Hey guys! wanted to show case the Best breakfast pancakes ever! its fluffy, delicious and super easy to make! Enjoy!
1 cup Flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 and half tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 egg
1 cup milk.
combine all dry. then mix all wet. Combine both gently making sure not to over mix. it’s ok if it has lumps.. dont panic! it will all dissolve when you cook.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to my channelMama’s menu so today we’re gonna bemaking breakfast and we’re havingpancakes so this is a period where a lotof people are home and some people havekind of run out of ideas of what to eatso I’m gonna try to come up with as manybreakfast lunch and dinner options as Ican so this morning we’re havingbreakfast like I said so on this placeright here I have all the ingredientsthat you need this is a really reallyeasy breakfast so you have milk righthere I actually have 2% milk so ifthat’s all you have you don’t have to goto the market to buy whole milk you canalways go ahead and use your 2% milk andthen here I have vanilla extract butteregg salt baking powder sugar and in hereI have 1 cup of flour now if you don’tknow what a cup is this is what a cuplooks like so you just take one scoop ofthis very lightly you don’t want to packit because if you do pack it then you’regonna have way more if you have a skillat home even better you just measure andthen you need a spatula and also a whiskif you don’t have a whisk go ahead anduse a fork so let’s get into today’svideo so guys first we’re going to getall the dry ingredients together so likeI said in this bowl we have 1 cup offlour and we have 2 tablespoons of sugarjust go ahead and add that into the bowlright here we have 1 and 1/2 baking oneand a half teaspoon of baking powderright here we have 1/4 teaspoon of saltand this is where the whisk comes intoplace or the first it’s coolbut no one gets hurtbaby sighs so here we have the wetingredients so we have the milk we havethe vanilla extract this is optionalguys if you don’t have this don’t worryabout it and then we have the butter Iwent ahead and pop the butter into theoven for about 40 seconds to melt thebutter and we have the one egg so whatyou want to do is go ahead and take youreggs crack it there you govanilla extract into the milk meltedbutter[Music]so guys now we have the dry ingredientand we have the wet ingredient so goahead and put a hole in the middle ofyour dry ingredient like so and thenpour your wet into your dry like thatand now you want to begin to combineusing a spatula okaydon’t use a whisk use a spatula becauseif you use a whiskyou’re gonna over mix this batter andthe last thing you want to do is overmix because if you over mix the batterthen you’re gonna have tough pancakesbut if you use a spatula and you gentlycombine you’re gonna end up with a verysoft and fluffy pancake now don’t worryabout the seeds don’t worry about thelumps in the mixture because youactually want the lumps you don’t wantto over mix the pan batter to the pointwhere you don’t see the lumps anymorethen it means you have over mixed thebatter when you finally put the pancakesin the pan trust me the lumps are gonnadisappear so this is exactly what youwant like so it’s okay for for you tohave lumps okay I know some of you areOCD I might be like oh shoot why why thelumps but don’t worry just mix mix forabout what maybe one minute and that’sit that’s all you need so this is itguys this is it so now we’re gonna stopcookingso using very low heat I’m gonna goahead and spray this pan like soif you don’t have this go you can justvery well use a frying pan I got thismany many years ago from Ross and it’sbeen amazing so what I have is I havethe spoon right here that I got from theChinese store and this is what I use inmeasuring my pancakes so I just goingwith one school like so I don’t feel itall the way up guys will you hand mefrom the side by the way you stay theway you so guys this is what it lookslike when I flip it so it’s flipped oneminute and this is what it looks likenice and golden-brownso which is gonna wait for the otherside to cook for about one more minuteand then we’re gonna take it out andstarts the second batch so I typicallymake about 8 pancakes from this batterusing the spoon that I use so it dependson what you’re using to measure yourpancakes you may get less you may getmore but I typically get 8 from thisbattersbaby keep it right theredon’t just dress the floor it trying topick the pace up we should