VERY GOOD WAFFLES! I really enjoy these waffles.
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Video Transcription
welcome guys back to the how-to videoand today I’ll be showing you guys howto make pandan waffles what you willneed is sugar coconut cream salt bakingpowder rice flour tapioca starch 2 eggspandan flavoring flour vegetable oilcanola oil a measuring cup 1/2 measuringcup a glass measuring cup a strainer asifter I mean yeah bowl another bowlalright so let’s get to itoh and tablespoons stuff now we willstart with the dry ingredients first is1/2 cup of flour sift it through now wepour and we sift through 1/2 cup offlour tapioca starch I mean tapiocastarchnow you need one in one half cup of riceflour make sure it’s 1 and 1/2 cup not1/2 cup ok 1 and 1/2 this is 1 and 1/2right here where you did it twicethere’s a third time 1 and 1/2 cup nowyou need a tablespoon of baking soda[Music]sorry guys I met baking powder notbaking soda baking powder now you’llneed 1/4 teaspoon of saltnow we’re gonna break 2 eggs into astill bowl ok now we’re gonna put in 1/2cup of sugar 1/2 a cup of sugar and thenwhen a whisk it in now you whisk itwhisk all right so we’ve already whiskit the two eggs in the 1/2 cup of sugartogether already so now we’re going tomake the pan them thingy so what youneed is 1/2 a teaspoon of the pandanflavoring ok okand then 1/4 cup of water to add to itoh it’s prettyalright now mix it okay so we’re gonnapour 1 and 1/2 cup of coconut cream intothe batch and then and also this pandaflavoring mix we made so we need anotherhalf of coconut cream and here’s theother 1/2 cup of coconut cream all rightnow you incorporate the drying greensinto the wet ingredients so pour it inslowly okay and yeah just just keepdoing that yeah now you pour in 2tablespoons of oil I already poured onone this is the second one then just mixit in okay so you got your waffle makerplug it in clean it then you spray it[Music]okay make sure to spray the top as wellokay and make sure you crank your waffleto max eat okay so now once the wafflemaker is ready it’ll stay ready a lotdepends on waffle maker bar says readyand so now you just pour it in to thecenter evenly so it spreads out and makesure you put a lot less all that I didbecause I thought way too much yes awaffle maker is different bless you okayand I suppose there you go and I knowyou like cook four to five minutesalright it’s been about five minutesthis check how it is good good goodlooks amazingWow okaylet’s look at this look at thatwhoa that’s beautiful all right so we’regonna make a couple moreI think only makes five so we make fourmore time to open another one that’skind of okay what’s it foralright now time to take out another oneokay okaybeautiful okay so that was in gobblegobble down yeah all right guysis it for a veal veal did help I’ll listthe recipe down below in the descriptionand please let’s just comment here formore videos as always guys peace out