MUSIC: provided by iMOVIE
We do not own the phrase: “don’t be shy, put some more”
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi so today I will be teaching you howto make delicious waffles you will needthe following ingredients 250 grams offlour 1 tablespoon of salt 4 eggs 75grams of water 11 grams of baking powder150 milliliters of milk a hundred and 50milliliters of water 60 grams of sugarpackets of vanilla sugar 1 tablespoon ofoil 1 tablespoon of rum in a largemixing bowl add the flour and salt mixwell then slowly mix them with your dryingredients until it becomes too dry addyour melted butter finish mixing thenadd your room add your water and mixthoroughlydon’t forget your sugar add your vanillasugar the oil parent also add in thebaking powder and finally the rough mixit well and let it sit for 30 minutes afew moments later before your mix isready you need to take out yourequipment you will need you are playingspatulas and a waffle makerafter 20 minutes pre-heat your wafflemaker once your batter is ready pour itinto the slots making sure that all ofthe areas are coveredthen close the waffle maker is totallynormal for Steve to come out we’re acouple minutes and open up on the batterand brown then plate your waffles and atthe topic now I return gala but thechoice is north[Music]you[Music]