How to make vegan sweet potato waffles
Instagram: kara_camille
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Video Transcription
welcome back to cooking with Kara whereI show you how to make healthy veganrecipes and today we are going to bemaking sweet potato waffles now wafflesare already something that’s pretty easyto make vegan but the sweet potato justgives it some extra flavor and also it’sfull of vitamin A which is so good foryour skin and your nails so it justmakes it a little bit more healthy soall right let’s get started okay so forstep 1 we have some already cooked andmashed sweet potato here so you’ll wantto do that ahead of time but we want 1and 1/4 cup of mashed cooked sweetpotato next you want 1 and 1/4 cup ofall-purpose flour you can also usegluten-free flour if you prefer 1/4 cupof cornstarch 2 teaspoons of bakingpowder so there’s 1 1/2 1/2 teaspoon ofsea saltlastly 1 teaspoon of cinnamon so that’sit for the dry ingredients for the wetingredients are going to start with oneand a half cups of any plant milk so I’musing almond milk but you can use soymilk rice milk cashew milk whicheverplant milk you prefer for this next partyou’re going to need 1 8 cups ofchickpea flour and 1/8 cup of water andwe’re doing this on the side so don’tadd this to the thing bowl yet but youwant to mix them together until it kindof becomes like an egg like consistencyso this this is a trick and vegancooking to recreate an egg texture thenonce you get the consistency that youwant then add that to the almond milkthen you’re gonna add a tablespoon ofrice vinegar then you want 1/3 ofapplesauce 1/3 cup of applesauce 2tablespoons of maple syrup and lastlyone teaspoon of vanilla extract[Music][Music]okayso once it’s all mixed you’re going totake a big scoop see like one ladle fullis goodput it on your waffle maker which shouldbe turned on already and hook itaccording to however your waffle makerworks but once your waffle is done inorder to dress it you still want to keepit vegan and low-fat and healthy so onegood way to dress it up is with somesliced bananas or any fruit that youlike you can also add some fruitpreserves some raspberry preserves here[Music]and of course you can also add maplesyrup which is methere you go all right I think this wasa success so feel free to give it a tryI think this is a really reallydelicious and easy recipe so all rightI’ll see you guys in the next one