Waffles Recipes

How to make healthy homemade waffles

How to make healthy homemade waffles

#Waffles #Homemade #Healthyfood

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welcome to baked from scratch in thisepisode I’ll show you how to makehealthy homemade waffles from scratchfor this recipe you’ll need 1 teaspoonof saltone teaspoon of cinnamon 200 millilitersof milk two large eggs and a halfteaspoon of baking soda[Music]in addition you’ll need 150 grams offlour 100 milliliters of yogurt 2tablespoons of sugar[Music]and 75 grams of Wild Oats in a mediumsized mixing bowl mix all your dryingredients to start off add the flourin the bowl and make a little well inthe middle and then add the rest of thedry ingredients except for the bakingsoda[Music]this is to avoid the salt and bakingsoda coming into direct contact[Music]mix these dry ingredients until they arethoroughly combined[Music]afterwards at the baking soda andcombine it well now set aside thismixture to work on your wet ingredients[Music]crack the large 2x into a tiny bowl andadd them into your milk[Music]mix the two until you get a smoothyellowish liquid[Music]bring back your mixed dry ingredientsand pour the egg and milk mixture intoit combine these two and add your yogurtin as well[Music][Music]you[Music][Music]stir until a uniform batter is formed begentle while stirring to get soft andcrunchy waffles[Music]finally add two tablespoons of meltedbutter and mix it well[Music][Music]sit your batter aside for 10 minutesafter letting the batter set aside for10 minutes you can now start making yourwaffles[Music]using a medium ladle pour your batteronto the waffle ironlet the waffle bake for about twominutes my waffle iron turns its greenlight on when the waffles are ready[Music][Music]repeat this process until you use up allyour batter I sometimes prefer to usehalf of it and save the rest for thenext day this recipe will make you aboutsix waffles double or reduce the amountbased on how many waffles you want tomake[Music]you can serve your waffles with somesour cream and raspberry strawberry orany other jams you can also opt formaple syrup my personal favorite isserving waffles with raspberry jam andsome sour cream enjoy please don’tforget to Like comment and subscribe

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