Hellooo my friends,welcome back to my chanel !
So today’s video it’s a vlog of me self quarantine, In this video I walked my dog In the morning before eating my brunch,then came back home had some lunch 🥪
Then the next day I made some pancakes and my mom made some tea,I actually went out to the supermarket to get the ingredients 🥞 and on the evening I watched a lot of movies while having some snacks and a hot latte 🍫☕
I hope you liked this video if you did please subscribe,like,and comment any video suggestions, and see you guys in my next video !!💌
Let’s be friends !
🌟 Instagram : Heyyyitslina
✉️ Business inquiries : theevolutionbeauty@gmail.com
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello my friends welcome back to mychannel so today’s video is gonna be avlog a guarantying day in my life so thefirst thing that I did I went to thegrocery shopping to buy some snacks hereabout some iced coffee from Tim Hortonsand then walked around the neighborhoodit was a little bit raining and then Ihad some snacks in my pocket it was aprotein bar so I ate it while I walkedin know like the lake[Music][Music]and then I came back home to eat mylunch I ate some sandwichit was a cadet with some tomato sauceand then I had some gum and anotherprotein bar at some chocolate and then Itook a napthe next day mean by family or cravingsfor some pancakes so I took the first togo and grab some ingredients to makethem and then my mom made some Moroccantea and then I brought with me somesnacks again to watch a lot of moviesyeah this shop was super cool so I wentand but this snacks that I ate me and mybrother[Music]and then I made some hot chocolateand I took another protein bar and Ifinished my so here I was watching acomedy movie so I was laughing a lot hewas from the American dream of cuttingmoney and then I went out again the nextday for morning walk and then came backto eat my breakfast so thank you guysfor watching don’t forget to Like andsubscribe bye see ya and stay at homebye