I’m sharing the simple 4 ingredient recipe I use to bake my bread. With this simple recipe ANYONE can bake bread!
Yeast | Water | Flour | Salt – it’s that simple. Check it out and let me know how it works out for you. Get crafty and try a few things. Please share your creations. I would love to try out your recipes as well.
2.25 teaspoon active dry yeast
1.25 cups of warm water (to make the yeast react)
2.5 cups of flour
1-2 teaspoons salt
– combine water and yeast. let proof for 5-15 minutes until foamy. The time will vary depending on how warm your kitchen is
– add salt
– add flour and knead until combined
– let proof approximately 1 hour (dough should rise to about twice it’s size)
– knead, fold over and let proof for an additional hour
– bake at 460F for 50 minutes
Add any additional ingredients you like as per your taste.
Original of the video here
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi everybody welcome back to hidden oakshomestead this is Nicole and today I’mgonna make some bread it’s the weekendso I have a little bit of time for anyof you who have baked bread before youknow it’s a time-consuming duty but it’sfun and the bread tastes fantastic so Iwill show you today a recipe that I’vebeen doing for a while with a little bitof customization here and theredepending on what ingredients I have onhand but the basic recipe is asking onlyfor water yeast flour and a little bitof salt for development and for flavorso I will show you what I do today we’regoing to be using sunflower seeds totoday to work into the dough as well andI will share the recipe down below inthe description so you will have itthere and let me know if you have anyquestions so what we’re using today is alittle bit of bread flour that I haveleftover along with some sunflower seedflour that I brought back from Germanyso I have to use it up because well I’mnot going to ship that home to theStates we have water tadaokay very simple and then some salt andheat that’s all we need today and that’sall we need to make the bread and startit off today so as a first step you wantto warm up your water so that the yeastdissolves easyin it and you need to give us some timeto race give it some time to bubble upso about 10 to 15 minutes or so and thenit will be ready for you to add yourflour and your other ingredients to itand then give it some time to raise anddevelop from there so if you have bakedbread before you know it’s a little bitof a process you need some patience andsome time in between which works greatfor me on the weekend because I canstart the dough out I can let it developand sit for a little bit and rise upwhile I do my other weekend chores youknow the fun things like cleaning andironing and I can move on from there andgo to the next stepand so what we’re going to start withthe water and the East and and let itsit for a little bit and go on fromthereso what we’re going to do first is addour water this recipe were using one anda quarter cup and we want it to be atleast lukewarm to give the yeast somechance to dissolve we’re going to addyeast toteaspoonand then we will let it dissolve youdon’t have to stir it it will do it itwill mix up and start reactingregardless but well I just like to stirit so here you go after a few minutesyou will start seeing it fill up andonce it starts doing that we know it iswhere it needs to be to start addingsome additional ingredients to it soit’s been about five minutes and it’snicely reacting and bubbling up this isexactly what we’re looking for as youcan see it’s building a nice texture inthis right here these bubbles you seethose does it nope nope nevermind therewe gowith these bubbles this is really whatyou’re looking for in regards to texturebecause it’s going to add those airpockets into your bread which you willwant so we’re going to give it aboutanother five to ten minutes check in andthen we can add our flour so when itcomes to ez bread recipes you can reallydo whatever you like with it dependingto what your taste is for the bread Ilike to add a little bit of cumin to itjust because I like the taste of it andobviously it’s good for you so I like toadd a little bit to it chip is not ahuge fan of it but you’ll have to dealwith it he’ll be alright in addition Ilike for flavor I like to add a littlebit of balsamic vinegar so this issomething that I personally like to addbecause it helps develop a little bitmore the dough in the flavor in it soyou know when I cut up bread I just lovethe smell of it and thisset a nice little tangy undertone so itgoes great with just some butter andsome sliced meat it’s great I love itobviously if you would like to add otherflavors you can always make it a littlebit sweeter maybe with some cinnamonwith a little bit of sugar or if youprefer just a simple white bread just gowith some bread flour you salt youryeast your water and that’s your simplebread that’s all you need so you canmake it as simple as you would like youcan make it as complicated as you likeso really it is up to you whatever youlike whatever you like to add whateverflavors you like you for it to be it’s agood simple recipe to follow in generaland add on however you would like so inaddition to the regular greatingredients that you have here so wehave our flour our ease our cumin saltand sunflower seeds that’s what we’regoing to be using today I like to useolive oil that will help you when itcomes to kneading the dough a little bitgives it a little bit of an extra flavoras well as some added moisture which isgreat for for the baking gives you alittle bit of an extra crust as well atleast in my experience now it’s time wecan add the flour now in the otheringredients and today I’m going to addsome balsamic vinegar for you so Ibasically use a shot glass talking itnot the best means of measuring but thisis all I have right now so I’m workingwith what I have half a shot glass ofbalsamic vinegar will do the trick forme today so we’ll add that in today youcan add it straight into the bowl I’musing a bowl just because I want toavoid making a hugewhen I make my bread so this is what I’musing to mix everything up as well asjust a simple hand mixer in my hands toto mix the dough and then let it sitagain from there you can use whatevertools you have you can use your hands ahand mixer a machine if you want to usea bread machine use a bread machinewhatever works for you do that I makeI’m mixing it with my hand mixer becausethat’s what I have and we’ll see whatkind of fancy tools I might want wantsthem back in Florida so I’ll keep youposted so I typically just start withthe smaller amount of ingredients Iusually add a cumin to mix it in reallynicely I add the salt so you want to useabout maybe half a teaspoon to ateaspoon of salt and mix it in you knowtry out what works for you in regards toflavor the less salt you use obviouslythe less of a flavor enhancer you havewith your bread and just try out whatworks for you and what tastes best foryou yeah well so this is a mix ofregular bread flour whole wheat flour aswell as sunflower seeds so we add thatin and then we can simply start stirringit up with our hand mixer or with thehands depending on how dirty you like toget like I said I use my hand mixer andit works greatso what we’re really looking for is totry to get it to a consistency where itwill come off of the walls so you seethere’s a couple of dry bits in therejust mix it up get in there get yourfingers dirty and knead it like this youcan let out some frustration if thehusband got any nerves or something likethat so you can add that in and what Ilike to do is add a little bit of oliveoil because like I said it adds someadditional moisture and you’ll be ableto clean your hands off betterafterwardsso let’s do that just a little bit isall we need all right we’ll mix this inand then guess what we’re gonna do afterwe wait we let it sit for minimum anhour to to develop and to rise so itshould it should rise up to probablyabout twice the size as what it is nowand at that point what we will do isknead it some more fold it over add alittle bit of consistency to it and letit sit again so in order to keep thetemperature in because it’s going toheat up a little bit as it rises is youwant to make sure that you cover it withsomething I have hand towels here sothat’s what I’m using again like I saidyou don’t need any specific cloth oranything that you want to cover it upwith it’s really up to you and what youhave at hand it doesn’t need to beanything fancy so we’re gonna cut itcover it up and let it sit for a littlebit okay folks part two so we added ouringredients we gave it some time to riseso it’s about twice the size that it wasand it’s time to knead it a little bitknead it fold it over you know give itsome consistesee and then we’re going to let it restagain so after we added the initialingredients I let it rest for about anhour hour and a half if you can check inevery now and then see if it’s gotten agood rice going you don’t want to let itsit too long because once it’s it’srosin up if you let it sit for too longit will collapse again so we don’t wantthat to happen so just chicken every nowand then try to leave the cover on asmuch as possible to keep the heat in andthen you can keep working on itso we’re ready to go we’re gonna uncoverit take it out and do some kneading andfolding and then after that we will letit sit again for about an hour and restand rise and then it’s time to put it inthe oven just spread it out to make anice mess in your kitchen and we’ll pullthe dough out and knead it for a littlebit I typically just like to fold itover a couple of times – to build thegluten up and add some texture to it sojust do that a couple of times againlike I said I’m not schooled in this Inever went to school for this this isjust how I do it and you touch to it asyou would like at your fingers dirtyso pull fold it over pull fold it overpull fold it over and what you don’twant to happen is you don’t want it totear because it will mess up the thestructure of the gluten so just keeppulling and folding pulling folding fouror five times alright here we go andit’s time to let it rest okay so here weare we are stage three meaning we cannow fake so everything is going to gointo the oven what I use is basically apan a Dutch oven I guess you can call itit’s a ceramic pot so I like to have agood crispy crustso I preheat that pan in the oven sortof that it’s nice and hot the bread goesinto ityou keep or while I keep the lid on itfor the first 20 minutes of baking toget it nice and hot in there keep thesteam in the pot which will make it niceand crispy and then for the second halfof the baking the other 20 minutes Itake the lid off so that it can Brown upa little bit I like it nice brown andcrispy now if you want a little bit of asofter crust just bake it without a lidon itthat way it doesn’t crisp up basicallyfor you so you can do that as well Iprefer the crust so I put the lid on itfirst and then take it off to brown itup a little bit so that’s what we’regoing to do we’re going to put it in theloaded up and then we will cut a goodpiece of bread later I’m looking forwardto it[Music]20 minutes of baking okay it’s hot allright so you have a little bit of acrust going right now okay it’s stillsoft so now what we want to do is wewant to brown it up and crust it up sointo the oven again for another 20 to 30minutes let’s see how Brown we can getit[Music]all right stage 3 is complete we’vebrown it up it’s nice and crispy andthis is how it looks like when it comesout of the ovenand it smells amazing[Music]now you want to bake the bread about 40minutes if you want it a little bit morebrown and a little bit more crispy likeI like it keep it in the oven a littlebit longer it won’t hurt so this loafwas in there roughly about 50 minutes sothe first 20 minutes with a lid on andthe other 30 minutes without and nowit’s ready so what you can do to makesure that it’s baked all the way throughtypically bread once it’s done soundsvery very hollow so we’re gonna testthat out really quickokay there we go so here it is righthere thisthat’s how you want it to sound likeit’s done and we can eat it in a littlebit we’re gonna let it cool down alittle bit on the rack and we’ll cut itand show you how it looks like on theinside alright y’all here we golet’s cut it[Music]check this out you see the steam can yousmell itit smells amazing thanks for followingalong I hope you enjoyed it try it outtry out the recipe and let me know whatyou think if you have any other ideas onadding other ingredients or what wecould do with it let me know I’ll behappy to try it as well so drop somecomments let me know what you think letme know how yours turned out and happybakingthanks for coming along thanks forwatching us if you haven’t yetsubscribed to our channel and we’ll seeyou in the next video[Music]you