Cookies Recipes

How to bake Finnish gingerbread cookies, AKA piparkakku!

Hello! I’m gonna be taking a tiny little break from analog photography and bake some cookies, because we are stuck at home and let’s face it, I’m bored 😀

Piparkakku or gingerbread cookies are very popular in Finland, especially during the Christmas time, but we eat them any time of the year in our house. This recipe is something you can make with ingredients you have at home, I’ll also try to add alternative ingredients just in case, but this is very easy to make indeed!

– 1 1/2dl dark syrup (you can replace it with 1 1/2dl honey or 1 3/4dl brown sugar melted in 1/2 dl water)
– 1dl sugar
– 1 tea spoon ground cloves (I used whole cloves and tried to grind them as much as I could)
– 1 tea spoon cardamom
– 1 tea spoon ground ginger
– 2 tea spoons cinnamon
– 2 tea spoons baking soda
– 125gr butter or margarine
– 1 egg (if you want to do a vegan version or don’t want to use eggs you can always replace them with 1/4dl apple sauce, 1/4dl yogurt or 1 tablo spoon of flax seeds mixed with 3 table spoons of water in a jelly like consistency)
– 5 1/2dl flour

– Mix sugars and spices in a pot and melt them on low heat
– Take off from heat and add the baking soda, let rest for 2-3 minutes
– Add the butter in small pieces and mix until melted
– Add the flour and let the dough sit in the fridge for a few hours, preferably over night

Once you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius or 400 fahrenheit and bake these cookies for 5 minutes! As they are only 2-3mm thick, 5 minutes is all they need for a slightly crispy edge and softer center. You can always increase the time if you want to make them thicker!

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Music: Rainy Sundays, by The 126ers

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hello I’m Laura welcome to my channellast week on my Instagram account Iasked whether you wanted to see me bakecookies or wanted to see me talk aboutsecondhand cameras and surprisinglycookies born with a 59% over 41 so todayI’m gonna be baking gingerbread cookiesand I’m also gonna be talking aboutsecond on cameras in a couple days so ifyou haven’t done so make sure that yousubscribe to my channel and hit thepower button so you don’t miss itlet’s move on to the recipe like I saidtoday’s recipe is gingerbread cookiesand in Finnish they’re called bangkokgoo or people cocoon if it’s for oh andthis is a very popular recipe especiallyduring christmas season but in our housemy son and husband both love them andnow that we’re inside all the time Ithink I’m at a stage where I just wantto bake so I realized that I had all theingredients so this is going to be quiteeasy and you can find all theingredients down in the description boxand I’m also gonna be adding somealternatives to things I think might bea little harder to find or might not youyou might not have them at your house orif you want to bake a bigan I’ll turn atip so I’m gonna be added adding theminto parentheses down in the descriptionbox and let’s see how I make these I’mgonna start by going over theingredients so the first thing we’regonna need is some dark zero and alongwith that I’m gonna be using some sugaras well and of course this is a cookieso we are gonna need some flour and alsosome butter that I have here and whatelse we have one egg and some bakingsoda and as far as the Spice Girls wegot some cinnamon some ginger cardamomwhich is really popular in Finland andalso some clothes and the recipe callsfor ground cloves but I have them aswhole so I’m gonna try and grind it andof course a heating partI’m gonna start by mixing the sugars andthe spices and I’m gonna need one and ahalf this liter of dark syrup and youcan replace this with honey or darksugar mixed with water so I’m just gonnabe writing it all down in thedescription box the amounts that I useand the possible replacements but Ialready had some dark syrup at home froma previous recipe so I’m just gonna beadding that directly to this one and I’mjust gonna okay this is gonna be easierwith the spatula and I could haveactually just squeezed it into the potbecause I noticed that there are somemarkings on the bottle but I was toolate and seeing that so and this isgonna work and on top of this I’m gonnabe adding the regular sugar and I’mgonna be adding a 1/4 cup of it if Irecall correctly or half a cup I don’tknow and then I’m gonna be adding thespices so I’m gonna be adding 2teaspoons of cinnamon and then oneteaspoon of cardamom and 1 teaspoonagain of ginger all of these bottleshave the finished names so I’m trying toget the correct English name sorry forthe delay and we also need some clothesand like I said I only had the whole oneso I’m trying to grind them up betweentwo of the measuring cups[Music]I grinded up a little bit and I’m tryingto get all the small bits and pieces inthere and the MA if I have a little bithole left that’s gonna be totally finecuz it’s not a bad thing and I’m justgonna be mixing it up a little and I’mmessing it all in a low-heat it’s allmelted now so I’m adding two teaspoonsof baking soda and I’m just gonna mix itup and let it sit for a couple minutesI let it rest for three minutes and nowI’m adding a hundred and twenty-fivegrams of butter that I’m gonna becutting up into pieces and mouthing inthis[Music]my mixture is cooled a little bit so nowit’s time to add the egg and if youdon’t want to use an egg you can alwaysreplace it with apple sauce or your goodor some flax seeds as well if you wantto go a beachy immersion but I’m justgonna be using one egg and then I’mgonna be adding five and a half cups offlour to this and this made a bunch ofcookies so I have like five trays so youcan always make half of this recipe oreven less and once I mix this I’m gonnalet the dough sit for about three orfour hours but you can always rest itovernight[Music]now it’s time to cook these cookies andI have these little camera shaped cookiecutters and those are like bite sizesand I also have this little set fromIkea that I’m gonna be using and I letmy dough sit for about three to fourhours so it’s cold now and I’m gonnabake some of this now and then let therest bake tomorrow so we’ll see how itgoes and I added some flour onto my panhere she are baking sheet rather so thatit doesn’t stick and I’m gonna be makingthese quite tense so I’m trying to getit as thin as like two to threemillimeters so I have them reallyquickly baking and I already have myoven on 200 degrees Celsius and I’mgonna be baking them for five minutes in200 degrees[Music]and now we’re ready to eat so thank youfor watching I hope you enjoyed thislittle video and like I said I’m gonnabe talking about how to select a secondon camera in a couple days and then inan upcoming video I’m gonna be makingsome messes now that we’re at home aswell because like I said I met my baconcook stage and so I hope you will bejoining me in the next videos bye[Music]

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