Hey guys in this video I tried to bake cookies!! I was craving them and thought I’d give them a try… like, subscribe, and turn on your post notifications! Bye 👋
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys and welcome back to theCarrabelle channel if you’re new youshould probably click that subscribebutton and that both be notified on whenI post new videos today you guys areprobably wondering why is my hair Wowtoday we’re gonna be baking some lookhomemade so let’s just see how I do hereI’m pretty good at baking but not thatso want you guys come along with me andwe’ll bake some cookies be honest I ranout of YouTube video ideas just givingguys so let’s go okay guys so the firstthing that we’re gonna be doing iscreating oven to 350 by the way don’tthink I’m impressionable becausebeautiful okay so now writing thedirection said the melt butter and we’regoing to be using eight tablespoonstoday okay anyway so let’s put it in abowl where’s where is my bowl I found agoal okay so we’re gonna pull her butterand I legitimately hate peeling thisbetter just because okay doesn’t hey youknow what Oh today okayyou guys will have some entertain thatwere actually really surprised itclicked on this video okay where did shesay forty seconds three secondswe’re gonna put it on for 15 because I’mnot that stupid person she’slegitimately trying to make me mess uplike 4 3 2oh okayChester it you sure and guys I’m Ireally try to look professional so Ipre-measured be up and I actually use aknife to like shave it down No okaywhat’s an X direction okay guys sobeelining is horrible over here but Ihave a mixture here okay so what to do 8she didn’t tell me what to use there’stwo tips[Music][Music]we’re gonna add our butter is literallyhot a little miss Burton a so I was likefreaking butteryes look at me Who am I okay give me aspatula – oh my god where’s my spatulasoh my god she’s adorableokay wait what if the egg cooks I heardthat okay so we’re gonna cook it untilit’s creamy should we lock it people youdon’t want to repeathey yes get cleanokay I think that’s pretty creamy lookslike applesauce this is what itlooks like disgusting but you know we’rejust gonna do that oneokay guys so now I have fish so we’regonna add our egg Oh our vanilla oh mygod have you seen that wow I didn’t geteight show Marik[Music]oh gosh losing forever your vanilla andgo this is a lot of another don’t evenuse this okay so now we’re going tocream this but we don’t want to cream ittoo much the direction saidlook how good okay oh my god do you seehow much better this is guys I’ve beenusing that light the whole time okayfreaking hero I’m already dirty okayguys so I was looking for the bakingsoda that I was like I don’t see it ohmy godrun over to one of my neighbors thankyou super embarrassing because I don’thave any baking soda but literally Icall my mom in here and she’s like it’sincognito and she bust this out you knowI’m like so now the dry ingredients Wowokay so what we do as I was saying is wemix we whisk it but anyway we mix allthe dry ingredients together before weif I didn’t want ingredient down it’sjust supposed to make it why do I getsuch a tiny bowl literally there’s somany bowls down there I’ve got thetiniest one so now we just put sectionspatula how to get caught in the mixerWow feeling call for a third ofchocolate and I was like girl because Ipersonally had as much I was gonna say[Music]don’t worry I’ll feed you somethingthrough the screen I caught you[Music][Music][Music]monstrous but my mom tasted it she saidshe likes so it turns out they’resupposed to just be twelve monstrouscookies on the sheet so so we’re gonnaput these in for nine minutes wait ohthose are monstrous cookies toothpickbut we’re just gonna use this longlooks pretty thick let’s try one andthen if it’s not then I’m spit it backon because Evans so we’re just gonna trythat I’m not here to poke a hole in youuse thisyeah it’s just one cookie do you hangback in the oven you definitelyoh I’m done you’re done zou done anywayI’m one of those people okay so I wentweak cookies they like deflated a littlebit so we’re going to check them outis so good we have some pecans and creamfrom so fun he did it guys wait for it[Music]