How to make Waffles using Fettayleh Angus Beef Rashers
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@abuahmadbutchery @fettayleh
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Video Transcription
I want to talk now you’re not gonna cutit out how do they out McHale you cut itout okay okay let’s get startedso intro the only time there’s nightentry with a body okay yes we’re makingwaffles by boy wafflesusing for tailors Angus beef rushes nowof course because it’s me there’s atwistlet’s just let’s just get the show onthe road and then I’ll tell you what thetwist is a bit laterfirst I’m gonna dice up my Angus beefbrushes and the reason I’m gonna do thatis because I want to cook them okay Idon’t eat bacon but you do have you hadwaffles and bacon before Wowyou have not lived with my friend wewant to get that nice and crispy I’m notadding any oil and it’s a nonstick pan at-tail one at thatwell that’s going get on to our fetadump all the dry ingredients in we’vegot flourI believe that corn flour salt andbaking powder is that right he’s firstto bleep up egg whites and then foldthat through the butter oil Amy we gotjokes eggsdefinitely go and the white buttermilkin now quick tip with buttermilk if youdon’t have buttermilk 1 cup of fullcream milk – 1 tablespoonBilly doc or lemon juice with all youneed let it sit for 10 minutes andyou’re good you got yourself some boneokay we’ve got the teeth our optigrillwattle plate in and I’m gonna turn themachine on and I’m just gonna whisk upvery vigorously get some elbow greasewhat I’m doing is incorporating airright half of the rushes in what it’sdoing to my bottom outfit oh wellquickly whiskI should have lit that cool but that isreadybatter straight onto the plate go getthat in oh I am making a mess I will seethese babies in a few minutes I’ve gotsome dark chocolate here we’re going tomelt that look at these beauties got twowafflesnow that chocolate is quite thick sowhat I’m going to do to thin it out isadd some oil to itall right so even the waffle we’ve gotour Angus beef russia’s chocolates readyand i need a paper towel now just to getthe excess oil off the rushes that werein the pan and we are going to plate upnow all I want to do now is just deepand then shake off the excess lay it onits side do the next one and then we’regoing to before it dries completelyrinkle some more angers we are going towait until that chocolate sets thatAngus be fresher is clinging to thechocolate and then we’re going to finishoff our plate up I’m I strive forawesomeness all the time nothing lessguys Angus beef rushes from for dailywaffles inside chocolate outside befreshers everywhere just cover it it’sdelicious chocolate[Music]mmm you got done yourself hold on hmm[Music]listen Mikkel this video has to beinteresting right if it’s boring I’mblaming you for tailingsee it’s all know right it’s inside it’soutside it’s everywhere