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How to make butter cookies to probleme

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today I’m going to share with you everysingle trick and tip you’re going toneed to make the perfect biscuit[Music]starting off you want to make sure thatyour ingredients are super cold so inthis bowl I have four cups ofall-purpose flour that’s been chilled tothat add baking powder I have fourteaspoons so that’s one teaspoon per cupof flour add that right to the bowl nowa teaspoon of baking soda and this alsohelps in leavening it’s going to reactwith our buttermilk which is very a sickso the next ingredient 1 tablespoon ofsugar and one teaspoon of coarse salt soI’m gonna whisk these ingredientstogether in my bowl here and now intothe bowl of a food processor I’m gonnatransfer just half of the ingredientshere and I like to use a food processorbecause it really helps to cut in thebutter or the fat that we’re using intonice small even pieces and it does itvery quickly two sticks of unsaltedbutter this is very very cold it’s cutinto half inch cubes so now process thebutter into the flour mixture until yourfiends course promise with some largerpieces that are about the size of a peaso this looks great here you can seethat there are p sized pieces of butterthe flour looks like horse crumb and nowI’m going to transfer this back into theremaining flour and now just mix thisuntil it’s well combined and that waspretty easy right we only have one moreingredient to go and that is one and ahalf cups of buttermilk now you want tomake sure that the buttermilk againchilled so everything cold and I like topull the flour in from the sides andsometimes I rotate the bowl just so thatit does a nice quick job here you don’twant to over stir overwork the doughbecause that will create a dense ortough biscuit something that has alittle bit more of a bready texture andthat’s not what we’re looking for so thedough is just about together and I’mgoing to turn this out onto my worksurfaceand so now with well-floured hands I’mgonna do is bring the dough together andyou’re gonna gently but quickly kneadthe dough this isn’t a bread dough sodon’t knead it with too much force youjust want to create a cohesive dough sothat you can punch out your biscuits andnow I’m going to pop the dough out intoa square or a circle into about an inchthickness now you can see the littlepieces of butter in the dough and thoselittle pea-sized pieces of butter aregoing to melt during the baking processand melting creates steam which helps toleaven your biscuits so you want to makesure that you have nice sized pieces butthey’re not too big so I’m using a twoinch biscuit cutter here now if youwanted to make square biscuits you wantto form the dough into a square and youcan just cut it with a knifepunch out your rounds flour in betweencutting so that the dough doesn’t stickto the cutter and you should get about16 biscuits from this recipe make sureyour oven is preheated to 450 degreesthere now the finishing touch a littleextra buttermilk here and a pastry brushand to get a nice Brown top to thebiscuits you want to just brush only thetop so you could also use something assimple as water here on the top and thatwill give you a very crisp crunch to thetop of the biscuit you’d use heavy creamyou could use milk but we’re usingbuttermilk in the biscuits so why notbrush them on top so our biscuits areready to go into the oven again 450degrees with the racks in the upper andlower third you want to rotate halfwaythrough about 12 minutes in totalso the biscuits are right out of theoven they’re golden brown and beautifulI’m going to of course taste one becauseI cannot waitthey’re super flaky and whether youdecide to pair these with some baconeggs for breakfast or with somestrawberries and whipped cream for ashortcake here it is this is the onlybuttermilk biscuit recipe you will everneed enjoy guys[Music]you

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