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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
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all right so our very first cookie thatwe’re going to discuss beyond thebiscotti is going to be your first greencookie this is a very important cookie aspritz cookie shows a couple ofdifferent skill sets that shows pipingit shows proper creaming method it showsproper ingredient blending and it ispart of your your practical exam forthis class you’re gonna have to make adozen spritz cookies so what we’re goingto go to today is the proper way tocream that spritz cooking it startsfirst off with room-temperature butterso you’ll notice by just touching thisthat’s that’s room temperature okay it’snot soft and like like liquid but it’snot cold right out of the fridge sowe’re gonna put that room temperaturenow what’s the best way to get your petto butter room temperaturego ahead scale it off and leave it outthe night before most places you know 7070 degrees is fine okay so we’re gonnaput that butter in there we’re gonna addour sugarthis is granulated sugar now thegranulated sugar is important for thisbecause what the granulated sugar isdoing for the creaming methodand the sugar is cutting through the fatbass feel a kind sandpaper and allows itto actually get creepywhen you start this upit’s a little loud you got to get thatbutterdown in there in the bottomwe’re gonna stop a couple of times thatI’m going to show you what you’re gonnasee so first you’re gonna see somethingthat looks like this that’s not good sowhat you do is you stop the machineyou’ll notice I took it off of themachine itself okay take it off removeit come in and get all of that productinto the bottom of the bowl so now asit’s mixing it’s actually doing its workwhat happens with the tripof course it doesn’t really mix anythingyou needed to actually cream for about asolid minute and a half now during thatcreaming method that’s all going on youdid things I called the edges all upmake sure you’re paying close attentionwhen you’re giving thisand I’m making that nice and soft fluffynow can you over creep of course you canyou can let this go for three or fourminutes um what happens is it gets sosoft that it’s almost like runningbecause there is a point of no return[Music]again taking the Machine off coming inand make it short so now I’ve got thisnice fluffy make sure you can see iteven change the color it’s turn white Ican go ahead and take my vanilla extractand my one egg put that down in thebottom what I’m gonna do since I’mmaking a small batch here is actuallystart by breaking it up in the bowlbefore I put it back on the machine[Music]we gonna livestop taking it off the machine I know itseems painstaking like more steps ifyou’ve ever done at home before but thisis the side of the professional and notthe rookie you actually know that youget all of that egg incorporated allthat there are on where it’s supposed tobe okay clean off the rubber spatit’s a very easy cookie to make you canactually put colors and things in it forclass this time around don’t put colorsin it but it comes to Christmas time youcan do a lovely green and pipe a littlegreen it’s also the same batter youwould put one of those cookie presseshowever we don’t use cookie presses inthe industry you use a piping bag of thetip once that comes together I’m goingto turn it down to low and I’m going toadd my dry ingredients and I want totalk a little bit about those dryingredients here in just a secondbecause there’s something very uniqueabout this recipe if you turn to itsugar salt vanilla egg cake flourthis is cake flour which means ourprotein content is much lower whichmakes it softer cookie it’s not it’s notgonna develop all good but you’ll noticethat I have absolutely no leaveningagent in here there’s no chemicalleavening agent we have a natural livingagent it’s called steam and then itcomes from the creaming method it’sreally really important that you creamproperly and at this point if you lookin the bowl you’ll see some dry bits andpieces this isn’t good up to this pointyou guys have been doing a lot of mixingwith quick grits and things and thosequick breads were okay if they’re alittle under mixed in this case it’sextremely important that you geteverything straight down and incorporateitonce you know you’ve got all thatscraped down and incorporated we’ve gota batter that is softand pipeable okay so we’re gonna takeour piping bag I’ve loaded a tip in I’vetaken the tip and actually twisted itpushed it down up knocked up I’m not cutthis yet show you how much do you wantfolks I got really big hands but evenwith big strong hands I’m not gonnaoverload this bag I need to be able tocontrol the back relax go to fill thisbag two times because if you overfill itgoing to make it really hard to controlthat’s the first about the size of abaseball back down okay now what I’mgoing to do is I’m going to take yourscissors and I’m going to cut aroundthat top they just comes right offnice and clean so now when I push mybatter down it’s ready to go okay sohere’s the other they twist the bag sothat it tightens up you’ll see it startsto come out okay so what we’re gonna dois we’re gonna come up to the pan I’mgonna put a little bit on the pan itselfcool trick keeps the pan and the papermarried together so now when I go topipe the paper doesn’t lift okay so nowyou can see papers in place so now I’mgonna pipe aroundand then swirl it upyou just keep tightening up the bagyou’ll notice that this hand is notdoing anythingI keeptightening up the bag it gets kind oflove unwind it puts downI’ll be able toPhilokayand I’ll fill that pan up once that pansfilled up I’ll show you how to make thedifference so after you get your cookiespiked you can take a little bit ofwater cold and you can make a littledimple in the middle of your cookie andI like to do this I’d like to put jam inthere for a little bit of ganache or youcan put you know a Hershey kiss orsomething else that’s in the middle butthumbprint cookies are kind of nicewe’ll be actually putting together araspberry jam for your final exam whichwill have the bags available but in themeantime at home you can go ahead andbake these off and it will hold thatfingerprint so make sure you get it kindof centered in the middle like I saidyou can actually put a couple as soon asthey come out of the oven you can put acouple chocolate chips in there and thatwill create it’ll melt down into themiddle and then you can eat up it’spretty tastyso we’re gonna put these in the oven at350 degrees just until they’re lightgolden brown around the edges so ourspritz cookiesnice and butteryjust a little bit of brown I could havemaybe even gone a couple more minutesbaby but there it is nicebuttery flaky they’re not puffy it’s adense cookiethe flavor is butter and a little bit ofvanillaI’m not too sweet and like I said youcan put can you see where that dimple isyour Piper really nice you can takethose large coins a chocolate lay itright on top it’ll melt you can actuallyplace our see kiss on this and be justfinespritz cookies part of your finalpractical exam for this class and it’ssomething that all of you should be ableto do enjoy