How to make ZERO CARB KETO WAFFLES with just two ingredients! If you are living a low carb lifestyle one of the things that you might miss is having Waffles for breakfast. This video shows you how you can use Smartbuns to make Waffles. Smartbuns are made by the Smart Baking Company. I do not receive anything from the Smart Baking Company. I discovered the Smartbuns sometime ago and I’ve had fun finding new and tasty ways to use them in making low carb meals. In order to make Zero Carb Waffles, beat an egg and dip your Smartbun in the mixture until completely covered on both sides. Place the covered Smartbun on your preheated Waffle Iron for approximately 2 minutes. Plate your Waffle and add your favorite toppings. Smartbuns have Zero Carbs. You store Smartbuns in the freezer. I took the Smartbun right from the freezer without thawing. I hope you enjoyed this easy to make Zero Carb Waffle. Thank you.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
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Video Transcription
welcome to run tall tv i’m tim and todayi’m going to show you how you can makesome zero carbwaffles for breakfast[Applause][Music]let’s gather up our ingredientsyou may have seen me use these to makefrench toast in an earlier videobut we’re going to use some smart bunsto make our waffles today[Music]we’re going to use them straight rightout of the freezeri’ll give you a little bit moreinformation on these in just a minutethe other thing that we’re going to needis we’re going to need one eggmy favorite recipes have very fewingredients and this one only has twowe’re going to use our egg as well asour smart bunif you’re not familiar with smart bunsthey’re made by this smart bakingcompanyi don’t get any kickbacks from thecompany i’ve said that beforeit’s just something that i found that ienjoyed when i became more carbconscious some of the things that ireally missed were things likebread and buns and pancakes and frenchtoast andwaffles and today when i was out runningi couldn’t stop thinking about wafflesand so that got me umwanting to share this with you i thoughtyou might find ituh interesting that you can make zerocarb waffles using thesesmart buns now when youget smart buns i have to buy them onlinei can’t find them any stores near methey are about ten dollars a box just alittle bit less than thatthey do have a subscription program nowwhere you can subscribe and and savesome that way where they’ll send them toyou each monthand they have different levels of theirplan i typically just wait for the salesi signed up with my email and they’llsend me a notification whenthe smart ones are going on saleoftentimes you can find themfrom 20 percent i bought this last batchat 40off their retail price with freeshippingand i had bought eight boxes uh justbecause it was a good dealand at 40 off with free shipping it wasuh definitely on par with anylocal grocery stores that i could findthat would be somewhat related productsbut these are the first ones that i havefound that actually havezero carbs there’s a lot of other breadsand buns out therebut typically they have some they rangefrom anywhere from three tosix carbs somewhere around there andthen if you take a look at these andwhen you get themthey’re going to advise you to freezethem right away to keep them freshbut i’ll just we’ll give you a quicklook at theingredients and their nutrition factsso you can see that it has a lot of goodthingsin it for you including uh has 11 gramsof fiberand 9 grams of protein and only 63calories so if you’renot only counting carbs but countingcalories these area good option i thinkso let’s get one out and get startedsince i am starvingthey come individually packed which ithink is a really nice featuremakes it much more portable so if youknow that you were going outuh to grab something to eat maybe withfriendsand you still wanted to be carbconsciousheck you could throw one of those inyour car take it with you tomcdonald’s swap out the bun and you gota low carb you know quarter pounder withcheese so the first thing that i need todois to crack this egg open onto a plateand beat it as if you were going to makescrambled eggsnow if you like you can add just a dashof cold wateri will do that from time to time i’m notgoing to do that todayi wouldn’t add too much but you couldadd like i said just a dash of coldwateronce we get our egg mixed up i’m justgoing to take my smart bunopen that up and this came right out ofthe freezer i didn’t thought at alli’m going to coat my smartbun and the eggand of course to make waffles i’m goingto be using my waffle irondid preheat my waffle iron todayso i should be pretty good to go therenow my waffle iron hasa timer on it i’m going to set it fortwo minutesfrom here i’mgoing to simply place my smart bun inthe middle of my waffle ironclose her upand in two minutes i’m going to have mea wafflewe’re getting close the timer iscounting downwell i’m finishing up the last fewseconds you might notice that i’mwearing my bigfoot challenge5k shirt late april i took the bigfootchallenge 5k race which was a fundraiserfor local food banksif you’re looking for a good fundraiserand a good virtual race to doi might suggest that one i enjoyed itenough that i’m going to be doinganother virtual run with thema half marathon and as soon as i finishmy half marathon training block i’m inweek 12 soat the end of next week i’m gonna go outand hit the trail with thehalf marathon for the social bigfootsocial distancerace so let’s take a look at our wafflethat looks good i’m gonna plate that andi will tell youthat it tastes as good as any wafflei’ve hadand of course i have a small waffle ironso i have to doa half at a timebut when it only takes two minutesthat’s not bad so again i’m gonna set mytimerfor two minutesand then we’ll be good to go while i’mwaiting for that two minutes toto finish up these are zero carb wafflesit only took one egg to make i’m gonnatop mine with some butteras well as some sugar-free mapleflavored syrupthis happens to be my favorite uh flavorand again i don’t get any kickbacks fromthe companythey sell it at meijer which is a localgrocery store near methey do have other sugar-free syrupbrands out therethis one i particularly like justbecause of the flavorand if you’re carb consciousif you look on that label you’ll seethattwo tablespoons have just three carbsand only takes about one tablespoon forme to get enoughflavor to really enjoy my breakfast andsofor a carb and a half i can have sometasty waffles for breakfastso i just turned the timer go off whichmeans that myrest of my waffle is doneand that looked good i kid you not theytaste as good as any waffles that areout therei am going to add a little butter tomine[Music]just like when i was a kid i like tofill in all of thelittle waffle holesand as i mentioned i like to have alittle no sugar syrupthis is just a tablespoon and you cansee that it’s more than enoughso there you have it zero carb wafflesand if you like a little extra flavorlikemaple flavored syrup you can add thatfor a carbon halfif you’re new to run tall i upload newvideos each weektypically about running but also abouthealthy and active lifestylesi hope you enjoyed today’s video on howto make zero carb wafflesi know i’ll be enjoying those waffleshere in just a couple of minutesuh be sure to subscribe to the channelandhit that notification bell so that youcan be notified each time iupload new content as always run tallrun strong and be kind to one anotherthanks for watchingand we’ll see you next time