Waffles Recipes


Chef Leah from E.A.T. Marketplace beautifully demonstrates how to make a delicious ketogenic waffle.

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okay so this is now four of our fiverecipes for fall using all of ourawesome anti-inflammatoryum squash so remember we have our pureefrom our pumpkinso we’re gonna use a little bit of thatin this awesome ketogenic waffle a lotof people are calling them truffles ithink cuz because there’s cheese in itso they’re shipping the nameshawful waffle that’s a lot to rememberso what we’re going to do is go aheadand make this waffle it’s awesomeyou can make them you can put them in abag put them in the fridge and thentoast ityou can use it for bread you can use itfor dessert you can also use it for abaked brunch casseroleagain endless so this is grain freewe’re going to be using almond flouregg a little bit of baking powderyour cheese and a little bit of vanillai always forget i always have to lookwhich is whyi always use on floss and keep all mynotes close by okay so we started withthe one eggand our vanilla and we’re going to goahead and whisk that really wellthen i’m going to put in my onetablespoon make sure that’s correct yepmy one tablespoon of almond flour youcan use coconutgo for it i’m gonna whisk that togetherincorporatethat and then i’m going to put my oneteaspoonof baking powder okayi’m going to put a little pinch of monkfruitgreat for our diabetics great forinflammatoryanti-inflammatory you know if you’re ifyou have inflammation you definitelydon’t want to be doing a lot of sugara little bit of cinnamon a great spicefor inflammation and to cut thatinflammationi’m going to whisk that all togetherthen we’re going to put in our cup ofcheese we’re going to fold it alltogetherand we’re going to make a waffle so thisis what youryour cheese and your egg and your almondand your baking soda and your cinnamonand your vanilla batter is going to looklike for the waffle you really just getyou’re battering the cheese you’recovering it up so we can go ahead andput that onto a hot surface and make awaffleso you can hear all the laughter on setand allof the talking it’s just because we havesuch a good time when we work togetherandthat is one of the joys that i get withthis partnership with rancho familymedical groupand everyone that stephen beau andtraeland that are all hanging out withusokay enough that more of this but it ispretty coolall right so here is our i’m not goingto say itchocolate waffle here’s our waffle andi’m going to show you how to makea quick puree ripe bananas when youdon’t know what to do with themi mean obviously you can peel them andthen you can put them in a bag andfreeze them but we’re just going to takethis one bananasquish it up throw it in a bowl wipeyour handsyou are going to need four ounces ofcream cheesesame thing squish it up throw it in abowl just like thatyou are going to need one tablespoon ofmaple syrupand you are going to use one cup ofour pumpkin puree why becauseit is fall it’s all things fall and itis a wonderful part of ouranti-inflammatoryrecipes that we’re doing with you thisweekand just a pinch of your pumpkin spiceokay i’m gonna go mix this up and theni’m gonna plate it all for you and justshow you how easy it isto eat clean and to eat healthy and tomake things in advanceokay so we have our puree made and thatis one cupof our pumpkin puree that we madeearlier andfour ounces of warmed room temp creamcheese if it’s not room temp it’s gonnaclumpand just a little bit of a pinch of yourpumpkin spiceand a little bit of maple syrup and onereally ripe banana and that’s all pureedtogetherand we’re going to go ahead and we’regoing to put some of this on this platewith ourwith our waffle our ketogenicchocolate waffle let’s give a nice swipearoundput a little bit of a some more pumpkinspice on there because it’s deliciousgoing to nestle this waffle right inthere go ahead andget a little syrup on the plate oh mygoodnessadd some blueberries add a lot ofblueberries blueberries are so fantasticfor you talk about anti-inflammatorythey’re just wonderful you can getwinter blueberriesand they’re delicious look at this oh mygoodness i am going to bite into thati’m excited to try our truffleso this is chef lee di bernardo with eatmarketplaceright here in our temecula valley in oldtownpartnered up with rancho family medicalgroupwhat an amazing group of doctors by theway i just have to throw that in thereand we are all about fall and talkingabout anti-inflammatoryand the foods that you can use in yourrecipesfor your health choose health and i’llsee you next time

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