Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Applause][Music][Music]ready will be hot butter and 1 egg nowwe oh my god that now we’re gonna putthe mixture in the bud and yesmy mommy’s gonna help me now to make thedough don’t forget to turn the oven onwith the temperature with 360 degrees mymommy told me to put to put these littlecircle shapes on the sheet and put thesprinkle on make sure the cookies have aknot things and your mommy to put it inthe oven wait hi wait for the cookies tobake bake for 10 to 8 minutes go by andwe know we’re not we can’t we’re waitingfor the delicious yes yeah yeah we arewaiting for the luscious cookies let’stake a peek in the cookies in the ovenoMG I’m so excited[Music]yeah now we have to wait for it to cooldown what do you think Tanya’s happy howabout you spats really good yo how didyou enjoy the cookie it was thank youfor watching my video[Music][Music]