Cookies Recipes

Maris & The Kitchen – Chocolate Chip Cookies for Kids

This is geared for kids 7-12 with a little help from an adult.

Here are the ingredients you will need to cook along with Maris!

2 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2/3 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups (16 oz) chocolate chips

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Video Transcription

today we are going to be makingchocolate chip cookies out of thisawesome chocolate chip cookie my recipeis in this awesome book called bakingclass I love this book because all ofthe in all of the recipes are very funand easy to make the recipe I’m usingtoday is called chocolate chip cookiefactory it’s pretty easy to make and thecookies are really good so I havemeasured out my ingredients ahead oftime but the things you will be needingare 3/4 cup of packed brown sugar 1 cupor 2 sticks of butter it should besoftened so you can either leave it outfor a while in your house or you can putit in the microwave for a couple ofseconds 2 and 1/4 cups of flour 3/4 cupof sugar 2 cups or 16 ounces ofchocolate chips my chocolate chips arehuge but you can use whichever chocolatechips you like 2/3 teaspoon of salt 1teaspoon of vanilla extract it smellsreally good 1 teaspoon of baking sodaand 2 eggsso the first oh sorry for a second youwill need a small bowl a large bowlsomething to mix place so you can use aspatula or a spoon to stir but no matterwhat you will need a spatulayou will also be needing a spoon and apan for your cookies I’m going to beusing two pans because they are prettysmall and also are you rocky kneesbetween my pants because they don’t needto be greased but you can ask yourparents if your pans need to be greasedokay the first step is to put make yourflour mixture in your flour mixturein your flowermake sure it’s all in there please stickthem to the bottom you will also needyour baking soda and let me see and yoursalt salt might be hard to get out of abowl a little sticky then use yourspatula or spoon and mix it all untilit’s well combinedscrape off the sides a little bit youdon’t need to as much right now thoughokay it should look like this when it’sall mixed and you can put this off tothe side then you get your large mixingbowl and put up your butterI’m taking my spoon and get some of itout remember make sure it is at roomtemperature so that it is easier to mixup okay after you’ve done that then itsays to put your sugars in which meansboth of your sugars both of your bothsugar that sounds words and thenand then you can either use your spoonor spatula or make sure your electricmixer if you have your electric mixeruse probably level one or two whybeginning and then to make sure it’s allmixed Mama’s gone off the sides take mybatter and you pour in your flourmixture there so that all of yourmixture gets in and it’s okay if there’sa few crumbs left and full you can’talways get all of us if you can’t a poolthanks then you can mix it all togetherand then whatso it doesn’t have to be totally mixedall right now for the best part pour inyour chocolate chips so mix everythingtogether so that your you cannot see abunch of this flour that’s on the topright now so might take a couple minutesby the way thank you so much forwatching this video and if you want towatch it again you can watch it on myyoutube channel this is really tiringfor your arms it says not to use yourelectric mixer for this part so I’m notgoing to use my electric mixer but makesure you’ve probably seen cookie doughbut if you haven’t it’s always all mixedtogether and since I’m using my largechocolate chips they might not all stickinto the cookie dough but I still lovelarge chocolate chips because it’s justmore chocolate at one time this is hotbut I’m more than halfway donejust make sure all your chocolate chipsare separated well Li and they’re all ifthey’re all separated set not all ofthem are just in one little clump in themixture don’t emit before you thinkyou’re done go to the very bottom ofyour cookie dough and make sure there’sno flowers because if there’s a bunch offlour on the bottom it’s not all mixedtogether okay I think that’s probablygoodnow before you put your cookies on thepan you should I’m sorry I need to addmy eggs really fast and then I will putmy cookies in the pan if you forget astep it’s okay you can just add it in atthe end since I forgot a step I’m goingto come over to mine and I put my spoonin the bowl and I’m going to come overto my mixerokay it’s all crazy can you make sittingwith your chocolate chips and I thinkthat’s why I’m working to do that and soI only get it a little bit and then I’mgoing to take my spoon and mix it alittle bit more just think about yourcookies at the end I have done thisrecipe before and when they were alldone they were so good almost theredid you know my school actually gotclosed in an Oregon schools got closedfor the rest of the year which isactually really sad because then I don’tget to see all my friends but we stillcan we are using Google Hangouts andzoom and we’re all connecting okayalmost there okay five sidesagain I’m almost there Sonia check thebottom make sure there’s no flowersoh I think I’m almost doneSkype sex and done so I’m going to goover to my sink and wash my hands nowI’m going to take my spoon that I usedearlier and get my pan and for yourspoon it should be about this much doughit should just be a little ball maybeadd a little bit more and you don’t haveto make it into a perfect fall becauseit’s it’s a cookie it doesn’t matterwhat it looks like they just shouldtaste good and then I’m gonna put aboutsix cookies on this tray and then andmake sure they’re all spread out andthen I have my other tray and I putabout six cookies on that typeit’s a little bit sticky but that’s justhow cookie dough isand if it’s a little bit too big the thesizes for the cookies it doesn’t have tobe perfectbecause my chocolate chips are a littlebit bigthey don’t say in the cookie doughamazingly but they’re still really goodadd a little bit more this onethat’s five so I’m going to put this uphere and put one morebut if you do have a bigger chip traythen you can just put as many as you canfit just remember to space them outwellthis was kind of hard for okay done withthat right now I’m going to move on tomy second tripand then again six on this onethis is sadokayand before you do put them in the ovenwhich is the next step you you shouldspeechless I don’t remember I was gonnasay have an adult help you put them inthe oven so right now while you’regetting the cookies ready deep one ofyour parents and ask them and tell themyou’re about to put your cookies in theoven and you need their helpand don’t worry if your hands get alittle messy it’s okay you can wash themoffyouyouthis is probably the longest part of thewhole thing it’s just because there’slike 12 cookies and you have to make youhave to like get them in little circlesmake sure they’re all kind of the samesizealmost done one more cookieand put a lot of chocolate chips on thisone okayI’m gonna go wash my hands really fastget your adult and come help tell themto please come help them put them in theoven could you please help me getcertainly a baby and so time about nineminutes and if they’re not golden-brownyet then you can say time for about twomore minutes but thank you so much forwatching and have a nice day bye so Itook my cookies out of the oven and letthem cool for about five minutes and Ihave a bunch of leftover dough and I’mgoing to put it in a container and putit in the freezer so that I can havewarm cookies another timeplease make sure to LIKE and subscribedown below thank you for watching byeyou

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