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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey guys welcome back to Benny’s kitchenso today is a special type of videobeing that it’s Mother’s Day one of themost important days of the year Idecided to show up and show my face andwhich all the mothers out there I’m ahappy Mother’s Day I know this Mother’sDay is kind of different a lot of us arenot able to take our mothers out toplaces that we want to do to thecoronavirus but in whatever way that youcan show your mother that you appreciatethem it’s a very important to do sohappy Mother’s Day today I’m gonna bemaking some buttermilk banana wafflesand chicken chicken and waffles everyoneloves chicken and waffles this is gonnago great if you want to make your momnice brunch with some mimosas on theside or any way you can make mac pancakewith this mixture but yes we’re makingchicken and waffles and I know you guysare going to enjoy this video and I hopeyou do try the recipe so let’s get rightinto itso the first thing we’re gonna do ismash our banana we are using um one ripebanana and got me a masher just going tomash itnow you can blend this if you want you[Music][Applause]go ahead and use almond flourthis is low-carb and keto friendlywhatever type of flower you want to useif you’re not doing a little car becauseuse regular pancake mix for this[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]so we’re done mixing all the mixes forour waffle we’re gonna set it to theside and we’re going to start on ourchicken I’m excited I haven’t had friedchicken[Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]all right we’re back we’re ready to firechicken or chicken is seasoned it isbattered and right now the oil iswarming up you can use vegetable oil orcanola oil if you do not have a deepfryer it is advisable for you to use aPaint Pot kind of like this one or anequal one and have the oil almosthalfway full because you don’t want itto be too little oil and it won’t reallydescribe that chicken properly you wantyour lab or your temperature to bebetween low and medium you don’t want ittoo hot because then you’ll find theoutside of your chicken and the insideof the chicken really wouldn’t getcooked well if you don’t want broadchicken I’m sure so yeah so what I liketo do to kind of do a hot text I want toconstitute my oil let’s see if it’sready to have anything in it is you canjust put like a little something in yourcrumbinto the oil and kind of see how itreacts if it starts to fry than you knowyour oil is ready to have anythinginside of it a lot of batter on mychicken I just kind of like I know somevideos just like a lot of batter butjust kind of breaded it slightly our oilis ready and we’re ready to dive in andtry this chicken out so you can use yourhands if you sometimes just whateverI’ll do you prefer I don’t want to getburnedjust shut me wait sitting here can’thear that sizzle gas you don’t want tohave too many chicken I’m going to addlike make some space you just depend onhow big your pot is top[Music][Music]and finally a forkit’s not a drill this is not a drillI don’t even know where to startoh look about look at that look at thatbeautyyes we went ahead and made my waffle mywaffle maker my chicken is nice andcrispy and I can take all that flavorthat I put in it it’s nice and tenderand honey this Lokar thank you guys forjoining me again happy Mother’s Day toall the mothers out there we love youI’m gonna catch you guys on my nextepisode of babies kitchen all right youguys later[Music]