Hello this is a video that will telll you how to make quick,easy and delicious waffles to start out your day.
I did this video to get my hobby badge for scouts Canada thank you for watching my video this is my first video and I’m going to try to get one out every week if you have a suggestion just put it in the comments thanks for watching!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
you ever find yourself wondering whatI’m gonna have for breakfast well you’reno longer here’s a recipe for you knowsome easy waffles and all you’re gonnaneed is 2 cups of flour 1/2 a teaspoonof salt 2 tablespoons of sugar 3teaspoons of baking powder 1/2 cups ofmilk 2 eggs 4 tablespoons of butterand a teaspoon of vanilla extract whichis optional you can also add as like Ido some chocolate chips and waffle ironnow we have everything we need let’sstart cooking now we’re going to add allour dry ingredients together so 2 cupsof flour 3 tablespoons 3 teaspoonsthree those and then finally half ateaspoon of mixed together now onceyou’ve got that all mixed upyou’re going into a stirring you’regoing to mix the other the milk in theeggs in a different Bowl together onceyou have that all good you’re going towant to add the butter and the vanillaif you’re using itsort ofand four tablespoons butter once youhave your butter in you’re going to wantto mix your wet ingredients in your dryingredients here we are now now it’stime for the customizations here you cango pretty much it the ones that I havedone is I put cocoa powder I’ve donecinnamon waffles and I’ve also donechocolate chip waffles right now I thinkI’m gonna do in trouble trip ballsso like depend on how if you want I’mgoing to use a cup with chocolate chipshere it’s gonna look pretty much like achocolate chip batter except no onceyou’re done with that I’m gonna do isget you off water so here I have a I’mOscar a fan it’s cold a waffle iron isabout no regular medium size I have itset to medium and I’m going to put 3/4of a cup or two thirds depending on howbig you want it I’m just gonna plop itin there and wait for it to cook but Ihave to wait for it to get ready so onceyour waffle iron is nice and hot Iyou’re just going to put about 3/4 ofcopper 2/3 on first you you can eitherwipe it down with butter oil furblingcanola or sunflower or you can usebaking spray I’m gonna use baconstraightcan I put it in that 3/4 okayafter sometimes you’re like thick sojust got wait yeah just closing see okayit’s been about four minutes since Ithat’s actually the chocolate chips thatI added and the rest of them[Music][Music]there yeahwaffles these are you know quick andeasy but one thing to remember for doingthe cooking is make sure not to put toomuch as I didcooking this last waffle because it willoverflow that’s annoying to clean up butyeah quick and easy waffles nicethey might look burnt they are sothey’re chocolate chips I put in themyeah you can easy enjoy oh yeah pleaselike and subscribe and if you havesomething you’d like me to make nexttime just put it in the comments thankyouthanks for watching