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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
so first off to meet waffle we will needabout 3/4 cup of milk so let’s measurethat okay all the way up to herepour that in the ball 34 cups of milkI’ll add one egg we have to do oneteaspoon of oilso that’s like a spoonful oil which isnot actually not that much okay that’sone teaspoon put that in just like that[Music]so should be that one cup now add thesetwo ingredients that you have togethershould be looking like this[Music]it should be looking like this just likethis spray and waffle maker coconut oilnow close it and leave it for about 30seconds so let’s count open your wafflemaker and should be burning hot justlike that beforeit’s 8:30 I just want to say that um ifyou cook longer it’s gonna be better soI’m gonna do maybe 10 minutes so rightnow it’s 837 so yeah I guess I’ll seeyou and 840 guys it’s 8:40 ready okayit’s kind of part but that’s okay okayeven if your waffle is kind of bluntthat’s okay let’s get it and this is howyou make waffles actually I probablyover burnt it but that’s okay it stilltastes good and that’s the only partdon’t tell waffle by the looks ways byeguys I will always remember the day youkiss my lipslight as a feather and it went just like