Use the Master Mix to make super fast waffles and pancakes!
(Master Mix recipe and instructions are posted on a separate video.)
Waffle and Pancake Batter
2 eggs
2 cups water
3 cups Master Mix
Beat eggs in a mixing bowl.
Add water and whisk well.
Stir in the Master mix.
Put spoonfuls of batter on to a hot griddle.
Wait for edges to dry a bit and bubbles to pop in the middle. Flip over and cook for about 1-2 more minutes.
Check that the middle is cooked, not doughy.
Makes about 16 large pancakes.
Batter can also be used to make waffles.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
it’s good to see you again our superfast pancakes and waffles made with ourmaster mix you need the master mix tomake the recipe that I’m making today wehaven’t made that go back on video andmake that up you will not regret it itmakes things so much easier and fasterrate for campaign to start by cracking acouple eggs into a mixing bowl make surethere are no shells in there eggreplacer works really well in thisrecipe too add 2 cups of water and whiskit until it’s nice and frothy add 3 cupsof your master mix stir it until all thedry powder is gone there will still besome lumps that’s the shortening thatyou used when you made the master mixcheck that your waffle iron is hotbefore you add the batter or it won’tpuff up nearly as well[Music]sizzling drops of water will tell youthe griddle is hot shortening is bestfor greasing your pan as vegetable oilcan make nonstick surfaces sticky aftera while use a ladle to put even blobs ofbatter onto your hot griddle[Music]flip the pancakes when you see thebubbles popping and the edges are dry ifthey’ve grown together make sure you cutthem apart before you try to flip themcook them for a few more minutes andthen check the middle to make sure it’sdone Wowthat was super fast using the master mixdo you want to try a bite of a No youbet yeah how is it oh that’s good I hopeyou had fun we’ll see you next week[Music]