Waffles Recipes

How To Make Red Velvet Waffles || Easy Cake Mix Recipe

Hey Guys, So today i will share with you guys the easiest Red Velvet Waffle recipe! Please remember to like, comment and subscribe! Enjoy x

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Waffle mix
3 eggs
7 tbsp of oil/melted butter
14 tbsp of milk/water or any alternative

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[Music]yeah you guys if you try to remake thistag me on Instagram or my informationalfeet below and just follow my socialmedia anyways I’ve got a separatecooking page which is absolutely which Ialso love and yeah I hope you guys likethis video do you like this video pleasewant to like comment and subscribe anduntil next time guys bye so what you’regoing to need is some milk red velvetcake mix eggs butter and oil you can usethe butter that comes in the top but Iopted to use the spray butter so thefirst thing you’re going to do is pourthe cake mix into a bowl guys I’mactually thinking about how easy thisrecipe is I thank me by liking thisvideo commenting subscribe in turn on onyour notification bell and also share itwhy notso the next thing I’m doing adding infree eggs now I’ve got my tablespoon I’mputting in 7 tablespoons of oil againyou can use melted butter for this butthis is just what I had at the time sothat’s why I’m using it oh dude and abit of milk so I couldn’t bother to getmy measuring cup so I ended up using 14tablespoons of milk again you can usewater if you want to but I feel that themilk just makes it more full okay don’tlaugh at my whisk guys I don’t know whathappened to it but you know so yeah I’mjust whisking away and that is the mixfor the waffles how easy was thatso now I’m just setting up my wafflemaker mine heats up instantly so Iswitch on and it’s good to go so this iswhy I opted to get the spray bottlebutter because it’s just easier butagain you can use the one in the topdon’t really make a difference to behonest I don’t actually need to put iton there because it won’t stick but Ijust do it as a proportion so this willfall was trial and error I couldn’t findmy normal measuring cup so I didn’treally know how much better to put inthere so you will see that like theedges are missing so literally a fewminutes and it’s done who else can’ttake the waffle out in one piece like itreally really irritates me but it’s sohot it just ends up break-in but yeahguys when I tell you this whole wafflethese waffles were so light and fluffyand full of flavorlike I can give you guys a tutorial onhow to make it from scratch if you wantto but to be honest these tastes just asgood and it’s a lot simpler to make soif you do want me to give you a tutorialon how to make them from scratch let meknow in the comments down below but yeahguys these were so delicious I made themtwice in a rowso I wanted to get a little fancy and Iput some crushed Oreos on top anddrizzled a little bit salt syrup and itwas so good guys I hope you enjoyed thisvideo I hope you liked this recipe ifyou try this recipe tag me on my foodInstagram which is a cooking with chaithe name will be in my description boxbelow and yeah guys remember to Likecomment and subscribe and until nexttime all to that bye

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