can workwith and basically coach your dough allright then what you want to do here ifyou’re using white dough is treat itlike a steering wheel so you’re gonnalive gonna lift it up and you’re gonnaslowly just turn it one side stretchingit out nice and thin but not too thin sothere’s no holes so I’m gonna stretchout my dough just turning it like asteering wheel I’m gonna bring it backdown here and I’m just gonna give it alittle bit more of a stretch here tomake it more of a circle and as big as Iwant it we make 11 inch pies so thesedough’s are made to be 11 inches Wowyeah if someone you have your dough samesays if I want thin crust can I gobigger yeah you can go bigger I wouldn’tgo bigger than 12 inches though becauseit’s made for lovin instant crust so 12inches would be ultra thin so to becareful on that and you don’t want totear the dough yeah so 12 all right onceyou have that you want to take a cookiesheet or a baking sheet and just a lightolive oil oil mist or a Crisco or justeven a little olive oil to coat your panthen I’m gonna transfer my job rightswith my my pan and now the fun beginsright yes and now it’s your way okay solet’s start with the sauce the kit comeswith your favorite sauce we we alwaysrecommend our signature pizza sauce allright so put yourselves right in themiddle of the dough and then concentriccircles inside outsideout alright nice even spread not toomuch not too late if you like a littlebit more sauce go ahead and make youyour way leave about a half inch ofcrust here so you have a nice raisingrising crust in the oven okay next youwant to season your sauce you’re gonnatake your parmesan Romano blend andyou’re just gonna season that sauce alittle bit adds a little bit of nicesalt flavor to the sweet pizza saucewhat do you put on what you put on therewell Parmesan Romano blends so it’s apremium grated cheese it just seasons asauce real nice you can put that in thepizza and utilize a garnish after yourpizzas cooked alright finallytraditional shredded nuts it out outsidein outside in so I’m gonna take mycheese outside in and you want to seeyou don’t want to do too much cheesebecause you want balance so you want tosee a little bit of red underneath whitea little bit of red underneath whitejust the right amount because that’llblend together when it melts togethercome out really nice and balanced sothat’s our sauce and cheese fun ourcrust starter right that okayfinally choose your favorite topics youknow we have you know plenty of assortedmeats and fresh veggies we bring infresh produce so unlike a little comboof both I like start with some pepperonitraditional roni here I’m gonna do alittle bit of sausageI’m Ryan I got my kit here I’ve beeneating some of the pasta and stuff – alittle bit out of people get these kidsyou got it so we have Rufford in twolocations our Phoenix location on Tatumand cactus you can call in we’re alsooffering at our Tempe location he callswell it’s also on our online orderingapp and third-party delivery so and Isee you got some awesomeknow what you like and salads right yepwe’re doing it’s a we do a family kickwith two pies two big salads we do adate night now we can allalcohol to go comes with a bottle ofwine and we’re also doing some homegoods we’re offering uh some flower kitsyou want to make at home we do bottlewine and truly to go as well so we’rehaving a lot of fun tonight in this newnew way of doing business we’re figuringit out I like it all right I got dinnerplans all set for tonight so Ryan allright very much you’ve got it and thenin the oven for 75 12 to 15 minutes youdecide how crispy you like it 12 to 15minutes that’s itperfect that’s it I can’t wait I’m gonnahave my pie tonight and I’ll let youknow how it looks okay you got itenjoy please

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