How to make Peppermint Cacao Smoothie and Vegan Gluten Free Waffles? Rejuvenate your body with delicious rainbows that saturate your body with the electrical current God built them with. For more Recipes, join us at –
Chef Charmaine Vierra has endless recipes for enriching the body and invigorating the mind.
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Adam’s Garden Cookbook
Elena Muraviov
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Eat MORE RAINBOWS Activity Book for Kids
SuperGut Probiotic
Charmaine Vierra
(805) 395-8125
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Instant Pot
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Excalibur Food Dehydrator
Omega NC900HDC Extractor and Nutrition Center Juicer
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
how’s that that’s real good thank youis that better we we got everythingcentered it looks good to me wellwelcome back we’re so excited to be withyou guys today finish up these amazingrecipes that we started yesterday andI’m here again with sous chef Elena andwe’re gonna get started with the word ofPrayer do you want to pray to make suredearest father in heaven thank you somuch for this privilege of being in yourservice and for blessing peopleeverywhere father with your healthmessage and for all this beautiful foodthat we are about to make bless ourevening with everybody and thank youthank you thank you for your love for usin Jesus name Amen all right one of thethings I wanted to start with was areally yummy beverage and so we have gotthe one for you today and so we’re goingto make a mint cacao smoothie and thisis just delicious so why don’t we getstarted with that you know it push upthat window because I’m really thinkingthat might make some noise alright sofor this recipe this recipe we have somefrozen bananas and I like this reallycreamy rich thick so I’m going to use atleast or bananas for ladies today bycuriouslyand we have some business of mint cacaosmoothie so we want to make it a littlebit green and what I have here in thePacific Northwest is spinach otherwiseif mint was in season this would all bemeant I’d have a big handful of mintwhich would you know give it that mintflavor and it would it would be sohealthy for you to get the fresh mintanytime you can pick things in nature asgrown unadulterated soaking up thesunlight is going to be so muchhealthier for you so full of thatelectrical current building your vitalforce so I have spinach here it’s gonnamake it nice and green it’s up to youhow much you want to put in and theninstead of the mint leaves we’re goingto use peppermint flavor this is apeppermint oil and this works well tooand I use about a half a teaspoon forthis smoothie and it really works itgives it some pop here and then we’regoing to use some coconut milk and thisis coconut milk it’s not real heavy butit’s creamy and I’ve added some water toit to make it a little more runny andthen we’re going to add the stevia so wehave our coconut milk and this is theone place where I locate uses stevia inhere it needs it it’s going to besugar-free but it’s going to be sweetenough to where it really is like mintchocolate a little dab we don’t like towaste things around here these areVitamix hopefully y’all can see that nowwe’re going to add the cacao nibs whatour cacao nibs they’re the actually fromthe cocoapod we’re using the beam and it’s beenkind of granulated so we’re gonna throwin a little bit of these these are veryhigh antioxidant phytonutrients thatreally help to destroy those freeradicals and I just want to post it Idon’t want to lend it to death I wantlittle specks of those cacao nibs it’sspinach you can use let’s but if youhave a koruba light 3 and it’ll be kindof more mint light are you ready forthis Elenadefinitely so hopefully y’all can seethat cacao in there makes it look reallycan you taste thatcheers Cheers[Music]so sorry you guys you missed it it’s themint very good mint in the sweet andit’s like it’s like chocolate chipsElena that’s really good I’m gonna keepdrinking this I got a George mo hereokay that is amazing I want to show youyou gave me a little ColburnI want to show you some of the thingsthat we did yesterday how they turnedout while Elena you clean that out forour next one so yesterday remember ourhell chips well take a look at thatpretty nice huh they’ve got a lot of thegood coating on them and Miss Elena hadto eat her words over there because themobile and these bad boys are reallyscrumptious really tasty they’re niceand light and crunchy check it out inthis case in this case not one I hadsummary in this case more is better onthe sauce very nice maybe here I’mcrunching my mouth then we had ourseasoned seeds we usually make enough towhere we’re storing them in these twobig gallon jars with lids on so as youcan see here’s our pumpkin seeds niceand crispy crunchy completely dried outand there they’re not just one separatethey kind of clump together a little bitso when you sprinkle them on in my in myrecipe book the recipe in there is for awhole gallon jar of seeds so just letyou know alright I think I’m gonna dothe waffle we have a waffle and I wantedto do something sweet and Alena is goingto make a topping so we’re gonna getstarted on the waffle this is extremelyeasy easy waffle and it calls for someoatI’m using oats here and it calls forsome corn milk and we always use thenon-gmo corn middle everything we usehere is organic and non-gmo it’s alsocalling for some almonds and then I havesome of the Himalayan salt and I alsohave some dates now these dates havebeen soaking in water so I’m going touse the water in here as well therealready have been seeded so I don’t needto add quite as much water to thisbecause the dates were soaking in thewater so we’re making a batter and I mayneed that plungers this we’re going touse our VitamixOhnow it sounds like there might besomething in there huhI know sometimes if you don’t check yourdate seeds you might get a littlerenegade random or one that has it yeahso this needs to roll a little bit moreyou guys will be patient because we wantthis completely smooth this is thebatter so you get it really smooth andthen we’re gonna let it sit awhile so itthickens upOhthat sounds pretty good to me and itlooks really nice it looks just like abatter would look can you all see thatbeautiful batter but we want to givethis an opportunity to kind of get thickand so it will pick it up as it sitshere so I’m going to let it sit probablyjust about five minutes while we waitElena is going to make us a really quicknon sugar topping okay and this is it’sjust really easy over the stove but ourstove is full but I’m just going to showyou you take and I think this is aboutwhat says 23 ounces of make applesauceand you just put it in your hand andagain we’re using natural grocers iskind of like a whole foods up here inIdaho Trader Joe’s we don’t have that inplace I really like to shop is groceryoutlet because they’ve got some reallygood organic choices – yeah they do andthen I would just put a you can you canuse a gobbyI’m just even thinking you can even usemaple syrup and with maple syrup you’renot using so much maple syrup when it’stime to put it on your on your waffleit’s already in your in your fruitcompote okay so I’m gonna just put a fewdrops so just a reminder up here at thecenterwe don’t do sugar everything is sugarfree so we make substitutes and reallyit’s it’s been nice you know charmingwhen you eat sugar it compromises yourimmunity by 50% wow that’s amazingso we really need to think aboutespecially you know we’ve got thesesuperbugs you know we really need to cutit down so use these things like thestevia or the Humphrey or yes and thenwe’re going to put okay this is you knowyou can buy a lot of organic frozenfruit so if you folks are aware berriesand I’m gonna I’m gonna say about maybethree the whole thing I could it’s aboutthree cups frozen fruit once you bringthe applesauce to a boil then you justadd your fruit and then you just stir itjust stir it up and just turn off theheat and then that way you’re notcooking the fruit and you’ll have like araw some kind of mix where it’spartially raw and it’s partially cookedso and that makes it really nice andthen when it’s done of course then youhave this beautiful a magenta coloractually with purple with theblueberries and stuff and this isawesome on top of waffles we had reallygood replacement for any maple syrup oranything right jelly or Jam right that’sgood check it out so that looks prettygood I think I’m going to go ahead andput our waffle iron now this is anonstick waffle iron this is a Belgianwaffle maker and oops giggles so wedidn’t clean this out okayexcuse us we’ve got a few little birdssomething’s in here and I don’t want itsticking to my new waffle and it’s notcooperating okay so we’re going to putthis in our five waffle ironit really helps to expedite cooking soit doesn’t take as long to prepare youmay pass all right so I just let it sitfor a minute we’ll take a drink of thisamazing smoothie mint the mint it’sdelectable so we can flip this back overthis way and this isn’t going to takelong at all this only takes a fewminutes you guys won’t even mind waitingbecause that’s how doesn’t take muchtime so while that’s going we’re goingto tell you about our cookies that wemade remember those little babies wemade yesterday at the end of our cookingshow here they are pretty nice huhthey’re heavier but they turn out morelike ours no breakfast bars in myestimation which was fine you know againwe’re too used to eating too much sugarand really really sweet so these werelightly sweetened and it made a reallynice breakfast that we were able to packup for some of our medical missionariesthat took off and went back home toCanada today so these are really nicedense filling have it with a piece offruit in some really great cracksyour cheese okay well well this iscooking what I can do is bring in thatcheese you guys interested in seeingthat cheese when I step down in thatinstant yesterday we put this very thickalmond home in our instapass and wepushed yogurt and this is what we gotso it’s just a bit drier and you cansmell the fermentation to it and so nowwe can season it while our waffle iscooking go ahead we’re going to go aheadand put it in our Bowl I’m going to putit in this bowl here and it’s nice andthick reminds me cheese but it hasprevented you can smell it now what thatdoes because we put it in it it’s goingto give it those good healthy gutbacteria that we need and I wanted toshow you the probiotic this is a supergut formula that I sell and it has somevery strong strains of lactobacillusacidophilus all different kinds ofstrains some things I can’t evenpronounce but this is something if youget in touch with me you can get from meand we can send to you you’re just usinga half a teaspoon in this and you’reusing some for the kidsshe and different things that we makewhere we want to make sure we’re gettingthe right bacteria in our fermentedfoods so here we have our soft cheeseand look at that it’s so pretty it’s anice creamy white and you can see thatit’s nice there’s our cheese and in ourcheese I have some things that I want toput in there and one of which iscilantro this is fresh always nice whenyou can use fresh herbs it’s also I’mgoing to use some of those flakes inthere it will be pretty in our cheesenow this cheese is really maybe too softto go in a mold it might have it in amold but it’s kind of on the soft sideyou know what you know what what youcould do to make it hard is when itcomes out of the instant pot you can putit in a cheesecloth right and press itand let it sit overnight lift the juicesof the almonds drip out and then you’llhave a harder cheese’s right and thenyou can take it out inform it the wayyou want to or mix it see I opened ittoo early I’m gonna let you strugglewith that while I finish don’t watch herwatch me so I’m gonna let you work onthatI will try to do that I think it’sbecause you used so a lot of times yourfirst waffle doesn’t always turn out thebest kind of a sacrifice on that firstdown sometimes okay so here is ourcheese and now I’m going to add someother seasonings to it I have someamazing onion granulated onion we havesome garlic powder and then I have somesalt and you can go ahead you can alsoadd fresh garlic fresh onion certainlycould and even you can even take someolives we thought about that olives inthere and making it into like anantipasto spread and that comes outreally nice this is a nice soft cheeseand as Elena said if you wanted it tosit up even firmer what you could do isas she said put it in cheesecloth or ifyou had a nut milk bag now I’ve made itthat way and it’s turned out really wellyou stick your pulp in a nut milk bagand you can hang it and it drips so ourfirst one is a block chocolate ischocolate waffle we are publiclyacknowledging our first waffle is headedfor the trashcan but here is our cheesethere you go and we had this today forlunch we had some other cheese that wehad made before and we had it on someeight chips now what you can do is youcan slice your zucchini or your eggplantand you can put some of that smokedcheesy sauce that we put on the couchchips swap those right in the dehydratortoo and dip it on in here would be veryvery lovely so there is our cheese didyou want to do into the well I think weshould attempt another waffleall right and while I’m a tempting thewaffle can you get started on your I diduse quick oats and seems like it worksbetter okay so now we’re going to getset up with that kimchi recipe hungryyesterday our kimchiwell let it sit all night othervegetables to it and get that ready togo down in the jarslet’s sit so this is what it looks likeyou know what I’m grab that camerabecause I really want to see this so youguys I’m going to take take you on overthere so you can look in the bowl andsee what this black plate okay so it’spretty drenched and it’s pretty softactually not real soft of course anywayso now we’re going to add some otherveggies in here got some carrotswe’re gonna throw in some onions and Itook them like I mean I’d say about aninch long and just throw them in thereyou just doesn’t matter what size youmake I’m really I needed the board tochuck this stuff up but I’m gonna Idon’t and then we’re going to add somethose mini peppers yes that’s rightthat’s right the cabbage you have tostay overnight because we want thecabbage to just kind of like shrink andget salt or these up eventually anywaythis is going to be staying outside andwaiting for like and then you kind oftest it for yourself to see and lookingfor sweet and then we’re gonna put maybeabout an inch ginger that’s going to bechopped really fineand maybe three cloves of garlic if youwant of course this is our recipe butothers you might not like the garlic oryou might don’t like you can even putour onions in it regular onions greenonions but I’mso we have onions and Alena and checkthis out and that beautiful beautifulcolors okay and now what I’m going to dois where’s my probiotic okay here’s theprobiotic and it’s it’s about a teaspoonand a half because we we actually dothis is only actually half of the recipethat’s in the book so I’m going to putin the probiotic mix tiny in poop no itjust it just went on the way what you’reright but you know what go ahead and wholike is on yay yeah yeah that’s goodenough I think because you didn’t fillit up all the way around so that’s wayit’s gonna be all right okay they makenotes in that didn’t you I did you knowokay and then of course it’s going tochange colors when it’s on your counteryou wanted to sit you want somethingunderneath it though when you’re goingto sit it on the counter and we’ll showyou why because during the process offermenting the juices do come up andsometimes they overflow so what we do iswe taking like a cookie sheet put papertowel underneath it and then just let itsit well that’s a you need to well beI’m sure they cool but you just keepbecause I don’t sorry[Music][Music]okay so we’ve got I don’t think we needthis no that’s not the idea the idea isto take out and only make ityou only want maybe an inch above yourveggies because I think in a gay or dudethis juice is just gonna rise becausethe juices from the veggies themselvesit’s going to get really wet I think soand then we’re going to use this we havea little tray screen and a little bitmoreyeah that looks okay not just yeah and Ijust put these veggies in there that’sgood yeah that would be much better sheis a champion okay so now we’ve got atray here and you can also use like andthen you set this in there and then youtake we’re going to take another papertowel we’re just gonna put a paper toweland sit it in a cool place in yourkitchen somewhere but not in front ofthe window okay and then you just we’regoing to let it sit for maybe four daysand then you taste it and you want totaste a sweet ferment if you get a lotof bubbles on top don’t worry about ityou you’re looking for the taste no noyou don’t have to touch anything youjust looking at things that aren’tsubmerged okay eventually the water willbe on top okay this is good you wantjust enough liquid to cover it okayJoey’s coming up to cover just enough tocover there you go as we say it’s thewarmth that’s going to help create thatgood hey these are brown then my wafflesbecause of those dates it’s because ofthe dates right so you want me to unplugit sure that would be awesomeuse me folks just like you uh play Ihave a plate Munchie a little snackokay I’m going to use your beautifulsauce here and then you can also make upa coconut cream sauce that’s anothershowlight way to the I would this is quitethe dessert and not the breakfast butanyway I’m going to try this we’re goingto have this for breakfast tomorrow Ithink we’re making y’all jealous all mmmI think everything I wanted to show ohwe’ve got one more thing we wanted toshow you and the reason being get yourVitamix top right I have we are going toshow you a dressing because everymorning we have salad and it’s a leaf soit’s okay to mix that as we did in ourmint cacao smoothie okay to have yourleaves with your fruit that’s that’s notgoing to upset your digestion so withevery meal we have a nice fresh saladit’s something wrong and we do cabbageleaves we do will do B chops will dokale will do mixed greens and so todaywe just wanted to show you a really nicesavory dressing to go on your salad nowI’m going to let Elena show you thatbecause this is her absolute favoriteokay all right I’m in for my ingredientshereokay this one is also in my book it’s onBET it’s easy to find it’s called thealmond butter dressing okayand so we’re going to put in I’m goingto put in one and a half or one cup I’mgoing to start out with maybe one cup ora little bit more of water and then itcalls for two thirds of the almondbutter and two tablespoons of maplemaple syrup thank you we want a littlesweet and this goes a long way in factit makes quite a bit and then we wantthree four wait three-eighths of a cupof lemon juice and then six one sixexcuse mesix cloves of garlic and about twotablespoons of fresh onion goes in thereand then two teaspoons of salt blend itup real easy in fact you don’t even haveto use almond butter you can use almondsthat way too but I prefer the almondbutter because it comes out morecreamier yeahokay now it will look it will look thinbut when you chill it put it overnightthen make sure your garlic’s though arevery blended I can tell there was acouple of chunks in this one but that’sokay for now then it’ll be it’ll bethicker in the morning and then you justsqueeze it on it’s very nice it’s a verynice dressing folks eat and then I havesome sunflower seeds we like to putthings very easy dress or solids and ourfood you can see an abundance of yummythings there today and I have my dinnerhere today but anyway we have so enjoyedthese two days with you and I thinkwe’re going to be coming back is thatthe word on the street yes and we’ll beplanning some amazing recipes and wereally thank you for the opportunity andgod bless all of you amen thank you somuch CIN Oh God thank you alright thankyou I am gonna try that this well thatwas enjoyable I’m always hungry afterhersyeah those look good do you guys haveany questions no that’s melet’s see anybody have questions yesstop it Charmaine that’s not fair Ican’t even begin to tell you how goodthis is looks like the bomb I think it’sthe best one I made yet now you’re gonnasend us the recipe right like you didokay oh yeah thank youChristopher’s inviting people into myraw grilled tribe and I have two freejuicing ebooks and a free five day cleaneating challenge with recipe and so Ihave quite a few free things in therefor people okay and it’s free to join sowell put that on the Facebook again okayI have a question for Charmaine can Ishow you our books real quick before wego ahead all right these are our booksthat we’re offering this is the Adamsgarden cookbook from Elenaand can you decide huh can you comearound this side they’re very tiny so Iwanted to show you guys the books thatwe have offered here and this is aLeia’s Adams garden cookbook eightessentials for life beautiful cookbooklots of recipes in here especially aswe’ve been saying that we’re doing sugarfree oil free gluten free a lot ofgluten free we’re not all gluten freebut it’s really healthy recipes andwe’re leaving out cashews and thingsthat I talked about yesterday forreasons of you know concerns about thefungus and mycotoxins I also have mychildren’s book you know we should beall about our kids and getting our kidsfamiliar with healthy eating healthyfoods and healthy lifestyle so reallywant to encourage you guys you got timeon your handstake those babies up on your lap andstart sharing you know the healthmessage with our children so that theycan lead healthier lives and also wehave our probiotic super gut formulaLaura and this is going to be good gutmicrobiome so these things you can orderfrom me and get the cookbook from Elenaand we’ll leave that information for youwhen you tell me about your probioticsource is it I I don’t know I don’t knowwhat you’re asking me well some is isPeggy on here yes but it’s hard to talkbecause we’re both in the same room soyou gonna carve you know is non-animalrightnon-dairy gluten free soy free it’s twohundred and thirty seven billion strainswe have as I said before lactobacillusacidophilus I could post that for youbecause I’m not going to go through theten different tongue twist and then Ican scare for you but I can certainly Iwill post the proprietary blend of thatfor you okay and how much is it I got acheck to get an exact number of for youon that okay and it doesn’t haveshipping on that so I’ll send thatinformation on to Sandy for you anyother questions yeah do you know whathow to choose a good probiotic I knowyours is probably good is there any kindof rule of thumb when you choose aprobiotic or right you want to make surethat it has a high enough strain of thedifferent bacteria in there and we’resourcing non-animal non-dairy sources sothose are the important thingsthat I know to look for and of coursethe types the lactobacillus acidophilusthe sacrum i sees and you know as i saidi’ll post that proprietary blend for youso you can take a look at that andcompare and one of the things that’sreally powerful about this super gutflora is that it comes with a prebioticso a lot of times your probiotic that’sthe bacteria you have that formula butif you don’t have a prebiotic that’swhat they eat that’s what they grow onthe bacteria though happening both isreally beneficial because then you knowit’s going to be really cultured in yourgut and you have to in those it is apriam probiotic contains both okay isthat in powder form or is that in itisn’t a powdered form and it isn’t avery powdered sweet you know it’s it’sit’s very lovely to eat it doesn’t tastebad or anything it’s in a powder and youdon’t have to refrigerate it and youtake about a half a teaspoon two times aday and you can put it in anything itdoesn’t matter just right we put it inyou can put it in a smoothie and we useit a lot as i said for what we’reshowing you the fermented products thatwe make here i make a yogurt I’ll makethat for you guys sometime it’s like aprobiotic milk which is really creamyand rich to use for cereals and chiapudding and things like that I know yousay use it twice a day but do you haveto or if you use half a teaspoon once aday no you die honestly I don’t use itvery often on its own because I’m eatingfermented foods and once you get a goodhealthy gut microbiomeyou know you’re there it’s just aboutmaintenance you know so you’re not gonnahave to do it as often and this goesthrough the stomach into the gut withoutthe structure right mm-hmmokay yeah and since I’ve been on itsince I’ve been here at life tree I’vereally seen an improvement yeah me too Imean my digestion is so much betterI can’t even yeah and you know you knowwhen your digestion is good and whenit’s not good when your stools are notformed and you know when you’re notassimilating the nutrients and you’retired and you have dry skin or you knowyou have other signs in your body thatyou’re not getting your nutrients andyour digestion isn’t optimal so what’syour website my website my website isViera vitality calm all that informationI did pass on to Sandy yesterday and Iwill stick that in another we can putthat on this post as well but I have aFacebook page I’m Charmaine Vieira and Ialso have a private group calledCharmaine’s raw and real tribe I’dreally love to invite you into thatbecause that’s where I communicateregularly with people and I postchallenges and my free ebooks thatencouragement and there’s support in thegroup and she post things on Bibleexplorations Facebook – can you go backto that couple please – whatever I knowyou guys some Elmo Joseph yes how areyou Wow such a great joy to see you bothWow god bless you both I’m so happy tosee you in a while well God is goodright he’s so faithful yes yep thank youfor sharing with usyou’re welcome my pleasure we enjoy itElena I just really enjoy it and it’s agift to see you both today I’m justreally overjoyed with that makes me wantto cry have questions there’s still alot of people on here anybody haveanything for anybody out there ask meanything in the universe withindescription you do you do wildcraftingon where you were somewhere our next ournext our next zoom that we do with Bibleexplorations well we’ll take youupstairs because this place isphenomenalyou all would be just thrilled to see itwe have an herbal farmerie upstairs it’sphenomenal and we’ve got some amazingfolks that work here that really havesome gifts with Gods you know God’snatural remedies and I can show you someamazing things in fact I really wantedto show you the benefits of pine needlespine needles believe it or not we makeon an oil here in oil blend that’s veryhealing and helps to alleviate pain alsoyou can make tea with finally and veryhealing so want to show some of thesethings to y’all but we won’t be doing itthis time we’ll do it next time okaywhen is next time what’s that I don’tknow I’ll have to check with Sandy youknow even I could do it once a week thatwould be awesome we’re gonna be having aprayer meeting this way even when theylift everything we’re gonna still do itthis way once a week so we can have youcome in first and then have the prayermeeting or whatever we can do somethingokay cool Dasiaokay before and we’ll just I’ll keepbusy okay you’re in our prayers sure meoh thank you so much thank you Iappreciate thatanybody else questionsthe chef awaits what about what aboutcedar berries cedar berries I don’t knowyou know I got a video out there on wildedibles a walk through the forest uphere of the Pacific Northwest check outmy youtube site okayCharmaine Vieira on YouTubeI’ve got dig down in there go down on myvideo list you’ll see how to forage forwild edibles and build super immunityyou’ll see that video it’s really goodthat’s what I’m getting into all lookfor it yeah look for it it’s full of I’mfollowing a botanist through the forestup here and she’s actually pickingthings as we walk holding them up andI’ve got them close up in the names ofthem and so you can you can see what’sedible the medicinal you know themedicinal value of each of the plantsthe herbs that she picked what about awater filter where can you get a goodwater filter I don’t know I’m drinkingsome amazing well water up here and Idon’t know move to Idaho you guys Ithought about it yeah thank again it’sbeautiful short growing season but Idon’t know hydroponics some of the otherthings that you can do up here yeahsounds good yeah any other questionsguys maybe everybody’s waiting forsomebody to ask somethingneed for me to pass this through thewhen you send me the recipes you’regonna send that one too rightokay we’re in idle or you located portal8 the center here venture the centerhere is in Coeur d’Alene which iscentral Idaho on the Washington bordernear near Spokane that place both handsyeah tell you the truth I had it wasalways a little speck on the map till Igot up here like what am I doing hereand show me you you see the man that youfollow do you know him man did Iwhat Flint and Schultz the one that washaving the talk before you came on I Ididn’t really yeah Yeah rightyes he’s retired but he’s come down herea few times right on here what’s upyou’re in hate it was I think it was thehate I got a shop here in Hayden sweetlittle church beautiful people out herehe’s a very good guy and his the YouTubethat he just did you should go watch itit’s very good very encouraging I willdo that fill up in the area then he’sokayyeah he just did this and it wasrecorded on our youtube okay for the onewith Clinton Schultz it he just didthat’s a very very good incursion womanI really like that one I will check itout it wasn’t heavy it wasn’t you knowthey’re all good but it was justencouraged a split Clinton is he’s avery kind man and very encouraging andreal we need that Christopher did youhave a question I saw you looking overthere were you just looking thank youfor all the time well I I do now afteryou pointing it out to me andcongratulations on your beautiful familythere yeah yeah he’s a cutie yeah butyeah I look forward to seeing more orI’m gonna check out your YouTube Ididn’t know you had a youtube I saw yourFacebookViera vitality I need a I need a help onthat kind of stuff I’ve got some techiestuff I it takes me a little time I goto Google Google my question then I goback and I try to figure it outso you know that’s how I get things doneyeahyeah if you want to do more once a monthonce a week whatever you tube thank youso much to all of you at Arabella welove you and we thank you so much forthe opportunity and we look forward todoing this alone all right