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Waffles Recipes
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hi said today we’re gonna make a minichocolate waffle waffles with a littlebit of chocolate business video a thumbsup subscribe if you are new and ok sowhat you need lit troubies is obviouslyyou need to these I swear we can use anychocolate one you can use Nutella youcan use chocolate any any chocolate yourown way chocolate any chocolate you areusing thisit’s called Nazi guys it’s madechocolate and hazelnut spreads anythingit’s a pot on top of your waffles youcan use any chocolate or you can usefood or whatever I’m using Kinder BuenoI absolutely look into one out I’mobsessed so could you think in the blueI know today so these are the onlythings you want to me[Music]so base I’m going to do is obviouslywash my ground[Music]alright so the first thing you’ll needis a microwavable now this bit isoptional you have melt on stove and apartner or you can use a microwave we’reusing the microwave and I’m using thisit’s a microwave full pack to chocolateand just put it in here and let it gotry and not make a mess the wholepleasing body how nice is that what thisis the chocolate it looks absolutelyhe looks so niceI mean I forgot what I wore so it’schocolate and just put it all in the panokay with help I got second spoon totake the troubleokay one more scoop on that okay so thisbit is optional and the next bit is eatnobody chocolate okay so down you’regonna put the lid on some put this innightly okay so do not judge me I’m lateto the tutorial I am how to melt troublebecause I thought every time I meltchocolate in microwave it burnsI could probably just bands so I had togo on a huge tube tutorial on how tomelt air and ice melt it for 30 secondsand I should probably the commentsbecause the comments I’m literature saidit says smoke along with smoke alarmsand I just would why you telling me thisand every 30 seconds is off you have tomix it go up on two minutes facing thehouse everquality in government is it good seequite well that looks so nice afterthree times so does the fast phone turnnine eight seven six five four three twowhat okay one last time we are literallyit’s it’s basically dorm daily but Iwant to do one more timeDavid people I love is it we have ourchocolate spread now let’s put it on thewaffles got a chocolate grandmotherchocolates yeah copulate with a blowjobbird to the side here and we’re going toget our butter waffle he so you couldeat your awful lot that is optional butI cannot be bothered to I’m very lazy sohe’s got these options when I eatchocolates birthday chocolate vanillaall over your waffle[Music]last but not least my favorite bit it isas on the Kinder BuenoI’m which we celebrated every onequantity is either way can I have clownlose weight will you see me just eat umwill th Chocolat all looks literally allmy cough is perfect perfect perfectdon’t want to go in the middle and theyhave it your chocolate waffle you wantto feel a bit extra just by thechocolate over your KindleI need less you just stood out there I’mknocking that one out the ages so I’vegot bit more chops but left we will putit in the fridge and then for one morelater I’ll just put that make wait mytime go get my microphone and go do abig tasteall right spot it this would taste sokay so I’m going to do the amazingtaste test of the chocolate I knowwaffle ah there’s a bite and let’s tryit oh my god amazingit tastes absolutely amazing oh my godit would taste back that warmed up thewaffle but because of chocolate becausethe amount of chocolates or death warmedup it just kinda makes it them off a bitwarmer mmm okay so good I recommend youwere trying this it tastes absolutelyamazing absolutely the best terroristattack this is like the best waffle andthe best part is don’t smell whatevertopping you want in Kinder Bueno that isit that’s literally best quarantinesnack ever that is possibly the bestthing of hard rock quality but mostimportantly to talk with chili firemenit took five minutes to make and it waswith you the best I recommend you willdo unless it’s so good it’s so nice keepgoing to his picture tip machines withyour heat thumbs up subscribe if you arenew house you’re a nice day stay safeand when you’ve made that this will makeyour day your quality it just feel justobeah nation to it so goodbyeshe’s a mothereveryone’s fine enough to see