Ray explains how to cook tasty cookies
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys it’s me this doesn’t help oh Iknowwaves cabana food bonanza and todaywe’re baking vegan chocolate chipcookies now first we’ll need someingredients first things first you wantto Bowl next you don’t want a big spoonto stir and you also want a smallerspoon – spoon things with for the firststep you’ll want two cups of baking sodaI don’t have miss baking soda so Iimprovised and use dog treats insteadit’s really all the same in the enddon’t be afraid to eat a little bit ofthe food beforehand everybody getshungry sometimes ahPro cooking tip if you eat dog bones youget to see The Avengers the next step isto add some protein next thing you wantto do is add an entire bottle approachthe next thing you want to do is addthyme after that the next thing that youwant to do is add some protein out we’realmost done with our mix so let’s do oneof the quicker steps add three cups ofalmond milk I’m not gonna be bakingthese cookies myself so I can add asmuch as I wanthuh all right we all know the next stepin chocolate-chip cookies you gotta addthe chocolate chips now we all know thenext step in chocolate chip cookies nowit’s time to put the dough in the ovenwe must set a timer for 20 minutes andnot for the final step put the mixturein the oven especially at this time it’simportant to wash your hands it’s timeto finally see how the cookies turnedout please do not copy any of the stuffin this video this video was made bytrade professionals known for doingtheir job completely well and totallysafely if you do do this in real lifegood luck not dying