Waffles Recipes

How to make waffles


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Video Transcription

okay so right now I’m gonna show youguys how to make a waffle there’s maxyou coming but max is gonna help comingc zu q I did follow you all go with yourplacement you babyyes you will but that’s always what hedoes but I’m trying to get there and hethey’re trying to do here come in can Isee you this doorokay so plug in your toaster okay we’vetaped the waffle no this is a reallysmall room full see super small so I’mjust gonna have to I’m gonna put itright in there and you’re gonna want tosay[Music][Music][Music]all right and then once you get thechilling half what you want to do ispush the waffles yeahnow all those cook let’s get everythingready so you can use any plate you wantI’m just going to be using a paper platebecause are you not[Music]I’m sorry[Music]it’s just my mom watching TV right yeahget your paper fight well doesn’t haveto be paper then get some sear you giveup butter I’m not going toOh startthen get your fork oh yeah I mean[Music]tonighttake out your waffles and stack themjust like I did and I’m gonna unplug andthen before you put the toaster back cuzwe keep the toaster in that I’m justgonna let that cool down yeahokayand then you take yep[Music][Music]oh my goshall right we’re going to turn it theother way[Music]just I’m just gonna cut itmmm that is good I like thatI love wafflesit’s like and I not in the morning 9:00at night but I just really want awfulI’m gonna go put this in the sinkthen you take your fork stick it intothe waffle and put in mmmso then you know watch this video ifyou’re hungry and you’re not allowed tohave anything to youwe’re back

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