Bread Recipes


Hello friends, it’s Christine, and welcome to Frugal Fit Mom! Today it’s a cook with me video and we are making the best banana muffins ever! These are my mom’s muffins and you will never go back to another recipe after trying these.

Banana Muffins –
Banana Bread –

Pastry Blender –
Oster Hand Mixer –
Long Loaf Pans –
Muffin Scoop –
Oxo Storage Container –
Lustroware Large Container –

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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription

hello my favorite friends my name isChristine and welcome to today’s cookingvideo now if you’re new around here andhave not subscribed yet maybe do thatnow did you guys know that over 60percent of the people that watch myvideos are not subscribed what aboutthat and while we’re talking about it goahead and hit that thumbs up button somore people can find this video now youmight be wondering what in the world I’mdoing with all these brown disgustingbananas it’s kind of my attention thatwe have a situation and we need to dosomething about this I decided to makethree different items with bananas inthem now I have already made a video onmy banana bread that will help you winfriends and influence people but backthen I didn’t have any subscribersnobody watched it so we’re redoing ittoday we were going to do a banana breadrecipe a separate banana muffin recipeand a third how to prep for smoothiesfor breakfast recipe I need threebananas for the muffins three bananasfor the bread and I have four bananas togo so we’ll use these for the smoothiesand we’ll do that right now you guys aregoing to die when you see how smart thisis check it out hey we are going to peelsaid banana uh-huh make sure you getthat banana stringy oh you guys likethat oh I hate those that ruins thebanana although I’m allergic to bananasso I don’t eat bananas and last they arecooked for some reason I can eat themcook but raw they make me super supersick okay so all I’m doing is I havethis stuff where because if I use aplastic bag you guys will yell at me andI’m goingI don’t know like inch and a half chunkslike this and all we’re gonna do isstick them in the freezer so they’regonna be totally frozen into these likeice QB type of banana chunks and Daveand Andrew who are the main smoothiedrinkers at the moment throw them intotheir shape in the morning which i thinkis genius no one has ever ever thoughtabout doing that before ever I’ve coineda phrase except in cooking terms I don’tknow what that’s called this newfangledI mean you guys gotta get behind it it’samazing haha there we gofour bananas prep for smoothies done anddone I’m Mac I had to change my shirtbecause I was like I don’t like cookingwith like really long sleeves in my hairdown so I had to fix all of it thebanana bread recipe starts by creamingyour butter and sugar which is amazingbecause that’s how you start cookies andcookies are amazing which means it’sgonna be delicious keep that in thereand the banana muffin recipe starts withegg milk and oil and mashed bananas stirall that together one eggokay one third of a cup of milk into ourmonth this is our muffin bread okay 1/3a cup of milk half a cup of oil and yourmashed Vanunu’s this is my kids favoritepart to mash up the bananas into bananajuice that’s what they call it thatdoesn’t sound good at all it reminds meof a separate vegan about banana juiceand if your bananas aren’t quite softyou can use a pastry blender so mushthese up I think that’s a really goodway to start it and if you guys want toknow where I got this amazing pastryblender it’s just from Amazon Davebought it for me it’s amazing it’s themost heavy-duty one I’ve ever had so Iwill link it down below for you and anymore mushing I need allkara with my hand mixer when I get thatthese minutes next we’ll add our dryingredients now I get asked all the timewhere I get these huge containers for myflour and sugar so I keep mineall-purpose flour and one of these hugebins and then my white sugar and theanswer is I don’t know they’re reallyold luster Oh we’re okay I’m gonna tryand find some if I can find them onLincoln below and this is one of the oxOh pop storage containers they’reamazing I don’t have a lot becausethey’re expensive but I try and pick uplike one or two new onesum maybe one day I’ll have that pantryyou know the one that’s like oh it’sbeautiful everything matches but I’malso realistic two cups of flour mm-hmmtwo thirds of a cup of brown sugar can Itell you how much I hate the 1/3 cupmeasuring cup because the sets don’t gowith them very often and then you alwaysneed 2/3 like I feel like I need a 2/3measuring cup and then a 3/4 cupmeasuring cup and then my life will becompletewe’re gonna go 1 tablespoon of bakingpowder yeah that’s gonna make them niceand fluffy and one tip of salt if youhave daughters you should be able totell me what movie that came from ifyou’re in the market for a hand mixerthis oyster is like my favorite one I’veever had because these are thick they’renot the wire ones I hate the wire onesand it has a retractable cord I’ll tryand find one and link it below I had toget a second one like I got one for mywedding and then burned it out so I meanthis is my second one don’t mix for toolongyou know what make it tough now if Iremember right this muffin recipe onlymakes 12 so if you’re smarter than meyou would double it because I forgot todo that and I love this muffin sizescooper so I’ll try to leave a link tothis size down below it’s the perfectsize for my own but today I’m going touse these jumbobecause we like them so this bananamuffin recipe came from my mom if Ididn’t already say that I have no ideawhere she got it from this is just likeher recipe that she always used theseare so delicious they were one of myfavorite thingsshe made well my mom made a lot of goodthings honestly there was not a lot shedid not new ones but she would makethese by the sounds dumb to say by theDozen but by like the three dozen movingalways had a ton of these she would justgo to town and make all the muffins theyfreeze really nicely they last forseveral days just in a baggie orsomething on your counter you stick themin the fridge the last even longer theyare good totally plain or with butter orlike my kids like to do it 400 degreeoven for 15 to 20 minutes while mymuffins are in the oven that almostrhymes we’re gonna do the banana breadwhich takes way longer to bake and ifyou’re wondering what am I going to dowith all of these banana baked goodiesbasically these are gonna be ourbreakfast for the next two days in ourhouse so tomorrow a banana muffins thenext day we’ll do like scrambled eggswith banana bread it’ll be fine it’ll begone in like no time at all so I have mybutter softened in this last mixing bowland we’re gonna add some sugar uh-huhit’s best if you don’t ask how much it’sreally best just close your eyes closeyour eyes don’t look look away so youdon’t see how much okay it’s just betterfor everybody you don’t want to knowokay there we go we have the sugar inhere there’s a reason the taste of itand I’m telling you if you want peopleto be wowed by your cooking skills makethem this banana bread and make themthese banana muffins and they’re gonnasay to you I have never had banana breadthat tastes this good in my life andyou’re gonna say I know right here’s theproblem with being able to come in andread this good is when you try someoneelse’s banana bread you’re kind of likethis isn’t that good ask me how I knowthat cream this together butter andsugar you cannot over mix itcan I tell you how glad I am that youguys cannot see the mess behind the kidI have all of my ingredients set outover here and my laptop so I could watchYouTube while I’m like not talking toyou we’re gonna add two eggs into thisand mix again oh not the shell pleaseoops that’s why you do not eggs into amoving mixer like a kitchen a tour aBosch or something I may or may not haveruined a cheese cake once once upon atime in case you didn’t know cheese cakeis not supposed to be crunchy two cupsof flour just using all-purpose flour Iget asked that all the time bread flourself-rising flour whole wheat flour yeahyou could totally make this with wholewheat flour it’ll be a little more denseI might go a little lighter on the flourmaybe not a full two cups I have neverever used gluten-free flours I cannotspeak to that I just don’t have theexperience with it one teaspoon ofbaking soda 1/2 a teaspoon of salt andmix just until it comes together likejust barely so like that’s goodshe died still kind of a little bit nowwe’re gonna add our banana juice so thisis our three bananas that I mushedthoroughly and vanilla of your choicenow I think it says a teaspoon ofvanilla I don’t never follow themeasurements for a vanilla because Ilike vanilla so we’re just gonna go likethat good vanilla just he’s good now ifyou are going to add nuts or chocolatechips or anything like that and thatwould be when you were gonna do that Iam NOT gonna do thatI’m a purist when it comes to my bananabread I don’t like any additions to itand took okay we’re gonna use one of myfavorite loaf pans it’s long and skinnyyou can see that it’s definitely not newI picked these up from Ikeaabout eight years ago I love themthey’re actually my second set I pickedhim up first when I first got marriedjust I can find one similar online Ilike it look for you but I just reallylike these I feel like they cook reallynicely I did spray the inside and let’sjust dump our batter into our loaf pan Ijust want to say it’s a lot harder to doit in this direction so you can see thebetter than it is to hold it up towardsme cookingpeople there’s some skill involved inthis because this feels incrediblyawkward I’ve been making this bananabread basically since college and I havenever tasted Izzie I’ve never seen itsee we’re gonna bake this on a 350degree oven for about an hour I’m gonnacheck it at 45 minutes and give it alittle switcheroo and they’ll let it goanother 15wait here’s my completed banana items Ihave my banana bread right here andtelling you my kids came home fromschool today they were like oh I cansmell it outside so we might dig intothis one first for an after-school snackit may not even make it until tomorrowand here are the muffins how beautifulare these there they were like as big asmy face so we might save these forbreakfast tomorrow and this one I guessthey’re gonna eat it right now they’reall waiting right here I don’t knowabout you but this piece right here thisis my cookies this is the best piecewe’ll just set that to the side for meyou see kind of the steam and thetexture of the inside pull the slice upwithout moving my hand Haley wants themHaley warm right out of the oven youdon’t learn to is that the questionAndrew Gotham can a plate yes you canhave two how many of you want she’sthinking hot sandwich that was minethink cut up no get a plate woman youdon’t want tooh crust like you mo people like bananabread worm and and that’s what we’releft with Dave hasn’t even had me yet ohmy goshalright we didn’t make it till tomorrowokaygo try these recipes I will have themlinked down below for you don’t forgetto try out the banana smoothie prep I’mtelling you it’s the best thanks forwatching today’s video and I’ll see youin[Music]

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