Waffles Recipes

How to make Easy Eggless Waffles! || Learn 3 Types !

All purpose flour (maida) – 1 1/2 cup
Sugar Powder 3/4 cup
Curd 1/2 cup
Corn Flour 2 tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp
Vanilla Essence 1 tsp
Baking Powder 1/2 tsp
Baking Soda 1/2 tsp
Melted Butter 2 tbsp
Milk 1/2 Cup

For Topping
Dark Melted Chocolate
Milk Chocolate
Maple Syrup
Vanilla Ice Cream

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Video Transcription

[Music]hello friends welcome to my channelJason and Coco today we’ll be makingbasic waffles which is very easy to makeas all the ingredients required areavailable in the house and of course awaffle iron so let’s look at theingredients which are required to makebasic waffles meda one and a half cupsugar powder 3/4 cup curd 1/2 cup conflour 2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoonvanilla essence 1 teaspoon baking powder1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoonmelted butter 2 tablespoons and we alsorequire 1/2 cup of milk to bind all thisingredients and again all theingredients required to make basicwaffles are listed in the descriptionbox below with precise measurements sowithout any further delay let’s begincooking first in a bowl we will sievetogether maida con la baking powderbaking soda salt and powdered sugar[Music][Music][Music]next we’ll add in the curd vanillaessence and butter next goes on the milkwhich is smoothen the batter thisprocess can also be done with the cakebeta mix thoroughly and give the battera rest for 20 to 25 minutes[Music]this is how a waffle iron looks likewith a box grid on both the sides it isbasically designed to hold sauces pouredon the waffle always preheat the waffleiron for three to four minuteskeeping the knob in the center on mediumheat as too low will make it chewy andtoo high will make it hard and alsocause it to burn iving suggest youfollow the instruction manual providedas each brand defers always pour thebatter in the center and then spread onthe sides let it cook for 3 to 4 minutesor until the waffles are well cooked onboth the sides[Music][Music][Music]as you can see we have a nicegolden-brown color they are not too softnot too hard and just well cooked if youwant crispy of waffles increase theamount of Consular and reduce equalamount of madam I will be serving thesewaffles with maple syrup and vanilla icecream similarly we can also serve thesame waffles with melted dark chocolatemelted milk chocolate and a few I’dchocolate pieces and not to forget thevanilla ice cream[Music][Music][Music]another way of serving this waffles iswith banana and caramel sauce as you cansee I have served the same waffle with afew banana slices and my homemadecaramel sauce and I have topped it withmy homemade walnut pro-line and ofcourse vanilla ice cream I hope you’veenjoyed this video and please don’tforget to Like share and subscribe to mychannel and do let me know your commentsand your suggestions in the comment boxthank you bye[Music]

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