Wow best waffles for dogs recipe ever, or according to the pups “WOOFLES”.We, The PupSquad, are calling our kitchen “Pup Kitchen.” It is the place where you are going to get various recipes to make the healthiest, yummiest foods for you barking pet.This is our dog cooking show, a dog cooking video, a cooking video that everyone can enjoy; it is cute and fun.Tell us what recipes you want us to do and we will certainly do it.
Dogs can’t eat all the same foods as humans, it’s not safe for them, and sometimes the dogs get fed up of the same dog chow everyday, so these recipes are so easy and fast that it will not only make them happier but also make you happier.
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Hope you enjoy.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey everyone and welcome to the firstepisode of kitchen do you wanna telleverybody what we’re making today Elsawe’re making we’re making what are wemaking todayain’t that right – okay as you are foodfrom Elsa we’re making waffles so let’sstart with the ingredients you’ll needfor organic eggs 1 cup of water 1 cup ofmilk 2 tablespoons of canola oil 1tablespoon of coconut oil 3 cups ofwater and mixed in here are 2 teaspoonsof baking powder and 1 teaspoon ofcinnamon so let’s beginand the wet ingredients into a mixerfoods everybody for eggsthen I’d milkthe water also might see the ingredientsand the oil you know whiskeyfirst at is low speed until all theingredients are well mixed so now thisis optional if you didn’t already threwout your eggs you can crush the eggshells into the mixture because eggsalso good for those has high levels ofphosphorus which I get results it’s goodto recipes up and running are funny sothen we whisk it a little moregreat no anybody like to see how it’slooking so there’s all our wetingredients always together perfectlyit’s time to add in dry ingredientsslowly add the dry ingredients to thewet ingredients while they are mixingshowing that there well[Music]this looks great let’s get the puppiescheck them out Jason oh look she lovesit yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yumyum yum yum yum it’s all over my handsshe once more yeah up dubs she loves itdefinitely oh I love itokay let’s see your pass again stuff ohokay you guys look at the chest noweveryone and this was mentioned in theingredients but since we have everythingmixed up here we’ve decided to add somecoconut add a very little amount ofcoconut it’s decorated grated coconutfor the dogs too much isn’t good foryour dogs so just add a little bitit’s optional to also add some gratedcarrots as additional better typos andqueries always good for your dog sowe’re all mixing that up so let’s getready to put them in the waffle makerand get movin okay let’s we’ve got ourwaffle maker now we’re going to pour thebatter in after we spray it our got thewaffle maker all greased up andeventually we’re gonna have deliciouswaffles here we go and the pouring it inyummy just filling it up Oh who’s soexcited the puppies are so excited forthe wafflesokay let’s close it down and let’s waituntil the delicious booth was already[Music]we’ve been waiting for okay that was ourFoolish around so that’s what firstwe’re gonna keep adding to get moremuffins and you guys wanna see a wholenew attraction of inertia corpus forwere six dogs so you guys remember thatwe this butter was suited for six dogsso basically number of dogs you guyshave you can cut it in half quarter therecipe that is show you guys could shootaccordingly okaypress it down the final waffles thereyou go one Wownow we’ve had enough waffles to feed Ohsix of our dogs with huge appetitesyeah okay but we’re not done yet okay sowe’re gonna add some cooked lamb andrice but you can add anything you wantyou can add fresh strawberries peanutbutter anything you want that’s safe foryour puppies make sure to do yourresearch before you’re addingingredients you just remember that allthese ingredients are saved for yourpuppies the eggshells the coconuteverything was added in the rightmoderation for the dog’s health so we’reensuring dogs are healthy and happy atthe same time so just smear that on[Music]with the doggies of another of thisessentially can’t wait to meet themso let’s try to return to the pool nowthis is possiblewe’re okay and unless me is chin youalready for chilly and Elsa outset go oncome on sir yep so we’re just gonnasmear the rest of waffles and wafflesand give it to the rest of the dorks seeyou guys later for episode 2 of thekitchen empty what is good even more