Waffles Recipes





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Song rights go too IEditing X
Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT
The music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8
As Long As You Have Faith In GOD Anything Is Possible🙏🏽

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Video Transcription

[Music][Music]a blessed morning well doesn’t look sonice outside but that’s okay it’s stilla blessed morning for now yes oh nobuttercup you’re up so half the house isstill sleeping but your girl is up andI’m about to make some breakfast thismorning so hey guys good morning andwelcome back to the Williams familytoday I decided to do a breakfast a nicebig breakfast since it’s been a whilesince I’ve done a nice big breakfast soas you guys can see you’re in thekitchen with me today and that is theplan it’s nice to have this time offthat you can actually get things doneand do things as a family that youweren’t able to do so today I am makingsome waffles I’m gonna make some wafflesbanana waffles so I already got my mixthrown in here and I got whipped creamcut up some bananas now some bananashere so I’m actually gonna take thesebananas and I got my butter sock myolive oil and I got my platter and youwould just need a whiskyou also need I call this I don’t evenknow what the hell it’s calledbut it’s mashed potatoes so that is thelogic of itit’s a good-sized spoon so what I’ll dois I’m going to mash up these bananas upin here I have not made I haven’t evenused this and I also got my waffle makerhere that’s itFaith’s them princess waffle maker so itis heating right now so and I also gotmy plate of eggs so I’m gonna also makesome scrambled eggs and our somethingyeah either scrambled eggs or I am goingto make an omelet so maybe a online so Ijust mashed up the Rings and I alsoalready measured out my water so you’rejust gonna use that[Music]the reason I have my butter I tend toput butter on here I like putting butteron here whoa you see that bad boys heartyes it is hot[Music]okay I try and width Ruth as much aspossible and then I’m gonna take thisboard is in for all of thisand then the user remained in the waterokay and then you’re just going to mix Iknow you guys you don’t even see myhelpers here today[Music]and this is what the mixture looks likeso it is ready to gogoodnight I will take out one of these I[Music][Applause]got my meat over there so what I’m goingto do is take myokay so an openness and you just takethe spoonful[Music][Music]and anywhere else that is not you justspread your cross to make sure it is itgets all over usually fake loves doingthis baits usually the waffle maker inthe house and then you just put it downand they let it sit there’s a button onhere when it goes off that means it’sfinished so I’m gonna let that go fornow deal with the eggokay and I also put the water on and 40I am currently dealing with my egg hereso I’m just some eggs[Music]finish also finish I’m gonna give youguys a close-up when you open it this iswhat they look like so you can cut themand you take them out all rightoh and this is the design they havelittle princess design on the other sideso see the design in them so this iswhat they look like nice and hot sothat’s sit there for a while so what I’mgoing to do is so get yourself set itall nice put some banana up on there[Music]what I do is I put the syrup on and thisis that he is great well not too muchand then I’ll put nice plot of a greenand that’s it guys so so I’m going togive happy breakfast since it’s allready what what they look like guys Idon’t know if you can see that I’m ableto camera down so if you see they havethe little camp castles and crownsprincess so it’s a princess waffle makerhow much waffles do you guys want threeso about I just add so I’m just addingthe start okayso today is going to be a movie sinceeverybody’s home we’re gonna have a nicemovie day and just strain out and watchmovie as a family yeah and this is whatI mean the by spending quality timetogether so you want eggs and um do youwant tea or and then I’ll just move thisover so this is restless[Music]having some tea yes okay so the othersets how much waffles do you want and Iguess see they’re saying is true theyalways say skinny manners they eat a lotbecause boy right now but now you wantmore tea so I’m going to do that and yesguys I don’t get up looking like thisevery day I decided that I wanted to getup and get dressedI just wanted to embrace and bracemyself and feel a little bit you knowjust see for this morning so that is whyI’m up and you see I put on a little bitof stuff on my face cuz that’s why Ijust want to get up it’s cool me outsidebut I still want to get up and feel gooda shower got myself together did my hairand like I said not because you’re inthe house that does not mean that youshould not according to Mario look likea Otto one I’m always told me saying hedon’t want no other one and anytime Ilook so he’s gonna take me in for a newmodel but that’s just talking I know heain’t going nowherebut ladies it’s always good to make sureyou keep up yourself even if you’re athome I know I know it’s hard to keep upyourself right now because some of youdon’t know how to do hair but now is aperfect time to learn I have a couple ofvideos on my own on on this channel youcan learn how to do hair you can go onother people’s channel learn howdo your hair learn how to do your nailsand certain things that you couldn’t dofor yourself there’s so much things outhere on YouTube nowadays you can learnhow to do just about anything so Ialways make sure and man to as woman notbecause sometimes we would wear our headwrap and you know we are not really upto par but you meant to shape upyourself make yourself look good forwhat you know how much I love when I seemy husband like just clean shape andjust looking like a horse snack I alwaysbe like oh it’s a party tonight whenhe’s all nice and shaved up and I justsee him his hair is cut and like youknow is goatee is just all this hmm likeI just love it it just feels like I gotmyself a nice fresh new man I alwaysthought that and then I love it likewhen I get my hair done or I’m like Ichange up my style I just look nice andfresh but just simple stuff like thatthe spice of your relationship a normalplate spices is up to you so I’m justgoing to go for this one else from mylow this one doesn’t want to do her hairso this is what I’m talking about bagthis one don’t wanna do her hair so sheputs on a hat my eggs gone okay so thisis our talking about doing up your hairand stop trying to look like an awesomeafter many phenomena nobodydon’t go please come out let me get onthe tea some more tea for these guys butmaking you have a pork look at thispretty one over here both kidney havebefore you see how much that guy isalmost eight I gave you in my eight ofthe ten but II to them that’s worker meand for for Mario finished doing therest of themif you guys want[Music]I’m missing a little one because I’m badpolicygood the sir fake I don’t wantthat much resin always overyeah that tastes so good and a waffleliterally listen to these guys fightingover food so I am about to eat this isso good devour it I have not made thisin a long time like I don’t rememberwhen’s last time I have actually made abanana that’s all I think oh yes it’sbeen that long but me now with your andI got my ginger team and that is what isup so I already started cooking dinnerso that is good everything is prettymuch prepped and ready to go no I amgoing to drop it down and we’re gonnajust watch a movie yes the new bad boysout so we’re gonna go watch that that’snice this one’s over here just finishwaxing off his foodand as the rest of us is over here let’sbe tiny Heidi because her hair’s messyshe looks around today what we’re doingI’m almost finished Mary[Music]while we’re doing we’re disturbing youexcuse you so yes and I’m hoping that meand mr. Williams will actually get avideo done for you guys todaybecause I came up we have a challengethat we want to do so I want to do itlike this one still hiding our face yeahI’m definitely gonna go do that we’regonna do that challenge so this one’sgonna get up and put on a shirt so wecan get the video doneyeah cuz we really want to keep you guysentertained yeah so uh cuz we reallywant to keep you guys entertained rightnow cuz I definitely wanted to do thechallenge um for you guys today as wellso hopefully I can get it done and Ialready got my questions so I’m justwaiting on mr. Williams here to writeout this questions so we can do thischallenge um we got a couple of thingswe really want to keep you guysentertained and I know I had to send outsomething by looking at me like thatwhat do you have to say to the peoplewhere as I said to the people them[Laughter]niceOhit’s good so we’ll be done I guess Icould turn on the pot to make the riceI’m everything the girls washed up thedishes and stuff like that as you see Igot my station there ready to get somework done and the Sun came out guysOh sir good lighting the Sun came outand it looks so much nicer oh man I livebefore the Sun right so it makes theplace that much beautiful when the Sunis out like look at this skin glow rightnow what just because the Sun is a loveitdinner is all finished and I’m about tomake some something to drink and yes sothat is what is up see how quiet thehouses you would even think that there’skids here but they’re upstairs and theSun is out so we’re just gonna relax andwatch some movies wellTV and hangout right mr. Williams you’renot growing a drink a drink hmm yourneck drunk no my gosh what did you heardisabuse people yeah and that mangoquiso I guess I know this is reallycause people Murphy little we need morethan a single is it too soon say I loveyou you gonna do I know those words arefew I’ll show youcuz everybody means somebody

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