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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
so that okay so glyph he’s six feet giveme six feetso he’s six feet give me six feet so noteat those so alright what’s up y’allwhat’s up what’s up what’s up it’sThursday Thursdayso you’re just hanging out outside[Music]awesome yeah some little kids thenastray trying to play with them and Ihad to be already with a paintball gunyeah I don’t know the kids in thisneighborhood I’m like I guess theirparents are not telling them to stayaway from people like six give me sixfeet give me six feet so what you aboutto get your hair combed and your mothermake some cookies[Music]come on fine you’ll make some cookieswith me like she do me a favor er you[Music][Music]are gonna give it a thousand likes givea thumbs up music hey Zoe the more wecopyright it not that has happened to meonce before already so I love to dothese dishes the shuffle is very okaybecause your girl I don’t have adishwasher okay the shoulder is theregrill with these kids home eating everymeal at home okay okay[Music][Music]all right guys we’re about to go aheadand bake some cookies some peanut buttercookies okay hold on put this here okayso we just have some sugar and butter aBernese mix them up and then it’s alwaysabout the I have some peanut butter[Music][Applause][Music]okay so we got peanut butter butter andsugar and some flour[Music]where’s the eggget here cuz if you get shows in therebetter be a hot minute alright guys soobviously I know I’m not using arrestbecause and the father better starttrying to go ahead and start plan toplay you can play with the flower goahead Ronnie you can look at the flowerletter start pushing for the meadow youempower the right of a doll or shavingcream Rizzo millimeter[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]not eat there salmonella poisoningthere’s soldier knees okay all right sothat’s what they look like you guys soI’m not the popping million but we’llsee you guys when they come out allright let’s check in on the cookies mmmlook I’m pretty good at this[Music]alright y’all so I just took the cookiesout they look so good let me show youthey look really goodwhat a hot mess that one up yep theylook perfect okayand then so then I decide that the girlsare outside so I’m like why they outthere I just went ahead in startedcooking these pork chops like I’m fryingthem because that’s how Zoe liked themso that’s what I’m doing now[Music]yep and I’m about to actually have themcome in I’m a mini cuz I don’t knowy’all is so many people outside todayyou don’t the challenge about what okayI’m making off some pork chops I’mtrying you some pork chops they out butto have the cloth no they have to cooloffshe clearly awaits of things cooled upthere’s a clown shoes pain there’s afool off she was clearing foot Lou LouKakashi was crying because she had towait for the cooker to cool off turnaround show me all t here she’s been abig babygood I made that I made these so goodokay so good just made the girls come inwhisper real has been fun I hope youguys are finding things to do with yourkids you have to tire them out beforethey get you okaybut yeah thank you guys so much forhanging out with us please go ahead andgive this video a thumbs up if you wouldtry my cookies please remember to likesubscribe and comment see you guystomorrow and another one