Waffles Recipes


This video is a quick and easy step by step tutorial for how to make buttermilk pancakes and/or waffles from scratch!! Grab your ingredients and cook along with me as we make these delicious breakfast pancakes that you can make at home!

You’ll need:

-2 cups of all purpose flour
-2 tsp baking powder
-1 tsp baking soda
-1/2 cup sugar
-1 tsp salt
-2 tbsp melted butter
-1 1/2 cups of buttermilk
-1 tbsp vanilla
-2 eggs beaten
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Video Transcription

good morning guys and welcome back to myyoutube channel today we’re going to bemaking some buttermilk pancakes or thesame mix that you can use for waffles aswell I got my brand new waffle makerhere that I got on Amazon I think I puton my Amazon wishlist and someone boughtit for me as a gift so today is gonna bethe first day that we’re going to beusing it okay so I’m gonna get down tothe ingredients here tap on thedescription box for the complete list ofall the ingredients I’ve got 2 cups ofall-purpose flour 1/2 a cup of sugar I’mgoing to be using 2 teaspoons of bakingpowder a teaspoon of baking soda which Igot right here I’m gonna use a teaspoonof salt 2 tablespoons of melted butterI’m going to be using 2 large eggs thisis one and a half cup of buttermilk thisis the buttermilk that I bought from thesupermarket it really doesn’t matterwhich brand but this is the one that Ibought I’m going to be using atablespoon of vanilla so the first thingwe’re going to do is mix our dryingredients I got my two helpers here[Music]that is almost like cookies mom[Music]youwhat and now we’re just going to stir itreally nice you have waffles okay sothis is what your batter should looklike not too runny but not too thick andlumpy either so what I’m going to do nowis set this to the side and I’m going tounbox my waffle maker and then we’regoing to get it startedso I turned my waffle maker on I set itto like almost the max point and I’mgoing to wait until the green light saysit’s ready now what I did was transferthe batter into a Pyrex cup so you guyscan see this made three and a half cupsof batter and you can use this forpancakes or waffles okay so it saysready we’re going to pour I’m gonna usethis butter flavored nonstick[Music]I am Josh how was it back quick nice andquick mommy mommy boomers are gonna haveto hey mommy can you cut into pieces sowe can have four[Music][Music][Music]so here I’m going to show you how I’mgonna do some pancakes with the sameexact mix I’ve got some oil hereso these are what the buttermilkpancakes look like right after Ifinished making them I’m gonna put somesyrup on them nowyou[Music]

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