Tiramisu is so easy to make, that it’s not much added effort to just go ahead and make your own homemade lady fingers along with it. Your tiramisu will never be the same… in a good way I mean.
My New Stand Mixer: https://amzn.to/2u0pKF6
9×9 Baking Pan: https://amzn.to/2MGH6xq
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshuaweissman
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@flakeysalt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealweissman
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/JoshuaWeissman/
Ingredients you’ll need:
3 large eggs
1/2 (108g) cup sugar
Small pinch salt
1 teaspoon (3g) vanilla extract
1 cup (148g) all purpose
Powdered sugar for dusting
zabaglione (tiramisu cream)-
6-7 large egg yolks (depending on size)
3/4 cup sugar (165g)
2 cups (452g) mascarpone
1 cup (235ml) heavy cream
2 cups (475ml) espresso or strong coffee
1/4 cup (58g) sugar
3 tablespoons brandy or rum *optional*
24-30 ladyfingers
Cocoa powder for sifting
Chocolate for grating
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
look I’ve gotta be honest with you Idon’t make or eat tiramisu all thatoften I know a really good cell Joshvery good but after today and fourslices of tiramisu in my body that’sgonna have to change and I think it’llchange for you too ok so we’re makingtiramisuit’s a classic I know the Italians aregonna yell at me alright the point isthis is very very tasty after comingback from the holidays my ability tocommunicate is just not very good let’stalk about ladyfingers I’m tired of thestore-bought kind I say that aboutliterally anything from scratchtiramisu so with all that said I hopeyou enjoyed your holidays I hope thatyou’re gonna have a great New Year’s Evebut more importantly let’s make thisshall we like I said we need to addressthe ladyfingers no not those so althoughthe store-bought ones are nice and evenand pretty and they’re just easy there’sa huge benefit to making your own whichis a they’re not that hard to make beobviously they are way better when youmake them yourself and see if you can’tbuy them in your area now you can makeit let’s take a showerlet’s taste tests so here’s what theysound like it sounds sad well now thisreal dry so they’re real dry which makessense why you would want to soak theminto something because man that isreally boring on its own in there aprocessing that’s come now theingredient list for ladyfingers is realsimple and the bowl of a stand mixeryou’re gonna combine three whole eggshalf a cup or 108 grams of granulatedsugar then you’re gonna take a shallowpot of water bring that to a simmer overmedium high heat and set your standmixer bowl on top about now make surethat your stand mixer bowl fits overthis pot decently if you don’t want ittouching the water aka double boiler nowcontinuously whisk the eggs and thesugar until that mixture reaches 160degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsiusthis should take less than five minutesand if it curdles that means youoverheated it now say hello to our newb-roll homie Big Bertha she just arrivednow set up your stand mixer with thewhisk attachment and beat your heatedegg mixture on high speed for seven toten minutes or until it’s two and a halftimes its original volume and it reachesa very light soft Pikachu looks sort oflike soft-serve when you pull the whiskout of it then beat in one teaspoon orthree grams of vanilla extract remove itfrom your stand mixer and gently fold inone cup140 grams of all-purpose flour youreally need to be careful folding heredo not over beat it transfer it to apiping bag ideally one that’s largerthan this because look at this tragedyyou’re gonna pipe these on a bakingsheet lined with parchment paper and youwant them to be about three inches longand one inch wide making sure to giveone inch of separation between each ladyfinger this will make about thirty ladyfingers and it’ll take up about twotrays now here’s the crucial step onlybake one traitor time and right beforeyou bake a tray generously dust the traywith powdered sugar like so then put itin the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit or175 degrees Celsius for eight to twelveminutes or until lightly golden andcrisp this is the secret to getting theladyfingers to rise properly if youdon’t do this they’re gonna flatten outand there is sad cookie boy hours notgoodnow pull those mother brothers out ofthere and let them cool to roomtemperature on a wire rack and thenthat’s it they’re ready to use now inthe tiramisu or you can use them inthree weeks say well you know don’t pushit but now the actual making thetiramisu is real easy but first let’sget our coffee mixture ready if you’vegot an espresso machine now is the timeto use it you’re gonna need two cups or475 millilitres of fresh brewed espressoor really strong coffee here’s it a mixof half espresso half cold brew but it’sup to you up to that you’re gonna add aquarter cup or 58 grams of granulatedsugar I like that a little bit of nutmegnot traditional but I do what I wantthree tablespoons are 45 milliliters ofa good rum or brandy that’s optional andI like to add just a tiny little splashof maple syrup again not traditional butI do what I want brother whisk togetheruntil thoroughly combined now for thetiramisu cream so first we can do adouble boiler again get a medium sizedpot filler with a shallow amount ofwater you can see how much I’ve got hereand then bring that to a light simmerthen in a medium sized bowl that fitsover the top of that well withouttouching the water you’re gonna add sixto seven large egg yolks depending onthe size and three-quarters of a cup or165 grams of granulated sugar now setthat over your steaming pot andconstantly whisk just until the sugar ismostly dissolved but make sure it’sabout 95% of the way there and themixture is warm think of it sort of likea sabayon then with electric beatersbeat these on high speed while stillheating over the double boiler untilit’s two and a half times its originalvolume much lighter in color and holdsribbony super soft peaksaka thick with 27 seas remove from theheat in a separate bowl whisk two cupsare 452 grams of mascarpone a until verysmooth atthat to your whipped egg yolks andgently fold together make sure to dothis well enough so that there’s nolumps I had a couple lumps because wellJosh you made a mistake you achy butthat’s okay then in that same separatebowl whipped together one cup or 235millilitres of heavy cream until youreach well with cream but don’t whip ituntil it’s super super hard peaks thoughwhip it until it’s like medium Peaksthen add your mascarpone egg yolks tothat and slowly fold together untilthoroughly incorporated be very gentledon’t beat too much of the air out youwant it nice and fluffy okay so you’re95% of the way there this is the easiestpart get a square nine by nine bakingpan quickly dunk a lady finger in thecoffee mixture not too long because itwill fall apart very quickly after thatjust a little dip is good enough all theway let it soak and then line them up inyour baking pan evenly as such once thewhole bottom is covered add half yourtiramisu cream and then dip it arrangeone more time and then add the rest ofyour tiramisu cream spread it out nicelythis is not that confusing don’t overcomplicate it then carefully cover yourtray with plastic wrap making sure thatit doesn’t touch the mixture becauseyou’re gonna have a bad time if it doesthen place it in the refrigerator tofirm up overnight can also make this twodays ahead of time then right beforeserving generously dust the surface withcocoa powder slice it then grate somefresh chocolate on top of it and that’sit this isn’t just like oh I did someladyfingers and covered it in cream nolike this is from scratch from scratchyou made everything pat yourself on theback you’re a real G but do you want toknow what else is a real G B roll that’sthat’s[Music]or guys and that is it so the sun’sabout to go down literally it is settingthe Lighting’s probably really bad I’vegot my camera settings all the way tomax tara misu we flipped and made itbroke and I ate way too much of it and Idon’t feel very well but I do this foryou you guys always joke about me notbreathing when I talk that’s actuallytrue I don’t a lot of the time I justtalk and talk and I don’t breathe and Iforget the same thing actually happenedwhen I worked in restaurants and mychefs always were like Josh please shutup and I’m like I can’tI was born to talk endlessly anyway I’mtrying to say is this is a great recipeyou should make it and if you don’t wantto well guess what I don’t really careprobably gonna do a video separate tothis about this but I’m really excitedfor 2020 cuz I have got flippinsurprises for you anyway with all thatsaid if you enjoy this video or youlearn something leave a like subscribeand I will see you next time[Music]