Bake along with Miss Emily from Barrett Memorial Library! While our treats cook we will read some of our favorite cookie stories!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone thank you so much forjoining us today for online cookies andcookies party I have in my kitchen andI’m so excited that you guys have allinvited me into your kitchens and we’reall going to bake together today todaywe’re gonna make some really deliciousbutter cookies using some ingredientsthat I think most people have andhopefully nobody had to run out and grabanything so we have flour and sugar andvanilla we have one large egg somebaking soda and the most important cookbacon cookies we’ve got some butter butbefore we can start here there’ssomething really important that we haveto do does anybody know what that is nowif you guys guessed washing your handsyou are absolutely right so first thingsfirst we have to wash our hands and notonly just dip our hands in the waterreally festive to give them a reallygood scrub and we have to wash inbetween our fingers and there are circlefingers getting forgotten when we washher hands sometimes does anybody knowwhat that isdoes anybody have a guess now that’sright our own we have to make sure thatwe wash our thumbs so before we getstarted we’re gonna wash our hands alltogether okay so we’re gonna go over toour kitchen sinks and write in somewater now it’s important we wash herhands that we use more water so that waywe get all those sticky germs all overso we’re gonna start our faucet I’mgoing to dip our hands on the water andget them nice and wet and then we’regoing to use soap we want to make surethat we use a good amount of soap on ourhands and we actually receive waterbecause we want to be kind of theenvironment to and we’re gonna wash yourhands and sometimes we sing songs I knowthat some people have been singing happybirthday twice or some people have beensinging other songs but I have thefavorite can I share it with you guys somy favorite is the baby shark song so ifyou guys are ready we’re gonna babyshark wash our hands 1 2 3 use some soapdoo doo doo use some soap do do do youdo do to use some soap want to wash ourhands to do to wash our hands dirty towash our hamster – to wash our hands inbetween our fingers – 2 root 2 2 intonow fingers – tuna – two fingers to do -in between our fingers wash our hands -tuna – wash our hands to do to wash our[Music]hands so there are hands are nice andclean now but sometimes we also want todry our hands because we don’t wantanything to get stuck thank you so muchmy lovely in the camera person so nowthat our hands are nice and clean andnice and dry we are ready to startbaking some cookiesnow that our hands are clean it’s timethat we preheat our oven I wouldrecommend them we asked her grown-ups todo it but it is really fun time to dosome counting so most ovens start at 350so we know 353 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 9095 400 perfectI knew whatever ingredients before can Itell you guys exactly how much you needso this is flour and we need a cup and ahalf of flouryou will need 3/4 of a cup of sugar 1large egg 1/2 a teaspoon of baking sodaa stick of butter actually you need 1/2a cup of butter but if you guys can geta little closer here and take a lookwhat’s really cool is on butter they’llactually tell you 1 tablespoon – andthey cut it out here so this line hereis 1/2 is 1/4 of a cup this line here is1/3 of a cup but a whole stick of butteris 1/2 a cup and we want to make surethat our butter is softened because ifit’s too hard it’ll mix right so see howmy butter is you see we want squishybutter and the last thing you guys aregonna need for this is a half a teaspoonof vanilla again and then we have somesprinkles for laterso the very first thing is we’re goingto combine three ingredients together toget everything ready so first we’regoing to combine the butter we’re goingto open that up and put it in ourhandy-dandy mixing bowl we are going tocombine our sugar put those togetherbecause the sugar and the buttergirlfriends and then finally the lastthing that we’re going to combine in thefirst step is the egg so we’re going tocrack that in and drop it in thereand then we’re going to combine and mixit upnow everybody is a different way to dothis but I personally like to use a forkand mix everything together the nicething about baking is not really a wrongway to do it as long as we keep speed sothis is what our butter sugar and eggshould look like all combined togethersee how we really don’t have many piecesour little white spots everything in ourcookies they’re all good friends they’reall mixed together and we want to makesure that we’re really deliberate abouthow many ingredients we put in becausehere’s something really fun about bakingcookies or any kind of baking really anykind of baking you guys so we are goingto start mixing in more ingredients soand it’s still 20 whose cookies becausethere’s a lot of flour in here andsometimes you think how is it all gonnawork out somehow it always does and thenwe’re gonna put in our baking soda andthe last ingredient here is our vanillaput all those together and then we startmixing and do you guys have some optionsI’m gonna use a fork but some of youguys might have hand mixer or you mighthave a KitchenAid however you guys wanta drink will be perfect just as long asour ingredients all mixed in togetherand sometimes it’s okay if we use ourhands too but if you do use your handsplease remember you have to wash themand before we get to mixing there’sanother part that’s really reallyimportant when we’re baking cookies andjust any time we’re in the kitchen wewant to make sure that everything getsput in the sink and out of the way allof our garbageshows anything like that gets put awayand rinsed off so that way cleanup isn’thard because that sometimes is thehardest part about baking is when ourkitchens get really messy and then wehave a really big mess to clean up butif we do it as we go it’s not thatdifficultso I used my my hands to mix my doughwhich means they just have to be washedone more time that’s going to removeanything that we make sure we keep ourhands clean as we’re the only one sweetour cookies sometimes our arms are andyour neighbors or friends or brothersand sisters so to be kind to all of ourfriends and neighbors we just want tomake sure our hands are clean now comesthe fun part we’re gonna roll our doughso I have my dough I just picked up alittle piece of it from the inside ofthe bowl and now you’re gonna roll itinto a circle just like that the nicestthing about cookies is that cookies area lot like our friends they come in alldifferent shapes and sizes and sometimesthey look different but they’re all goodand delicious on the inside not that ourkinds of delicious but our friends aregood and sweet on the inside aren’t theyso now that your dough is rolled intothese nice little spheres I do want youguys to know that my dough made 32cookies so depending on how big or smallyou make them you should have close tothat that number as well if you makethem really big they might take a littlebit longer to cook but that’s okay butnow comes one of my favorite parts isthat we have to flatten our toe becauseright now they are really round and wewant to make them more cookie shape soif you guys want to grab a glass andwe’re gonna wet the bottom of the glassnot too much just enough to get it getitdamn and then we have a bowl of sugarhere and I’m gonna dip my glass into thesugar so that the bottom is covered andthen I’m gonna take my cup and I’m gonnaflatten my cookie and then we’re gonnado that for each one and we want to makesure cuz that’s how we’re going to getour good cookie shape and these aregonna be extra delicious so you’ll justkeep doing that through all your greaseso as you can see all of my cookies havebeen flattened and now the next part isoptional if you guys have some of thesenice little sugar decorators orsprinkles feel free to put them on ifyou don’t it’s okay your cookies aregonna be delicious no matter what I havethem here so I’m just gonna decorate afew of my cookies for a little extrapizzazz now that we’re all done talk toMarc cookies we want to make sure thatwe wash our hands one last time and thenwe’re gonna put them in the oven andthen it’s my favorite part because nowwe’re gonna read some stories so nowthat our cookies are flattened out anddecorated it’s time that we put them inthe up this is a good thing to do undera grown-up supervision maybe you’regrowing up we’ll let you help or maybethey’ll want to do it themselveswhichever they want to do now we’regonna put these in and we’re gonna letthem bake for 10-15 minutes and whilethey’re baby let’s write the stories whomade all the cookie dough by KarenBeaumont and Eugene Yelchin any babymighty mo played all the cookie doughwho do you think it might be kanga looksaround to see lion lion do you knowwait’ll the cookie dough I don’t know itwasn’t me maybe zebra let’s go see zebrazebra do you know who ate all the cookiedough I don’t know it wasn’t memaybe llama let’s go see mama llama doyou know oh wait all the cookie dough Idon’t know it wasn’t me maybe cheetahlet’s go seeCheeta Cheeta do you know who ate allthe cookie dough I don’t know it wasn’tme maybe hippo let’s go see do you wantto read that really fast becausecheetahs the fastest mammals on theplanet do you know who ate all thecookie doughI don’t know wasn’t memaybe monkey let’s go see monkey monkeydo you know who way though the cookiedough hey where’d he godid he eat all the cookie dough Yes Nomaybe so then maybe my mo who ate allthe cookie dough picture can anybodyguess who it isI can’t wait should we turn the page andfind out okay let’s do it[Music]Kangas baby you how are your nose isdoing can you smell your cookies yetthey might need a few more minutes hereso while we wait we’re gonna readanother story and this is the cow wholoves cookies by Carmen Wilson andMarcellus Hall the cow loves cookieswhatever farmer feeds the horse he feedsthe horsey hay of course the horse justloves to nibble hey he eats it everysingle day but the cow loves cookies nowfarmer knows what chickens need healways gives them chicken feed theyscratch and claw and peck all day theylove their feed and the horse loves Hankbut the cow loves cookies the farmerfeeds the geese each morn he gives themsweet sweet cracked corn they honk forjoy and flap their wings they love thecorn the farmer brings hay for horsesyes indeed get those chickens chickensbeep cow corn for geese they love it sobut when it comes to cows we know thatthe cow loves cookies when farmer feedsthe hog they swap they love to eat thebig loopy blop they want them startedand run with gleethey eat like pigs it seems to me and ofcourse we know the horse loves hay andchickens love their feed each day andthe geese left corn and as Auggie’sshould and the pigs think the slop ismighty good but cow would never eat thatstuff you couldn’t pay a cow enoughbecause the cow loves cookies farmersdog just loves to eat when the farmergives of a doggie treat he gulps andgobbles with delight and sivir’s everymeaty bite hey is what the horsies needand all the chickens eat chicken feedand the geese munch on corntastes so fine and the hardest thingswap is just to rhyme and the dog adoreshis doggy treat but cow would rather eatthings sweet so why does the cow lovecookiesshe and the farmer to see they have adealevery day they share a meal the farmerpacks a picnic lunch and written the twosit down to munchhe takes cookies from a tim and cowgives milk to dunk them in Young saysfarmer and the cow says happy farmer toothey both love milk and cookies but thedunk hi guys my cookies are ready totake out of the oven so I’m gonna grabmy handy-dandy oven mitt and this againthe job that is probably best for ourgrown-ups or at least under grown-upsupervision okay and for our last storywhile our cookies cool I have one of myall-time favorites if you give a mouse acookie by lora job number oh andillustration was done by felicia bond ifyou give a mouse a cookie if you give amouse a cookie he’s going to ask you fora glass of milk and when you give him aglass of milk he’ll probably ask you fora strong and when he has finished hewill ask for a napkin and then he’llwant to look at himself in the mirror tomake sure that he doesn’t have a milkmustache and when he looks in the mirrorhe might notice that he needs a trim andso he’ll probably ask you for a pair ofnail scissors and when he’s finishedgiving himself a trim he’ll want toborrow a broom to sweep up he’ll startsweeping and then you’ll get carriedaway and sweep every room in the househe may even washing he may even end upwashing the floors as well and when he’sdone you’ll have to fix them up a littlebox with a blanket and a pillow andthey’ll crawl in and make himselfcomfortable and look the pillows a fewtimes and he’ll probably ask you to tellhim a story so you’ll read to him fromone of your favorite books and thenhe’ll ask to see the pictures on his ownand so we’ll ask for paper and he’lldraw a picture and when the picture isfinished he’ll want to sign his namewith a pen and then he’ll want to hanghis picture on the refrigerator whichmeans he’ll need scotch tape and whenhis drawing is hung up he’ll stand backto look at it looking at therefrigerator will remind himHill asks you for a glass of milk andchances are if he sees a glass of milkhe’s going to want a cookie thank youguys so much for joining us for ourcookies and bogeys party we know rightnow is a difficult time not having thelibrary open med school being out thatmeans that there’s a lot of uncertaintyand they know that it’s really hard forkids we’re gonna do everything we can toprovide library normalcy and I just dowant to remind you guys that we haveseveral online resources includingcanopy which has canopy kids has a lotof great educational resources andvideos for your kidswe’ve got Libby by overdrive which hasaudio books books that are appropriateboth for children and adults and I wouldjust really encourage everybody to reachout to the library we will do what wecan in these times and keep watching upbecause we’re gonna do more videos justlike this one so we hope that you guyshave a great dayand you have any questions give us acall at 2 6 2 2 4 5 2 7 or 9 or you canemail us directly at WMS vay at williamsthey li BWI got us thanks guys