First video of making bread with sourdough starter
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
so here we are my kitchen this iscooking with Chef said Bailey food theway it ought to be this is the first ofmy videos hopefully it could be one ofthe mini could be the only one as far asI know they’ve been bred specificallybull which is the French term for ballarbol and it is a rounded lope that yousee in the stores and let’s get to itwhat I have here is 500 grams of breadflour are strong flour as it were and100 grams of whole wheat bread flour andI like to cook combination of thosebecause we gives a little bit better byheld a better texture and when makingthis particular bread I use all-purposeflour I have measured on here 300 gramsof water and 200 grams of sourdoughstarter now if you don’t have thesourdough starter you can make this into350 grams of water and put in a coupletablespoons of active dry yeast orinstant yeast if you want make sure thatits bloom first typically bloom I makesure the water is about 90 degrees andthey have a tablespoon or so of honey orsugar so what I’m gonna do is put thestarter in with the water mix it all upto combine now this particular dough isgoing to be a no-knead dough I do notuse the food processor our mini mixer orKitchenAid I do sometimes when I’mmaking a sandwich loaf bread or evensometimes shibata’s things like that butthis is going to be a noni bread I’mlooking for a very well hydrated doughand what we call an open crumb you knowwhen you go to those restaurants and yousee the French breads that when you cutit open it’s got a nice big holes insideof it that’s an open chrome as opposedto a close Chrome which islike a sandwich loaf rack or somethinglike that so with this I am going to putmy starter and my water inside the holein that point I will mix in the flourand I’m going to mix this only untilit’s combined I do not want this todevelop a lot of gluten at this point ifthe gluten development and this recipeis going to be a little bit unique inthe sense that it’s going to be donemostly through stretching instead ofmeeting so we will stir this just untilit’s combined get everything in therenow I’ve also measured out 20 grams ofsalt here I am NOT going to put the saltin and tell this as approved at leastone time where it’s at least one timefor rising my breads I like to put themin the oven with the light on mostlybecause I’m too cheap to afford aproofing drawer but hopefully I’ll bedown the road so now that you see thatthis dough it’s kind of mixed and cometogether and it’s still a little bit onthe dry side this dough needs to be alittle bit wet to get that nice opencrumb but when you do end up mixing thisyou will end up mixing it with wet handsand you only incorporate have a littlebit more water into it at that point intime so at this point on this cover andrest put in the oven for about 30minutes the proof