Waffles Recipes

How to make waffles at home

Custom toppings for waffles at home

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hello and welcome to mr. make stufftoday we’re going to make some specialeasy waffles which are a desert delicacyhere in the UK they’re absolutelybeautiful aren’t they yes they are andthey already ready-made so you just haveto work them into the toaster and you’reready to go toaster that is cleanbecause look at those crumbs on thattoaster I can’t believe we had so muchcrumbs and thoughts but we made sometoast just before this that’s why youcan see crumbs so him about a minute ifthat just to warm them up to give him abit of a cozy crispy outer section thereslightly smaller than the ones you buyfrom the shop and like the ones you buyfrom dessert parlors but we basicallyput on a little play here and we’regonna get some one of our five a daybecause we want to keep this healthywith all that desert stuff they’re gonnaput on it this is a specialist bananaand this was filmed on a special 10,000frames per second camera just so I couldshow you this slow-mo because I wascutting that so fast the camera couldnot keep up so we had to slow more thisfootage down so you can actually see meslicing the bananas into a nice equalopportunities sighs so what happened atthat is we’re gonna use this to pour onthe dessert because half of it will bebananas but someone doesn’t like bananasyes that’s me so we’re gonna keep offnon Bernard so here you can see thatnicely being laid out there I think sixper piece will do us nicely and they’vegot a nice brown toasty mmm we have todo some creep we’ll do a crab creep crapokay it’s indeed a creep don’t put acreep video next time and becausesomeone else likes crepes crepes crapKrupa crap yes yes look at this we’vegot an oyster la rock going on here wecan have some nuts on top of thisbecause it’s another one of it’s not oneof your fibre day but it’s good forprotein and we’ve got some cashews andsome padam we’re gonna smash those openthis little what you call this thing Ithink that grinding thing let’s say whatyou call it winder Pettis knows it wehave got the name of it and behaviorswork like some of those just make himnice and small not not too dusty that’snot a powdery just enough to give you abit of a crunchexeunt has to receipt in the backgrounda we didn’t buy you somehow that I wasin that’s true let’s see what she canmerit okay so now we’re gonna break thatrope that’s just showing you that andlook at I watch this smooth shooting sowe go back some of those there cruncheson the half side of the banana andthat’s gonna give us a little bit of ala okay so one size bananas the otherside is but just nuts and then we can Ithink we got some of the stuff that weput on this yeah Natalia we got treatsnormally you put on ice cream milkchocolate but we just everything sweetwe had we got maple syrup Bobby’s is itBobby’s yeah who’s Bobby a person Ohprobably makes it so now we’re gonnalook at that oh yes beautiful sosatisfied normally and observed placesthey put too much on and it gets toosweet so here we actually put justenough so it wasn’t too sweet so nowthis is just a sprinkle of thischocolate syrup and then we’re gonna adda bit of maple syrup on to thatbeautiful thing there and this is gonnabe two portions normally we could justluck all four of those easily but youwant to keep it nice and cob rich sowe’re gonna give him half half the twowill be non up apple banana and two willbe banana and not T not not not not so athing that was everything we did top itoff with something else he has a bit ofNutella it’s not Intelli is its Nutellabut the Aldi Nutella is not aftergenuine in Attallaso if you in lockdown at the moment thisis a good thing to make normally we willjust go on buy it because the shop onesare more fancy but because you can’t gooutside at the moment we’re making ourown and with limited supplies of courseyou can have a massive queue to get toanywhere so keep it for all look at thatalso my delicious this is the moistureto Sherry in the tapas city a trick forall those fans are there for dessertsand those who look that we basically geta waffle and it’s gotta be thecrispiness we slice thewe had to use a 10,000 frames per secondcamera here to catch how quickly I wascutting this and slow-mo it down just soyou could see the actual cutting processso this is just a few slivers of thiswaffle we’re gonna rock that on top togarnish our waffleswhat’s the weft name these waffleswhat’s this waffle flavor called Terrayeah Sara yeahnuts caramel flavored waffle that’s along name you don’t record it sendingyou nutsyeah that’s the name for it we’resending you nutsso this is a spool clutch it was a noisedid you like it yeah it’s delicious keepan eye out for our creep videos comingsoonla la la

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