Waffles Recipes

How to cook eggs and waffles with pro chef

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Chef Matthew here okay how to cook someeggs and waffles all right first step tocook eggs you need eggs all rightthis is an egg it’s what we’re gonna putin the pan first get a bowl like thisthat’s a bowl then we move the forkcrack your egg nice crack all rightwe’re gonna make three eggs guys I’mkind of hungry so drop another one inthe front back top corner and you gottacook come just that good oh wow niceeggsfirst throw away your eggshells you knowyou got you got a paper towel way can’tlet the eggs go back that gabber fork soforth all right so the eggs I find theeggs look like thatwe can’t afford you gotta break that alittle bit do some so we put it back onthe paper towel holder you break youredgeall right now eggs are pretty start uppretty well you get some milk just dab alittle in there just like just like thatmuch you don’t want them to be like hardit’s like that milk in there I ringwe’re gonna be my cookin vignette youknow why is that like are you going backdown we’ll get back to cooking now startyou’re done stirring it should look likethat all mixed up now we need to getsome butter hold on hold on hold onfire step it’s right there come the ovenon dual let’s put it on and then youneed whatever one of these are called[Music]you take your butter because you knowwouldn’t you winner you spread butterbecause I don’t know where it isthey guide your butter now the pin needus there actually let’s get it let’s geta nice angle you see the pan you juststir in thereOh sizzle sizzle I might need to get thepaper on the fans but get nice andbuttered up so it doesn’t stickall right that’s pretty buttery I’m notgonna lie now that you got your pan hotand sizzling do one last little smashingstarter you know it’s like good we dumpit in the panoh yes all right we let that chill fromit we gotta make some waffles I got veryhigh quality stuff Phil waffles and mywaffles got some high quality stuff I gowaffles it’s not high quality but Ithink it is no it doesn’t look good Isay come over here you put the wafflesand the toaster just like just like thatdrop in there this nice little toasterand it cooks oh my god put it on like3:30 ish three four th has this taughtto lecture let your eggs chill for aminute there’s some clods baseball sowe’ll go chill watch that for a secondbad luck mancome here yeahyour dog come here can you look at myphone it’s kind of tough when your dogsdon’t like you forcefully the Bulls notthrown Barrymore you came to a gap whenthe ball goes in right now but we didn’tend up winning guys calm a spice doglooking back come back come backhoney friends good dog if you drop theball on me take a tennis ball down andgo back to now I touched that dirty dogstennis ball so you got you better gowatching its own that hold on theaggregate hold on yes we got it donemove around a little bit just like thisyou some do different phone action youcan you can sit bags kind of forming thepans also moving hold on let me stableit stabilizelittle bit start obviously I amapproaches other waffles are done Ifreaked cooking classes at Matthewcrawls house sometimes Gordon Ramsay’shere because I teach in two good-lookingyou gotta cut your eggs guys it justkeep them hot white got itthat’s a project every little born niceto get that while that’s not we need towash our hands for the end episodeABCD efg hijk LMNOP QRS something justcome with keep watching them and putthem into the water[Music]I got distracted else watching baseballand come out here and are nice-lookingitems I mean we’re gonna watch our bosswe grab a plate this is the nice datesof baby let me see how I’m gonna do thislike I don’t like this just don’t fit onyour plate those are nice eggs I shouldhave got a bigger plate you see thatsysm this just looks just like a gourmetrestaurant catch your eggs makes iteasier to eat the dogs are tiny gets onthey don’t get anynow that your eggs are cut like thatright come over here we need we need toget some pepper cuz like that from eggswhere’s pepper right therenight close your cabinet crop your phonecheck on the baseball game that’simportant to you pick your setting wewent like pretty tiny flakes we’re donewith pepper so put pepper up waffle timewith my clean hands and grab my waffleI’ve put it on the plate you got agourmet meal I think that’s that’s somegood stuff that is good stuff that’s itfor chef Max’s cooking tutorial I’m gladeveryone learned so much for meincluding Gordon Ramsay and GIMP again Idid teach Anthony not flex but I did[Music]fun stufftaking my stuff all right you get a forkyou come over here this is probably thebest syrup you’ll get in your life allright so get a paper plate what you doChef Matthew vidiians not done you putthe waffles on a separate type of flightbecause I need to put it in microwaveall right okay we’re gonna dump somesyrup on itnice-looking syrup on there proper phoneback up and right here we put in themicrowave put in there 30 seconds[Music]so here we go nitrate how you keeptreating I like you[Music]stand uptheythat’s my dog trick video for the dayall right come back over here yeah thewhole point of that let’s do it yoursyrup nice and hotalright so now we just scrape the waffleright back on your plate that is quite awhite goes starting the dirty ball wetmy gourmet I go walk-ins up I’m crazy[Music]you got a Matthew gourmet breakfast

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