Join Pretend Play Time to meet the REAL Wolverine and make Wolverine Waffles
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Video Transcription
[Music]we are pretend play time I’m Chenoa andthis is Wolverine chat and Wolverine andtoday we are making Wolverine waffleswhy because we are flashing back to whenwe met the actual Wolverine atuniversals and he is so cool so we wantto celebrate him with some Wolverinewaffles and our wolverine costumes andmy cool orange shirt you guys ready tomake some Wolverine okay guys I needyour help to make these waffles we havethe mix we’re gonna use the full bag andand next we need our water thank younext we have our eggs Jack can you helpme with these[Music]and our last ingredient is oil can youhold this for me Thomas Thomas are thosethe real Wolverine yeah Wow what that issuper coolhey can you just be really careful soondon’t lift the sofa or any of ourpillows around here with those sharpclawsbe careful I don’t don’t touch me okayNo so next we’re gonna pour the batterinto this little measuring cup for thewaffle maker but be sure if you’re doingthis at home that you have an adulthelping you because the waffle maker isreally hot and we don’t want you to burnyourself I mean I need to be careful toohere we go for a little bit[Music]okay so while our waffles are cookinglet’s flashback to when we met real whatdo you guys think I’m silly rice screamsall timewhat do we got here get over here it’sfun I’m gonna cut you take a seatturn card sit up yeahnot the clock that’s into the hospitalfivetadaI was born with thesemeans scientists decided they wanted tocover model skeleton in this metal kindof like a giant humankamo but I dress like Pikachu why Icouldn’t tell youpika pika[Music]what’s your nameJackall right good there’s silence it’s notconfirmationbecause I got a lot of hair that goesinside my earsI look like a creepy both attended by acar come of the time I’m not pretty intothiswhat do you like Captain America[Music]yep so frickin say I look like a bananaapparently I look like an orange I getcalled Pikachu a lot you know[Music]I look like a banana with a catfour years old get out of five so bigwhen you eat all the time from attinacarnow you’re just having silent witheveryoneto be like a seala shield oh so you want to be likeCaptain America fair enough you look alot like him too serious about your -sighs I told you I was bored with theseunlucky can go cat gohe’s comin upI was born looking like a person but IwasI have the same things like the[Music]do you wanna fix it yeahhi fine see if we’re down here I don’twatchhigh-fiveboth my pants upso much fun meeting Wolverine yeah allright so our waffles are done and it’stime to decorate we have a little readywhipwe have Nutella and we have some cardsand marshmallows and chocolate chunksand what’s in here top Jack and nowwe’re gonna assemble our Wolverinewaffles does this kind of look likeWolverineyeah Russia hey how should we securethese ears down yeah that soundsdeliciousall right so let’s spread it on the backlook at this jacket yeah you can use theready-whip on top Thomas looks like he’salready going to town on his what do youthink oh boy oh boy all rightand let’s put Nutella on the other sidehere we go how do we get the ears tolook like his mask presen inhale on topthat’s right we’re gonna spread it ontop to make it look like the maskokay now that these are secured with ourNutella we need to add the eyes what doyou think we should use for the eyes Ithink Thomas has it figured out thewhipped cream okay guys let’s use thewhipped cream for the ice[Music]okay so yeah I look good but it’smissing something right yeah[Music]all right guys what should we do tofirst Mouse how should we make his mouthWow good idea let’s use the ready whipfor the mouthI think the mouth looks pretty good butit’s missing something what can we addthat’s a great ideawe’ll add chocolate chipshey guys I love how you made thesewaffles didn’t really look likeWolverine now for the best part you guys[Music]I doubt it goodbyehey guys thanks so much for watching ourepisode of our flashback with Wolverineif you enjoyed our video don’t forget tosmash that like button and subscribeonce we get 1000 subscribers we’re gonnagive away four tickets to where ok cooloh I get to Disneyland or Disney Worldvalid through 2021 so please remember tosubscribe and[Music][Music]