Pancakes Recipes

How to Cook Korean Food Easily and Simply: Kimchi Pancakes (Kimchi Jeon)

Hello everyone! This is HK. This is my second YouTube video. I hope you enjoy it. Make sure to subscribe, like, and turn on your notifications ^^!
Kimchi Pancake, called Kimchi Jeon, is made with chopped kimchi and various vegetables and meat mixed in a flour batter and then pan-fried. It can be eaten as part of a meal or alone as a light snack.
Here are the ingredients and directions:

➢ 5 sliced green onions
➢ 1 cup chopped kimchi
➢ 1 cup chopped pork (or any kind of meat or seafood, such as shrimp)
➢ 1 sliced onion
➢ 1cup flour
➢ 1 cup chicken broth
➢ Oil for pan-frying

Optional Dipping Sauce
➢ 2 T soy sauce
➢ 1 T vinegar
➢ ½ tsp sugar
➢ ¼ tsp hot pepper (gochugaru)

1 Mix all ingredients well.
2 Heat the pan, add 2 T oil, and pour one scoop of batter onto the pan.
3 When the pancake is nicely browned, place it on a cutting board and slice into bite-size pieces. Enjoy!

#KoreanFood #Easy&Simple #KimchiPancakes #Delicious #KCooking #KFood #HK

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Video Transcription

[Music]it keeps it and gave me the beauty Ilike this MT at the warmer so one cup ofpinchy one cup of onions 1/2 cup ofgreen onions and this is optional thisis a clip I bought this one also warm onso if if you want you can put pork andplan both or just pork gorgeous print orif you are vegetarian you don’t need touse these two ingredient and then thisis a chicken broth[Music]we need a high heat for heated this panso you can use any kind of load I usethe canola oil and then wait untilthe pan very hot when pan is a cheetahso we will pour[Music]and[Music]wait until about two three minutes wewill flip over about a two three millionlater you can check up on the bottlelike a golden brown you can sleep overusing the specular[Applause][Music]about 2/3 minute later you can set thebottle colors suspect golden brown thismoment is a flip over time you can usethis bachelor[Music][Music][Music]so our sides at his feet and said it’ssocial[Music]

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