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Video Transcription
[Music]try to be good last one didn’t go asplanned[Music]I’m gonna add half a cup because waitlet me check something be good I’mrecording on my phone and I need tocheck the recipe a few moments later Imean like three pumps of your pumps ofthe syrup but I don’t have any pumpthing I have on this but I translated itin my mouth and I said three tablespoonsdon’t want to be so but something weirdin them or IVA syrup but I was justbubbleswe’re gonna add the vanilla extractwhere’s that anything coming down fortamer no time man hey oh oh oh okay andthen you also add three tablespoons ofvanilla extract or any if you havevanilla syrup or something and then whatEleanor three tablespoons of chocolatechips let me go get them[Applause][Applause][Music][Applause]my mom loved it and now please do shakeit at three to four times already trieda little bit[Music][Music]the whole point of the whole good tasteso bad hey guys so here’s your Frenchproduct we already kind of ruined thetop but it’s okay now let’s try togetherokay and it does have a little coffee wejust added it partially with the otherone that we happy because other one was- what is it called – coffee ease soyeah now we can try at the same timethat’s good because um it’s really goodyou know at the end it’s like a verytiny bit of caffeine at the end yeahyeah yeahit can T’s like nuts burst openmm-hmm yeah and he’s allowed to drink alittle bit of coffee not too much andyeah because the other one that I that Iused before because this is our secondtry the first one that I did I put alittle too much well a lot of coffee andit tasted tools coffee but yes parallamarand candy Oakland and all theingredients are gonna be right up rightyeah somewhere on the screen mm-hmm yeahguys try it at home but it’s apparent ifyou like talk a lot like from if youdon’t have shot glasses like me finallythe most tiniest cup you can find andout up for like just a little bit but ifyou like a lot of coffee just I likethis much like it depends like keep ontrying getting stuff who blend it yeahguys it might take a couple tracks wegot after it took for us but it’s goodguys for sure it’s worth it I reallylike this drink is like actually mypaper drink guys shy guys you guys inthe next video peace out peace[Music]you