A delicious waffle batter that you can make the night before.
The full recipe is posted on my web page oldfatguy.ca (https://oldfatguy.ca/?p=6017)
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
it’s time to make it just give it a trycuz you can make it like the old fat guy[Music]well in this episode of you can make itI’m David Farrell the ole fat guy todaywe’re going to make something waffle nonot something awful something wafflewe’re gonna make yeast waffles now whywouldn’t you just buy a mix and makewaffles and make them up scratch orwhatever we’ve seen when you make yeastwaffles you make them the night beforeand by making them the night before itmeans have everything all mixed upsitting in the fridge ready to go andwhen you’re serving your family yourguests on a special day the battersalready done you just got to cook it upso it’s quite convenient and it makesfor an easier job the next day becauseyou’ve done all the prep work up frontnow to make yeast waffles is actuallysimplicity itself the night beforeyou’re going to cook the waffles you cantake 400 milliliters of milk and 90millilitres of butter so that’s 1 into 3cups of milk or 1/3 cup plus 1tablespoon of butter now I’m melted thebutter firstit just works better so pour the butterinto the milk and then we’re going toput this in the microwave for about aminute because we want to get up around120 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit because ithelps activate the yeast of it’s warm soexcuse me while I put this in themicrowave so I heated my milk and butterup in the microwave and you want between120 and 130 degrees which that is itactually took a minute and a half weekyour microwaves might take 2 minutes butif you don’t have a thermometer just putyour little finger in there if it feelswarm but not hot you’re fine so we’lljust set that aside for a second andwhat we have here in this bowl is 375milliliters or one and a half cups flourI suggest you go buy weight which thatis 195 95 grams because it’s moreaccurate but that’s in there and what Ihave on this plate is a 1/2 cup or 125milliliters of whole wheat flour whichis 65 grams and I have here eightmilliliters or one and a half teaspoonof instant rice these faster Isay quickrice Jesus go bunch of names but youwant thequick East and what I have here is threemilliliters or a half teaspoon of saltI’m going to add that to the flour andjust give it a quick stir to sort of mixthem together and then I’m just going togo grab a spoon and we’ll give that astir up a bit more and we’re going toadd to that our milk and butter mixtureit’s port in the center and stir ituntil you get a nice batter and don’tworry about a few months they will workout as it sits in the fridge overnightbut you just want to get it all stirredtogether there we goso we’ll set that batter aside for aminute because we’re going to make someadditions to it right nowand the additions are that what I havein here is 40 milliliters or threetablespoons of maple syrup I have twoeggs I’m going to add to that and fivemilliliters or one teaspoon of vanillagot to be exact of course and then we’rejust going to beat that with a whiskyou can use the fork to do this just doit a bit longer or you can use a rotarymixer so once it’s all mixed togetherwe’ll just bring our batter mixture backand add this to it and give it a stir inagain don’t worry about a few lumpsshowing up they’re going to disappear bytomorrow so now that we’ve got itstirred together we’re just going to letthat sit on the counter here for 20minutes so I’ll see you in 20 minutesour batter is sat for 20 minutes and allwe have to do now is just scrape downthe sides to get as much as we can offthe edge of the bowl into the batterjust scrape it down there we gothere’s always gonna be a little bitleft up there don’t worry about it andonce you’ve got the side scrape downwhat we’re going to do is put someplastic wrap over the top of it art soonce we’ve got it covered with plasticwrap this is going to go into therefrigerator for between 12 and 24 hoursat which time we’ll be able to cook somewaffles I’ll see you tomorrowI made my pancake batter up last nightand I put it in the fridge overnight andas you can see if all got kind of foamyand fluffed up don’t worry about itthat’s what’s supposed to happen youjust want to stir that down back into aliquid into a batter so there we go andwe are now ready to cook with it so whatwe’re going to do is we have a preheatedwaffle iron follow the instructions ofyour waffle iron to get it up totemperature this one tells me with thegreen light that it is ready to cookwaffles soI’ll just put some waffles in my wafflemaker no this is a big one it’s got twohalves and they tell me it’s supposed tobe about 1/2 cup of batter for each halfso we’ll just put about 1/2 cup ofbatter on that side and 1/2 cup ofbatter on this side and we’ll close thelid now every waffle irons a littledifferent this one takes about fiveminutes but to really tell when yourwaffles done you want to wait untilthere’s not steam coming over the sideas much anymore so it’s going to takefour or five minutes I’ll see you thenthe waffles have been cooking about fiveminutes and you can tell I put just alittle bit too much in because there’s afew dribbles that’s why I put it on atray but you see there’s hardly anysteam left just a little bit showingaround the edges that lets you know it’sready so let’s take a look ah nicegolden-brown waffles aren’t theybeautiful so we’re just gonna lift themoff of the waffle iron and put them on aplate now you can go ahead and cook somemore waffles if you want to serve themall at once put these on a tray or aplate cover them with a towel and put iton a 200 degree oven until you’re readyto serve them all at once I do thinkthey’re best if you serve them right offthe iron but there’s a if you heat themup and they’re really good toasted thenext day too but let’s try these ones soI’m just going to give them a littlesmear here nice little bit of buttersome maple syrup I do like my maplesyrup mmm just take a bite you seethey’re nice and crispy on the outsidegive it bite mmm crispy on the outsidewith a really nice creamy interior adifferent texture than you get from theones you buy from the mix this is areally great waffle it’s got a nicebready flavor theyou stabs a bit more flavor it’s got amaple syrup in the dough it’s crispyit’s perfect and you can make it thenight before so you’re not visiting thenext day when you accompany and the bestpart of all you can make it I have agood woman I ain’t good-looking but I dosome cooking so use that[Music][Music]we like the old[Music]