Waffles Recipes


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hey everyone I’m Carolina and today I’mgonna show you how to make somedelicious wafflesso grab your apron and let’s get startedflour milk sugar vegetable oil eggsbaking powder and baking soda sea saltvanilla extractand finally my secret ingredients potatostarch and a huge spoona measuring cup and finally two longspoons so first things firstis that you want to know that wet anddry ingredients don’t go together atthis point I’m gonna be putting the dryingredients in the bigger bowl and thewet ingredients in the smaller we willthen only mix them together at the endyou’ll need two cups of flour and I willbe transferring it herenow you’re gonna need to sift the flourso if your flies not that fine like mineyou’re gonna need to sift it twice nextyou’re gonna need to pop a cup of sugaryou can add or decrease the amount ofsugar depending on your preference ofsweetnessI recommend that you sift the sugar aswell so you can press down the sugar ifthere’s still big chunks laying aroundon the top of your sit next you’ll beneeding baking soda just the pinch willdo nextyou’re supposed to add baking powderthis makes your waffles fluffier nextyou’re gonna need to add your pinch ofsaltCanelo more of you onand finally my secret ingredientpotato starch apparently and makes theRaffles so cure and you wouldn’t reallyneed to add a large just about less thanhalf a tablespoonand now moving on to wet ingredientscrack three eggs next you’re gonna needabout a couple a Brittany put mine inhereand you’re gonna neednow add two tablespoons of vanillaextracta little side note for you guys so whenyou start mixing your batter your wetand dry ingredients together you do notwant to like go full on tornado with ityou want to go TLC on it this is so thatthere will not be exactly that fine tothe point where your batter is not gonnataste good and it’s not gonna have theconsistency that you need for a waffleand now it should havesee what’s gonna happen next so this ishow the batter turned out it definitelyhas to thicken the look but don’t youworry about I didn’t have an oil brushso I’ll be using a cotton pad insteadnow preheat for about three minutesuntil the light turnsnow just at any kind of topping you likeI personally prefer salted butterdrizzled with honeyand in conjunction to hire Uriah I’mgonna add some datesyou can add some nuts too if you likeyou

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